Child Development and Pedagogy Quiz
Question 1: The word “Pedagogy” means?
(A) to educate the child
(B) to guide the child
(C) to understand the child
(D) to lead the child
Question 2: The use of technology to enhance learning process is called ____________ in education.
(B) Information technology
(C) Communication technology
(D) IT
Question 3: The best method to study growth and development of the child is __________.
(A) Comparative Method
(B) Psychoanalytic Method
(C) Statistical Method
(D) Developmental Method
Question 4: Pedagogy is the study of ___________ .
(A) Guiding Students
(B) Teaching Methods
(C) Education
(D) Teaching Methods
Question 5: Which one of the following indicates child’s physical growth?
(A) Quantitative
(B) Negative
(C) Qualitative
(D) Positive
Question 6: If a child has the mental age of 5 years and chronological age of 4 years then what will be the IQ of a child?
(A) 80
(B) 125
(C) 100
(D) 120
Question 7: Teachers should present information to the students clearly and in an interesting way, and relate this new information to the things students ________.
(A) already know
(B) don’t know
(C) not willing to know
(D) willing to know
Question 8: Term PSRN in development implies ______________ .
(A) Problem-solving relationship and numeracy
(B) Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
(C) Perceptual skill, relationship, and numbers
(D) Perceptual skill, reasoning, and numeracy
Question 9: “Individual learns from his own mistakes.” This statement is based on which learning theory?
(A) Insight
(B) Trial & Error
(C) Instrumental conditioning
(D) Classical conditioning
Question 10: What should be the role of teachers in meeting the individual differences?
(A) Try to adjust the curriculum as per the needs of individuals
(B) Try to know the abilities, interest and aptitude of individuals
(C) Option (A) and (B) Both
(D) None
Question 11: How a “Teacher” should behave with the students?
(A) Friend Like
(B) Father Like
(C) Elder Like
(D) General
Question 12: _______ is the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.
(A) Attitude
(B) Personality
(C) Intelligence
(D) Aptitude
Question 13: Who is regarded as the first teacher of a child?
(A) Tutor
(B) Headmaster
(C) Mother
(D) Class-Teacher
Question 14: Who is the father of genetic epistemology?
(A) Dewey
(B) Vygotsky
(C) Bruner
(D) Piaget
Question 15: ___________ is the ratio of mental age to the chronological age multiplied by 100.
(A) Intelligence quotient
(B) Emotional quotient
(C) Both
(D) None
Question 16: Toy age refers to __________ .
(A) Late Childhood
(B) Early Childhood
(C) Babyhood
(D) All of above
Question 17: A child writes with his / her left hand and is comfortable doing things with it, she/he should be ________.
(A) Made to write with the left hand
(B) Discouraged
(C) Allow his preference
(D) Send to seek medical help
Question 18: Which of the following statement is not appropriate to motivation as a process?
(A) It satisfies the person’s biological needs
(B) It keeps away from an unpleasant situation
(C) It helps in achieving a psychological ambition
(D) It causes a person to move towards a goal
Question 19: Language of word is not necessary for ___________ .
(A) Perceptual Thinking
(B) Associative Thinking
(C) Conceptual Thinking
(D) Imaginative Thinking
Question 20: Which of the following is NOT a sign of ‘being gifted’ ?
(A) Interest in extra reading
(B) Poor relationship with peers
(C) Creativity
(D) Curiosity
Read this as well:
Question 21: Which of the following statements is not true?
(A) Learning is a process of behavioral changes
(B) Education is a goal-oriented process
(C) Development is a quantitative process
(D) Growth is a biological process
Question 22: According to John Dewey, school is a ________ institution, and education is a ________ process.
(A) environmental, psychological
(B) philosophical, philosophical
(C) social, philosophical
(D) social, social
Question 23: Which of the following is not the tool for Formative Assessment in scholastic domain?
(A) Conversation Skill
(B) Multiple Choice Question
(C) Projects
(D) Oral Questions
Question 24: Which of the following statement is not true in case of multiple-choice questions?
