Blood Relation Family Relationship Reasoning 8
Family Relationship Puzzle questions form a very interesting subset of the blood relation questions.
The various permutations of the relationship tree are to be understood. As is true with the entire section of reasoning ability, the more you practice, the easier it gets!
Here we provided Blood Relation Riddle. Here you will find interesting and fun Blood riddles, brain teasers display Your Intelligence with Riddles.
Test Series – 2
Test Series – 3 Coded Blood Relation
Test Series – 4
Test Series – 5 Riddle Question
Test Series – 6 Family Relation Riddle
Test Series – 7 Family Relationship Puzzle
Test Series – 8 Family Relationship
Test Series – 9 Symbolic Coded Relations
Test Series – 10 Symbolic Relations
A solved example of the Blood Relationships Riddle is given below for understanding the concept.
Question: B, the son of A was married to C, whose sister D was married to E, the brother of B. How D is related to A?
(A) Sister
(B) Daughter-in-law
(C) Sister-in-law
(D) Cousin
Question: A is the brother of B and C, D is C’s mother. D is B’s sister and E is B’s sister. How is C related to E?
(A) Niece
(B) Cousin
(C) Aunt
(D) Mother
Question: M is father of N. L is brother of M. P is mother of L. How is N related to P?
(A) Grandson
(B) Nephew
(C) Granddaughter
(D) Cannot be determined
Question: A’s mother is sister of B and has a daughter C. How is A related to B?
(A) Niece
(B) Uncle
(C) Daughter
(D) Father
Question : A man ‘Z’ goes to a party hosted by his brother ‘A’ who has a daughter B. ‘B’ is dancing with her brother C. What is Z to C?
(A) Uncle
(B) Nephew
(C) Father
(D) Not related to C
Question: Mr. ‘A’ meets Mrs. ‘B’. B is the father of a son C and a daughter D. E is the mother of A. C is married and has one son. E is the daughter-in-law of B. How is A related to B?
(A) Uncle
(B) Grandson
(C) Son
(D) Nephew
Question: Nikunj is Gattu’s brother. Nitu is Nikunj’s sister. Nalin is Gattu’s father. Kavita is Nitu’s mother. Abhay is the father of Nalin’s grandson. What is Gattu’s relation to Abhay?
(A) Brother
(B) Uncle
(C) Sister
(D) Cannot be determined
Question: P is the father of X. Q is the mother of Y. The sister of X and Z is Y. Which of the following statements is definitely not true?
(A) Q is the wife of P
(B) Q has one daughter
(C) Y is the son of P
(D) X is the sister of Z
Question: If A is P’s sister. C is P’s mother, D is C’s father and E is D’s mother, then how is A related to D?
(A) Grandmother
(B) Grandfather
(C) Daughter
(D) Granddaughter
Questions: Jaydip is brother of Ravi. Rita is sister of Atul. Ravi is son of Rita. How is Jaydip related to Rita?
(A) Brother
(B) Nephew
(C) Father
(D) Son
Questions: B is the brother of C who is the daughter of D. W is the husband of D. How B is related of W?
(A) Daughter
(B) Niece
(C) Son
(D) Data inadequate
Study the following information and answer the questions:
All the six members of a family P, Q, R, S, T and U are traveling together. Q is the son of R but R is not the mother of Q, P and R are a married couple. S is the daughter of P. T is brother of R. U is the brother of Q.
(i) Who is the mother of Q?
(A) P
(B) S
(C) T
(D) U
(ii) Which of the following is a pair of females?
(A) SU
(B) PT
(C) PS
(D) QS
(iii) How many children does P have?
(A) Three
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) Four
(iv) Who is the wife of the T?
(A) Q
(B) P
(C) U
(D) Cannot be determined
(v) How many male members are there in the family?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
(vi) How is T related to S?
(A) Uncle
(B) Father
(C) Brother
(D) Cannot be determined