Objective Questions of Child Development and Pedagogy
Question 1: The spoken skills in a language teaching classroom can be developed through:
(A) Engaging in small talks as confident and aggressive learners
(B) Emotionally connecting with learners
(C) Enabling activities with a focus on conversation skills leading to communicative competence
(D) Group activities where learners can talk in whichever language they would like to
Question 2: Evaluation should be done in teaching of mathematics ________.
(A) At the time of providing experience of learning
(B) At the time of clarification of objectives
(C) After the clarification of objectives and providing the experiences of learning
(D) At all the above levels
Question 3: Truth can ultimately be derived only from direct observations. This assumption about EVS is called ______.
(A) Determinism
(B) Scepticism
(C) Empiricism
(D) Parsimony
Question 4: Skinner’s concept of reinforcement is that:
(A) Reinforcement on correct responses increases the possibility of further correct responses
(B) Reinforcement is to be given after the elicit of the behaviour not before it
(C) Both of these
(D) None
Question 5: The idea of programmed instruction was first given by _______.
(A) Pressey
(B) Skinner
(C) Ramont
(D) Kilpatric
Question 6: Which of the following test is taken to know the mutual behavior of male and female students?
(A) Personality test
(B) Sociogram
(C) Rorschach test
(D) Anecdotal record
Question 7: Younger children upto 10 years should be _________.
(A) Be given the homework for memorize them
(B) Be given the writing work as homework
(C) Not be given homework
(D) Be given such work which could be done by their parents
Question 8: Which habit is found more and more in Childhood?
(A) Studying
(B) Fighting
(C) Mimicking
(D) None
Question 9: Vygotsky proposed that child development is _______.
(A) Due to genetic components of a culture
(B) product of social interaction
(C) product of formal education
(D) product of assimilation and accommodation
Question 10: To develop correct pronunciation in children teacher should _____ .
(A) Write dictation
(B) Do correct pronunciation during teaching so that children can follow him
(C) Make pressure for reading
(D) Discuss on correct pronunciation
Question 11: Which of the following methods are/is used to teach at reflective level?
(A) Seminars
(B) Group discussions
(C) Essay type test
(D) All of these
Question 12: Which of the following is not emphasized in memory level of teaching?
(A) Cramming of the learnt material
(B) Presenting the subject matter by giving least freedom to pupils
(C) Conducting test along with teaching
(D) Helping the pupil generalize the acquired knowledge
Question 13: Sentence is taught prior to words in language. This maxim of teaching is based on ________ .
(A) Gestalt experiment
(B) Hull’s experiment
(C) The maxim from simple to complex
(D) Principles of teaching technology
Question 14: Which of the following is not the assumption of behaviour technology?
(A) Teacher’s behaviour is directly influenced by social and psychological conditions
(B) Teacher’s behaviour can be observed
(C) Teacher’s behaviour is absolute, i.e. all teachers can be made equally effective
(D) Behaviour can be modified and improved by using reinforcement devices and by imitating good models
Question 15: Teaching theories give ______ .
(A) Knowledge of assumptions and principles to teachers by studying the effects of independent variables on dependent one
(B) Knowledge about different levels of teaching and models of teaching concurrent to it
(C) Knowledge about how to investigate teaching problems and how to solve them
(D) None
Question 16: The best method to study growth and development of the child is ________.
(A) Psychoanalytic Method
(B) Comparative Method
(C) Developmental Method
(D) Statistical Method
Question 17: Which one of the following is the true statement corresponding to Cephalocaudal Principle of Child’s Development?
(A) Development is from head to foot
(B) Development is from foot to head
(C) Development is from middle to periphery
(D) None
Question 18: Socialization is a process by which children and adults learn from __________.
(A) Family
(B) School
(C) Peers
(D) All of Above
Question 19: Term PSRN in development implies ________.
(A) Problem solving, reasoning and numeracy
(B) Problem solving relationship and numeracy
(C) Perceptual skill, reasoning and numeracy
(D) Perceptual skill, relationship and numbers
Question 20: Determinants of Individual differences in human beings relate to _______.
(A) Differences in Environment
(B) Differences in Heredity
(C) Interaction between Heredity and Environment
(D) Both Heredity and Environment interacting separately
Question 21: Which of the following does not belong to the categories of Coping strategies that women commonly engaged in ________.
(A) Acceptance
(B) Resistance
(C) Revolution
(D) Adaptation
Question 22: “A Child can think logically about objects and events” This is the characteristic given by Piaget of stage ________.
(A) Sensory Motor
(B) Pre Operational
(C) Concrete Operational
(D) Formal Operation
Question 23: Which of the following is the true statement in reference to Intelligence?
(A) Intelligence is the ability to adjust
(B) Intelligence is the ability to learn
(C) Intelligence is the ability of Abstract Reasoning
(D) All of Above
Question 24: Vygotsky proposed that Child Development is ________.