(A) Even an inexperienced teacher can prepare the questions easily
(B) Error-free and quick evaluation is possible by computer
(C) Only one of the choices is the correct answer
(D) All choices appear to be plausible
Question 25: Special education is related to ___________ .
(A) Training program for retarded
(B) Training programs for Teachers
(C) Educational programs for disabled
(D) Educational for talented students
Question 26: Which of the following should be used to increase correct responses and appropriate behavior?
(A) Praise
(B) Reward
(C) Strictness
(D) Ignorance
Question 27: Both the chronological age and the mental age of a pupil is 7 years. He may be classified into which category?
(A) Genius
(B) Superior intelligence
(C) Normal intelligence
(D) Below normal intelligence
Question 28: As people grow older, the ______ of learning declines
(A) quantity
(B) quality
(C) speed
(D) power
Question 29: According to John Dewey, schools must prepare students for _______.
(A) present life
(B) entrepreneurship
(C) future life
(D) research
Question 30: What type of evaluation identifies the learning deficiencies and difficulties of the learners?
(A) Diagnostic
(B) Continuous
(C) Summative
(D) Placement
Question 31: Which indicates the change in the quality or character of a child?
(A) Environment
(B) Learning
(C) Development
(D) Growth
Question 32: Who is the father of the “Theory of Multiple Intelligence”?
(A) Piaget
(B) Bruner
(C) Vygotsky
(D) Gardner
Question 33: Single-factor theory of intelligence was given by _______ .
(A) Alfred Binet
(B) Freeman
(C) Thorndike
(D) None
Question 34: Learning depends on cognitive development?
(A) Some Times
(B) Never
(C) Always
(D) In the calculation
Question 35: Who gives more stress to the philosophy of social constructivism?
(A) Kohlberg
(B) Piaget
(C) Dewey
(D) Vygotsky
Question 36: The best place of social development for a 12 years old child is ______ .
(A) Neighborhood
(B) Family
(C) Playground
(D) School
Question 37: Select “the educable” group of students from the following groups, indicating different I.Q. levels:
(A) 30 to 50
(B) 70 to 90
(C) 50 to 70
(D) 40 to 80
Question 18: Theory of multiple intelligence implies the following except
(A) intelligence is a distinct set of processing operations used by an individual to solve
(B) disciplines should be presented in a number of ways
(C) learning could be assessed through a variety of means
(D) emotional intelligence is not related to IQ
Question 39: Nature of children are like __________ .
(A) Destructive
(B) Imaginative
(C) Constructive
(D) Imitative
Question 40: IQ scores are generally ______ correlated with academic performance
(A) Perfectly
(B) Least
(C) Moderately
(D) Highly
Question 41: Gifted students are ________ .
(A) non-assertive of their needs
(B) independent of teachers
(C) independent in their judgments
(D) introvert in nature
Question 42: What is the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge?
(A) Intelligence
(B) Personality
(C) Attitude
(D) Aptitude
Question 43: The cardinal principles of learner-centered education are ______.
(A) Learning by doing
(B) Learning by living
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None
Question 45: Adolescents may experience ________ .
(A) feeling of satiation about life
(B) feeling of self-actualization
(C) feeling of fear about sins committed in childhood
(D) anxiety and concern about themselves
Question 46: Who is regarded as the first teacher of a child?
(A) Mother
(B) Headmaster
(C) Tutor
(D) Class-Teacher
Question 47: Sign of creative child is his/her _________ .
(A) Good behavior
(B) Intelligence
(C) Creativity
(D) Good memory
Question 48: Which one of the following is an example of a fine motor skill?
(A) Hopping
(B) Climbing
(C) Writing
(D) Running
Question 49: The raw material of thinking is _______.
(A) Symbols
(B) Semantics
(C) Man
(D) Child
Question 50: What is the unit of Heredity?
(A) Gene
(B) Chromosome
(C) Zygote
(D) fertilized cell