Confused over SSC CGL Post Preferences? Here are the Topmost sought Posts for SSC CGL 2022 Exam.
SSC CGL is one of the most popular exam among Graduates in India. The reason for this popularity is that is this exam is the gateway to high profile Group B and C Jobs in Central Government Departments and Ministries. Unlike, UPSC which does the Recruitment for Gazetted posts, SSC does the hiring for Non-Gazetted posts.
If, you have little knowledge about CGL Exam, then you should read our previous post on SSC CGL Notification. Here, you will get to know the Exam Dates, Syllabus, Pattern and Scheme of CGL Exam.
Well, this article is about Top 5 posts for SSC CGL 2022 Exam. As, we all know, there are many posts in CGL Exam.
Approximately, there are 29 categories of posts in CGL Exam, and the most challenging part while filling out the CGL Online application form, is to Choose the Best Post preferences for CGL Exam.
However, Today’s article is focused on the Posts that Toppers go far. While giving the explanation, we have taken various factors into account like Promotions, Pay-Scale, Job Profile, Location etc.
This post is based on Independent analysis and cannot be taken as Exam advice. It is only up to you to choose, your preferred posts for CGL Exam.
Top 5 Posts for SSC CGL
This article will bring to you the top 5 SSC CGL Posts and why to choose them.
1. Examiner
Since the start of CGL Exam, Examiner Or Inspector in Customs Department is the First choice among Topper and here are few reason, that why the Examiner is the No.1 choice of aspirants applying for Combined Graduate Level Exam.
- This post carries the highest promotion expectancy among all CGL posts.
- Secondly, the Customs department is quite infamous, or we can say that it is one of the most corrupt departments among Central Gov. Departments and Ministries and this makes it the favourite among the aspirants.
- Examiner posts come with great combination of authority and workload. From Day 1 you will enjoy the power in your hands.
- Location of Examiner post is in Coastal Regions Like, Mumbai. Kolkatta, Goa etc. If you are from North India and have homesickness, then this post is not suitable for you.
- If you are preparing for UPSC Exam, then this is not so good post, as you won’t get much time for preparation
2. Income Tax Inspector
The 2nd most popular post is Inspector in Income Tax Inspector. In 2022 CGL Exam, 15 out of 20 aspirants have chosen Income Tax Inspector, as their First preference.
- Chances of Promotions are good, but not as good as Examiner post, but still way to get pay rise, you can get 5-6 promotions, during your entire service period.
- Getting Home State Location makes it the Top choice of aspirants, as we have Income Tax Offices in each and every state of India.
- At the initial stage, you won’t have too much power or Signing authority. You will get signing authority, only after you are prompted to Income tax officer (ITO).
- If, you are preparing for UPSC Exam, then this is a good choice, as with less work load, you will get more time to prepare for the exam.
- Inspector posts in IT Department, offers good work life balance and respect in the society.
3. Excise Inspector
This is also the one of the most sought after post post for CGL Aspirants. Here, you will find the merits, that makes Excise Inspector, as top notch post in CGL Exam.
- You are likely to get your Home State for this post, as there are too many vacancies for Excise Inspectors. For the 2022 CGL Exam there were 500+ vacancies of Excise Inspectors.
- Excise Inspectors are given 3 Star Uniform, which is also very much appealing.
- Moreover, there is Job Diversity in this Job, which means, you can get posting in different departments and sections.
- Here, you have good work life balance and respect as it is a Uniform Job.
- The only Demerit of this Job is Slow promotions. An Excise inspector, can get fewer promotions as compared to other posts. You will get only 3-4 promotions in your entire service.
4. Assistant in MEA and CSS
Being an Office Jobs with timings 9: 30 am to 5:00 PM and posting in Delhi, makes it the 4th most popular Jobs in SSC Combined Graduate Level.
- Assistants in Ministry of External Affairs can get even Foreign posting.
- It is desk Job, that offers work like balance, with medium workload and the No.1 choice of Girls.
- While the Promotion chances in CSS are extremely good as compared to Assistants in MEA
- With posting in Delhi, you can prepare for UPSC Exams, as in the National Capital, you will have access to best coaching Institutes of the country and you can join weekend classes.
5. Assistant Enforcement Officer / Sub Inspector (CBI)
AEO and SI in CBI are the 5th most popular Jobs for CGL aspirants.
- Huge respect in the Society and Job Diversity. Overall, it is an interesting Job.
- If you are a hard worker and looking for interesting work profile, then these are the posts, you should apply for
- In CBI the salary is good, here, you will get 13 months salary and even the Grade pay has been increased from Rs 4200 to Rs 4600
- From UPSC point of view, this is not a preferable post, as you won’t get time for preparation.
That’s all. We have discussed the Jobs Profile of the 5 Top Posts for CGL 2022 Exam. We hope your doubt is clear on What is the best post in the SSC CGL.
If you want to prepare for SSC CGL exams, Read here Most Recommended Books for SSC CGL Exam
Thank you. Stay Connected with JobsCaptain.
If you want to give any suggestions regarding the Top 5 Posts for SSC CGL, please do comment below, it will be helpful to all Staff Selection Commission – Combined Graduate Level Examination candidates.
Thanks for share truly helpful SSC CGL post preference guide 2021.
Thanks for sharing SSC CGL posts and salary.
please share about SSC CGL post preference for female