As the Engineering entrance ranks and results are out now, the next focus of the students will be, selecting colleges and branches. Students should select the branch based on their personal interest, capabilities and job opportunities in that particular branch.
If the students select the branch without any interest, based on the parent’s pressure or getting influenced by their friends, the student will face many difficulties in the course period or in his career. It is good for the student to select the branch based on his passion and career goal. In this process, students should take feedback from parents, teachers, friends, experts etc…
The student should give first preference to the colleges which has good reputation. Though, if the student did not get seat in these reputed colleges, he should not get unhappy and down his moral. If the student has passion for the subject and will to get succeed in his career, the student can achieve this by studying in the normal colleges also.
If the student has communication skills and grip towards the subject, opportunities are open in all the branches. But out of all the branches, there is great demand for circuit branches.

Today we shared analysis of different engineering branches and their opportunities:
1. Electronics
The hot favourite branch for engineering students is Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE). Due to the vast increase of electrical appliances and its industry day by day, there is a lot of need for experts in this area. This software and hardware is used right from Televisions, Cell Phones to Radars and in turn there are millions of jobs creating every day.
That is the reason there is much demand and competition for this branch among engineering students. And in this, there will be much more opportunities, if the students concentrate on Micro-Electronics Specialization.
- If the student have grip on Mathematics and Physics, he/she can choose ECE.
- If the student completes B.Tech ECE, there are many opportunities in India and abroad also.
- If these Electronics Engineering students have also knowledge of software, there are job opportunities waiting in many prestigious companies like Motorola, IBM, Intel etc.
2. Electrical
If the students want to join in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (EEE) branch, they should have complete knowledge and interest in Mathematics and Physics subjects. The speciality of this branch is, if the student wants to go to Software sector or Hardware sector, he can switch easily.
There would be more opportunities in Maintenance Engineering. The students of EEE would have good opportunities in the following companies such as JE, NTPC, BHEL, Power Grid Corporation etc…
There are many power generation companies (both private and public) starting up these days to meet the demand of growing power consumption day by day. The specialization courses such as Power Electronics, Embedded Systems; High Voltage Engineering etc, has got great demand in the market.
3. Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology
Due to the recession software and information technology sectors has faced some obstacles and up and downs. These sectors have recovered from the recession and they are doing well now.
This has been reflected in the placements done for the branches of CSE and IT this year in various colleges. The majority of the companies which came to campus placements to the colleges are from Software sector only. Though there is some disturbance globally, the placements in this sector will grow aggressively after 2-3 years and many abroad companies will also participate.
As the IT sector is expanding its services rapidly to other sectors, there is no compulsion that the CSE or IT student has to get job in Software or IT company. There is no need for the student to depend on only these; he can select the sectors such as Legal Research, Accounts, Travel, Portfolio Management, Equity Research etc… In these sectors also there are vast opportunities for IT students.
4. Mechanical and Civil Engineering
Though these branches are the core branches and old branches of Engineering, these fields are also gaining their opportunities. And, these courses are also getting demand these days.
Civil Engineering has extended to Research on Environment and water facilities. Structural engineering has become one of the hottest specializations for civil students. Governments have been started up focusing on Water Projects, Multilevel Buildings, and Roads etc… Mostly all of them are using computer designs. And, that is the reason; the civil engineering students are learning the computer courses such as CAD, CAM etc.., to increase their strengths.
There is a great demand for specialization in Soil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Hydraulics. As the real estate sector has also increased rapidly, opportunities are also increasing for civil students.
The students who are taking these Mechanical and Civil Branches should have knowledge in Mathematics. The students should also have the capability to think creatively in this field. There are many opportunities in the Public sector also for mechanical and civil engineers.
5. Chemical Engineering and Bio-Technology
The main branches of engineering which are related to science are Chemical, Bio-Technology and Bio-Medical Engineering. The most demanded branch out of these is Chemical Engineering. There is a lot of gap of experts in this specialization.
Bio-Technology still needs to be stabilized. Though we are seeing boom in bio-technology in India, it still has to go into roots. The future is very bright for this sector. Bio-Medical is gradually increasing its importance these days in India.
To get succeed in these branches one should have knowledge in Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry subjects. There would be many challenges coming out of the research which we do every day. So, one has to be ready to face the challenges.
There are many good opportunities to study Chemical, Bio-Technology, Bio-Medical courses in India. There are many job opportunities abroad for these courses. Many of the Public and Private companies in the USA, Australia and European countries are providing good job opportunities for these students.
6. Research
Bio-Technology is the subject that gives more importance to research. This would have relationship with the following subjects, Bio-Chemistry, Genetics, Micro-Biology, Chemistry, Virology, Immunology etc…
Bio-Technology has also extended its use in Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Plant Sciences, Health and Medicine etc… Research, Marketing, Production departments of these sectors have opportunities for Bio-Technology experts. After Bio-Technology a student can start his career by joining as Associate in some of the research companies or as a Project Assistant in some of the Public and Private companies.
There is a good network for these Bio-Technology research organizations. Under CSRI, ICMR, IARI and DRDO many companies are undergoing research. This unity would help to increase the scope and opportunities of Bio-Technology in India. The most favourite jobs would be Research Scientist, Research Assistant etc…
Student Should Select the Branch Based on his Interest
The most important factor which we have to keep in mind while selecting the branch in engineering is the interest of the student. If the student wants to get succeed in his career through the Technical Courses, the student should have passion for the subject and a will to achieve something in the subject.
There is not much difference in the opportunities of various branches in Engineering. There are many opportunities in each of the branches, but the student should select the branch based on his interest, passion and like towards the subject.
- If a student is interested in computer programming, he can select CSE or IT
- If a student is interested in electronics or electrical related things, he can select ECE, EEE, EIE, ECM
- If a student is interested in machines, or designing automobile products, he can select Mechanical, Automobile, and Production Engineering
- If a student is interested in constructing buildings, roads and designing them, he can select Civil, B.Arch courses
- If a student is interested in production of pesticides, chemicals or producing petro chemical products, he can select Chemical Engineering
- If a student is interested in advance courses like, Bio-Energy, Bio-Drugs and Bio-Diesel, he can select Bio-Technology
- The branches of EEE and Mechanical will have more opportunities in Public sector than the other branches
- A student can gain knowledge on selecting the branch by, reading more articles on engineering, attending seminars and discussing with parents, teachers and friends
Above we shared the benefits of different engineering branches and opportunities in particular branches of engineering.
Also Read,
- How to Survive in Engineering College?
- Tips For Final Year Engineering Students To Improve Their Employability
- Computer Engineering Eligibility, Career Prospects & Salary
- Nuclear Engineering Career Scope, Job Profile, Eligibility and Colleges
Thank you for reading. We hope this article will help you to choose Best Engineering Branch. Furthermore, if you have still any confusion then do comment below your questions.