Blood relationship Riddle forms an important part of the reasoning section in most of the competitive exams. Based on the information given, you are required to find the blood relation between particular members of the family.
Here Team JobsCaptain provided, Blood Relation Riddles With Answers section with explanation for various online exam preparation, various interviews, Logical Reasoning Category online test.
Are you seeking for good platform for practicing Blood Relations questions in online. This is the right place. This Quiz contain the Reasoning of Blood Relations Riddle questions with answer.
Test Series – 2
Test Series – 3 Coded Blood Relation
Test Series – 4
Test Series – 5 Riddle Question
Test Series – 6 Family Relation Riddle
Test Series – 7 Family Relationship Puzzle
Test Series – 8 Family Relationship
Test Series – 9 Symbolic Coded Relations
Test Series – 10 Symbolic Relations
A solved example of the Blood Relationships Riddle is given below for understanding the concept.
Question : ‘Jay’ is son of ‘Sunil’. ‘Dhanpal’ is the son of ‘Babbar’. ‘Jay’ is married to ‘Chandrika’. ‘Chandrika’ is ‘Babbars’s daughter. Identify how ‘Dhanpal’ is related to ‘Jay.’?
(A) Brother-in-law
(B) Uncle
(C) Brother
(D) Father-in-law
Question : P’s father is G’s son. H is the paternal uncle of P and M is brother of G’s. How is M related to H?
(A) Nephew
(B) Brother
(C) Cousin
(D) None of these
Question : A and B are sisters. P is the son of Q and B is the mother of Q. If C is the son of A, which of the following relations is correct?
(A) A is the grand mother of P
(B) C and Q are cousins
(C) There are two grand sons of B
(D) Nothing can be said
Question : Read the statements:
‘B’ is the father of ‘C’ but ‘C’ is not his son. ‘Q’ is the daughter of ‘C’.’A’ is the spouse of ‘B’. ‘P’ is the brother of ‘C’. ‘R’ is the son of ‘P’. ‘S’ is the spouse of ‘P’. ‘T’ is the father of ‘S’.
(i) Who is the grand daughter of ‘B’?
(A) R
(B) P
(C) Q
(D) C
(ii) Who is the son-in-law of ‘T’?
(A) P
(B) R
(C) C
(D) B
Question : Introducing a man, a lady said “His mother is the only daughter of my mother.” How the man is related to that lady?
(A) Son
(B) Grandson
(C) Brother
(D) Father
Question : Pointing to a photograph, Piyush said, “She is the daughter of my grandfather’s only son,” How is the Piyush related to the girl in the photograph?
(A) Father
(B) Brother
(C) Cousin
(D) Data inadequate
Question : Pointing to a man on the stage, Nikki said, “He is the brother of the daughter of the wife of my husband.” How is the man on the stage related to Nikki?
(A) Husband
(B) Son
(C) Nephew
(D) Cousin
Question : A man pointing to a photograph says, “The women in the photograph is my nephew’s maternal grandmother”. How is the women in the photograph related to the man’s sister who has no other sister?
(A) Mother
(B) Sister
(C) Sister-in-law
(D) Mother-in-law
Question : Pointing towards Reeta, Prashant said, “I am the only son of her mother’s son.” How is Reeta related to Prashant?
(A) Cousin
(B) Mother
(C) Niece
(D) Aunt
Question : Mehul told Meena, “The girl I met yesterday at the beach was the youngest daughter of the brother-in-law of my friend’s mother”. How is the girl related to Mehul’s friend?
(A) Daughter
(B) Neice
(C) Cousin
(D) Friend