After higher school examination the next concern of every student and parents as well is to choose the right college.
Different people have varying reasons for choosing a certain college. If you search then you will find even some weird reasons too for choosing a specific college other than sensible ones like choosing a college just because the food in the canteen is superb!
In previous article we discussed What to do after 12th? Today we are going to tell you which college is right for you?
Choosing a right college is a very important decision so remember that it is your choice after considering certain general points.
Do not take admission in any college just because your best friend is going there as one’s dream college can prove as a nightmare for you since everyone has his/her individual priorities.
Why Need to Go to College?
After completing high school one has two options one is to go to college for further studies or opt for some job and if you do not have some unavoidable financial or other crisis then going for college is the best option.
According to a survey of the year 2020, college graduates earn 84% more compared to those who do not go to college. At this stage, it is quite possible that you are not aware of your career priorities and college will give you time to discover, explore and evolve.
How to Choose the Right College?
Choosing the right college means a lot as you will decide not only a place where you will spend three or four years of your life but also an institution which tally in the best manner to your individual personality and interest.
You can choose to compare different colleges. The best way to do this is to prepare a list of your choices or preferences and then compare how each college in the list prepared is offering them.
What is the key preference whether it is location, course, cost or size? Similar to human personality, each university or college has its own special features.
If you choose a college which is close to your preferences then you will find it easier to adjust there and it will also make your experience in the college better.
Consider Affordability
The cost of study in different colleges varies from university to another. Other than tuition fees, you need to consider additional fees, books, housing (if you need to stay away from house) and other general expenses like parking, phone bills etc.
However, the good news is that these days you can get help in the form of study loan or scholarships etc. (Also Read – Tips For Managing A Student Loan)
You can enquire about different paying options from the college so that you know beforehand how to pay for your expenses at the college.
Remember, cost must not come in the way of making your dreams come true.
Life at College
Undoubtedly, the primary motive of choosing the right college is to get high-quality education but it is also true that you are not going to study 24/7.
College life is very different than high school life. Everyone want to enjoy his/her college life, but with enjoyment attention towards career is also important thing.
In other words, you also need some extra curricular activities which will prove helpful in making friends, relieve stress and having fun.
We hope above information will help you to find out which college is the perfect match for you.
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