Hello dear students, we have given here the Mahesh Mishra Math Book PDF to you. This book will make the maths subject easy to understand to you.
The mathematics questions are asked in each and every Competitive Exam. So this PDF of Mahesh Mishra Math Book will let you understand the mathematics question easily. Also, there are solutions available to every question asked in the book.
The Question available in the book will help you to practice more and also help in preparations for all competitive exams. This will boost your score in all types of exams.
Let’s read some basic information and download this book:
Book Name | Maths Book in Hindi |
Written By | Mahesh Mishra |
Edited By | Raj Rajesh |
Useful for | All Competitive Exams held in the year 2022 |
Published By | Sumitra Prakashan |
Language | Hindi |
Book Content
This book covers the following important topics of math subject:
- सरलीकरण (Simplification)
- आसन्न मान (Approximate Value)
- समीकरणों की समानता (Equality Of Equations)
- घातक एवं करणी (Indices And Surds)
- लागुतम समापवर्त्य तथा महत्तम समापवर्त्य (LCM AND HCF)
- संख्या पद्धति (Number System)
- प्रतिशतता (Percentage)
- लाभ, हानि और बट्टा (Profit, Loss and Discount)
- साधन ब्याज (Simple Interest)
- चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज (Compound Interest)
- अनुपात एवं समानुपात (Ratio And Proportion)
- सझेदारी (Partnership)
- मिश्रण (Mixture)
- मिश्र समानुपात (Mixed Proportion)
- उम्र – सम्बन्धी प्रश्न (Problems On Ages)
- समय और काम (Time And Work)
- नल एवं टंकी (Pipes And Cristern)
- औसत (Average)
- समय और दुरी (Time And Distance)
- रेलगाड़ी से सम्बंधित प्रश्न (Problems Based On Trains)
- नाव एवं धरा (Boats And Stream )
- क्षेत्रफल (Aera)
- पुष्ट क्षेत्रफल तथा आयतन (Surface Aera And Volume)
- आकड़ो की पर्याप्तता (Data Sufficiency)
- संख्या – क्षेणी (Number Series)
- क्रमचय और संचय (Permutation And Combination)
- प्रायिकता – सिधांत (Probability – Theory)
- एकघातीय और द्विघातीय समीकरण (Liner & Quadratic Equations)
- ग्राफ (Graph)
- समीकरण (Tabulation)
- लघुगणक (Logarithms)
- क्षेणी (Progression)
Download Mahesh Mishra Tricky Maths in Hindi PDF:
In this book, there is the all important topic of mathematics which will help you in all types of competitive exams. Let’s grab this awesome maths book:
- Mahesh Mishra Math Book PDF in Hindi – Download
- Sumitra Tricky Mathematics Book PDF
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