(A) Due to genetic components of a culture
(B) A product of social interaction
(C) Product of formal education
(D) A product of assimilation and accommodation
Question 25: Gardner formulated a list of Seven Intelligencies, which among the following is not one of them?
(A) Spatial Intelligence
(B) Emotional Intelligence
(C) Interpersonal Intelligence
(D) Linguistic Intelligence
Question 26: What should be the role of teacher in meeting individual differences?
(A) Try to know the abilities, interest and aptitude of individuals
(B) Try to adjust the curriculum as per the needs of individuals
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None
Question 27: If a child has mental age of 5 years and chronological age of 4 years than what will be the IQ of child?
(A) 125
(B) 80
(C) 120
(D) 100
Question 28: The major purpose of diagnostic test is that of identifying _________.
(A) The General area of weakness in class performance
(B) Specific nature of remedial Programme needed
(C) The causes underlying academic difficulties
(D) The specific nature of pupil difficulties
Question 29: A few students in your class are exceptionally bright, you will teach them ________.
(A) Along with the class
(B) Along with higher classes
(C) By using Enriched programmes
(D) Only when they want
Question 30: Which of the following is not the tool for Formative Assessment in a scholastic domain?
(A) Conversation Skill
(B) Multiple Choice Question
(C) Projects
(D) Oral Questions
Question 31: Which of the following Motives are considered as primary motives?
(A) Physiological Motives
(B) Psychological Motives
(C) Social Motives
(D) Educational Motives
Question 32: It is said that teachers should be resourceful, This means that __________.
(A) He should have enough money and property so that he may not have to take up tuitions
(B) He should have contacts with high authorities so that he may not be harmed
(C) He should have adequate knowledge so that he may be able to solve the problems of students
(D) He should have good reputation among students so that authorities may not be able to take any punitive measure against him
Question 33: Who was the pioneer of Classical Conditioning?
(A) Skinner
(B) Pavlov
(C) Watson
(D) Thorndike
Question 34: The term Identical Elements is closely associated with _______.
(A) Similar test questions
(B) Jealousy between peers
(C) Transfer of learning
(D) Group Instructions
Question 35: An intelligent student is not doing well in studies. What is the best course of action for the teacher?
(A) Wait till he performs better
(B) Find out reason for his under achievement
(C) Give him grace marks in the examination
(D) Ask his parents to withdraw from school
Question 36: Which of the following are the External Factors affecting the interest of students in the classroom?
(A) Emotions and Sentiments
(B) Culture and Training
(C) Attitudes of students
(D) Goals and motives
Question 37: Creative writing should be an activity planned for _________.
(A) Only those children reading on grade level
(B) Only those children spell and write cohesive sentences
(C) Only those children who want to write for newspaper
(D) All children
Question 38: Cognitive Development means
(A) Development of Intelligence
(B) Development of child
(C) Development of Physical Skills
(D) Development of individual
Question 39: What are the factors related to learners that effects learning?
(A) Physical and Mental health of the learner
(B) Level of aspiration and achievement motivation
(C) Readiness and Willpower
(D) All of Above
Question 40: Special education is related to _______.
(A) Educational for talented students
(B) Educational programmes for disabled
(C) Training programmes for Teachers
(D) Training programme for retarded
Question 41: In CCE, Formative and Summative Assessments total to ________.
(A) 40% and 60% respectively
(B) 60% and 40% respectively
(C) 50% and 50% respectively
(D) None
Question 42: Frobel’s most important contribution to education was his development of the ________.
(A) Vocational school
(B) Kindergarten
(C) Public school
(D) Latin school
Question 43: Which article enjoins that “All minorities whether based on religion or language shall have the right to establish and administer education institutions of their choice”?
(A) Article 29 (1)
(B) Article 29 (2)
(C) Article 30 (1)
(D) Article 30 (2)
Question 44: If a child writes 16 as 61 and gets confused between Band D, this is case of ________.
(A) Visual Impairment
(B) Learning Disability
(C) Mental Impairment
(D) Mental Retardation
Question 45: A major strength of ecological theory is its framework for explaining ________.
(A) Environmental influences on development
(B) Biological influences on development
(C) Cognitive development
(D) Affective processes in development
Question 46: All of the following advanced principles of child development are closely allied to the stimulus response learning theory, except _______.
(A) Pavilov
(B) J B Waston
(C) Hull
(D) Gesell
Question 47: The process whereby genetic factors limit an individual’s responsiveness to the environment is known as _________.
(A) Canalization
(B) Discontinuity
(C) Differentiation
(D) Range of reaction
Question 48: In order to develop the spirit of labour in students _________.
(A) The teacher himself should indulge in labour
(B) The teacher should deliver lectures on the importance of labour
(C) Students should be given opportunities to do labour from time to time
(D) Students should be given examples of laboring people
Question 49: The key difference between evolutionary and cultural change is that evolutionary change alters _______ whereas cultural change alters _________.
(A) Reproduction, Environment
(B) Heredity, Environment
(C) Environment, Behavior
(D) Development, Learning