Mahesh Barnwal’s this book on Geography is full of knowledge. In this book, only relevant study notes are given related to Geography, especially if you are preparing for UPSC and State Civil Services.
This book covered all topics which are important in terms of UPSC and State Public Service Commission. So guys in my opinion once you should look at this. It is one of the best book for UPSC GEOGRAPHY.
Let’s read the index and download book:
Book Content
- भारत एक परिचय
भौतिक पहलू
- पृथ्वी की भूगर्भिक संरचना
- अपवाह तंत्र
- जलवायु
- भारत की मिट्टियाँ
- जीवमंडल
- पर्यावरण व पर्यटन
आर्थिक खंड
- भारत मे कृषि
- बहु उद्धेशीय परियोजना
- भारत का पशु संसाधन
- भारत के खनिज व ऊर्जा संसाधन
- उधोग
- बहुराष्ट्रीय कंपनियां एवं उदारीकरण
- मुक्त व्यापार व निर्यात संवर्धन के प्रयास
- भारत में परिवहन
मानवीय पहलू
- भारत की प्रजातियां जनजातियां
- भारत में जनसंख्या
- भारत में जनांकिकी गुण
- जनसंख्या विस्फोट एवं खाध सुरक्षा
- भारत में नगरीकरण
- राजनीतिक पहलू
This is a very good book for Civil Services examinations and yes, it provides a good source for the UPSC GS geography exam paper.
Good about this book
- Contains all the topics of geography
- The book is really good for revision of UPSC PRE and State PSC exam
- Good book for beginners and the language is user friendly.
- A topic like “demographic attributes” and “Urbanization in India” are very well covered
Above all topics of geography are covered in this book. Let’s download महेश वर्णवाल भूगोल PDF part 1 and 2:
Part 1: Mahesh Barnwal Geography Book PDF in Hindi | Download |
Part 2: Mahesh Barnwal Geography Book PDF in Hindi | Download |
Important Books on Geography
- Indian Geography PDF For Competitive and Government Job Exams
- Majid Hussain Geography PDF Book
- Geography Through Maps by K Siddhartha Book Pdf
- Physical Geography Notes PDF
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- Gist of NCERT Geography PDF Book
- Physical Geography by Savindra Singh PDF Book
- Certificate Physical and Human Geography PDF By GC Leong
- Bharat Ka Bhugol Pdf in Hindi Download
- World Geography (विश्व का भूगोल) in Hindi Pdf Notes
And lastly, if you are UPSC aspirant then you must read this book carefully to score good marks in exams and interviews.
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