CTET Child Development and Pedagogy Book Questions
Question 1: ________ is the ratio of mental age to the chronological age multiplied by 100.
(A) Intelligence quotient
(B) Emotional quotient
(C) Both
(D) None
Question 2: A group of students is found to be harassing another student. What should be your reaction?
(A) Punish the students
(B) Send to their parents
(C) Counsel the students individually
(D) Give them a severe warning
Question 3: Which of the following is not a product of learning?
(A) Skill
(B) Knowledge
(C) Maturation
(D) Physical structure
Question 4: How many stages of cognitive development recommended by Piaget?
(A) Seven stages
(B) Six stages
(C) Four Stages
(D) Two Stages
Question 5: What is meant by Schema?
(A) Chunking mechanisms
(B) Learning techniques
(C) Organized packets of information stored in long-term memory
(D) Defense mechanisms
Question 6: Smallest unit of meaning in a language is _______.
(A) Syntax
(B) Morpheme
(C) Pragmatics
(D) Phoneme
Question 7: The process of expansion of an individual’s capacities quantitatively, should be termed as ________.
(A) Development
(B) Growth
(C) Equilibration
Question 8: Intelligence testing is useful for knowing ________.
(A) Individual difference
(B) Mental retardation
(C) Educational backwardness
(D) All of these
Question 9: In which of the following stages the child look self-centered?
(A) Infancy
(B) Early childhood
(C) Adolescence
(D) Adulthood
Question 10: Teaching-Learning process fundamentally completed in ______.
(A) Class-room
(B) School
(C) Society
(D) Home
Question 11: The most important quality of an effective teacher is _______.
(A) Deep knowledge about the subject taught
(B) A strict disciplinarian
(C) Good rapport with the students
(D) A good motivator
Question 12: Child growth as proceeding through an organized sequence of stages divided roughly by age in view of ________.
(A) Kohlberg
(B) Piaget
(C) Vygotsky
(D) Skinner
Question 13: Who is the father of genetic epistemology?
(A) Piaget
(B) Bruner
(C) Vygotsky
(D) Dewey
Question 14: Primary education helps ________ .
(A) Socialization of child
(B) Democratization of child
(C) In course understanding
(D) All of the above
Question 15: The period of sensory-motor adaptation of Piaget is______.
(A) 0-2 years
(B) 1-3 years
(C) 3-5 years
(D) 4-6 years
Question 16: Questioning in the class-room ________.
(A) Clarifies the subject-matter
(B) Develops inactivity
(C) Is a wastage of time
(D) Creates indiscipline
Question 17: Which is different from the other three with respect to fine motor Movement?
(A) Dot Joining
(B) Dictation
(C) Handwriting
(D) Separation of fruits and vegetables
Question 18: Which one of the following is not taken into consideration while preparing the blueprint for a test?
(A) Topic
(B) Instructional objectives
(C) From of questions
(D) Teaching time
Question 19: According to Emile, the noblest work in education is to make a/an ________.
(A) thinker
(B) entrepreneur
(C) good citizen
(D) reasoning man
Question 20: At the pre-primary stage reading aloud while writing is given importance. This is based on which theory of learning?
(A) Trial & Error
(B) Conditioning
(C) Insight
(D) Imitation
Question 21: The field of study concerned with the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem-solving, and decision-making is called ______.
(A) Pedagogy
(B) Education
(C) Epistemology
(D) Cognitive Development
Question 23: In the context of education, socialization means _______.
(A) creating one’s own social norms
(B) respecting elders in society
(C) adapting and adjusting to social environment
(D) always following social norms
Question 24: A teacher never gives answers to questions herself. She encourages her students to suggest answers, has group discussions, and adopts collaborative learning. This approach is based on the principle of _________.
(A) proper organization of instructional material
(B) setting a good example and being a role-model
(C) readiness to learn
(D) active participation
Question 25: A teacher makes use of a variety of tasks to cater to the different learning styles of her learners. She is influenced by _______.
(A) Kohlberg’s moral development theory
(B) Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory
(C) Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory
(D) Piaget’s cognitive development theory
Question 26: A school gives preference to girls while preparing students for a State level solo-song competition. This reflects ________.
(A) Global trends
(B) Pragmatic approach
(C) Progressive thinking
(D) Gender bias
Question 27: Vygotsky emphasized the significance of the role played by which of the following factors in the learning of children?
(A) Hereditary
(B) Moral
(C) Physical
(D) Social
Question 28: Which of the following is a teacher-related factor affecting learning?
(A) Proper seating arrangement
(B) Availability of teaching-learning resources
(C) Nature of the content or learning experiences
(D) Mastery over the subject-matter
Question 29: According to Kohlberg, a teacher can instill moral values in children by ________.
(A) giving importance to religious teachings
(B) laying clear rules of behavior
(C) involving them in discussions on moral issues
(D)giving strict instructions on ‘how to behave’
Question 30: Young learners should be encouraged to interact with peers in the classroom so that _______.
(A) they can learn answers to questions from each other
(B) the syllabus can be covered quickly
(C) they learn social skills in the course of study
(D) the teacher can control the classroom better
Question 31: According to Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development, the sensorimotor stage is associated with _____.
(A) imitation, memory, and mental representation
(B) ability to solve problems in a logical fashion
(C) ability to interpret and analyze options
(D) concerns about social issues
Question 32: When a child with a disability first comes to school, the teacher should ______.
(A) refer the child to a special school according to the disability
(B) seclude him from other students
(C) discuss with the child’s parents to evolve collaborative plans
(D) conduct an admission test
Question 33: Human personality is the result of _______ .
(A) upbringing and education
(B) interaction between heredity and environment
(C) only environment
(D) only heredity
Question 34: Individual attention is important in the teaching–learning process because ______.
(A) learners always learn better in groups
(B) teacher training programs prescribe it
(C) it offers better opportunities to teachers to discipline each learner
(D) children develop at different rates and learn ‘differently
Question 35: Which of the following is a domain of learning?
(A) Experiential
(B) Affective
(C) Spiritual
(D) Professional
Question 36: Errors of learners often indicate _______.
(A) how they learn
(B) the need for mechanical drill
(C) absence of learning
(D) socio-economic status of the learner
Question 37: When a child gets bored while doing a task, it is a sign that _________.
(A) the task may have become mechanically repetitive
(B) the child is not intelligent
(C) the child is not capable of learning
(D) the child needs to be disciplined
Question 38: Psycology is a __________.
(A) science of soul
(B) science of mind
(C) science of consciousness
(D) science of behavior
Question 39: The more often a particular ability is used the ________ it becomes
(A) weaker
(B) stronger
(C) less important
(D) more important
Question 40: Which is not a factor of motivation?
(A) Prize
(B) Incentive
(C) Praise
(D) Practice
Question 41: What is the stage from 2 to 6 years called?
(A) Pre-childhood
(B) Infancy
(C) Later childhood
(D) Pre-adolescence
Question 42: The longer a particular ability is unused the ________ it becomes
(A) weaker
(B) stronger
(C) less important
(D) more important
Question 43: According to Jean Piaget, children develop abstract logic and reasoning skill during ________.
(A) Sensorimotor stage
(B) Preoperational stage
(C) Formal operational stage
(D) Concrete operational stage
Question 44: Children are usually egocentric during ________ and ________ stages
(A) Sensorimotor, Preoperational
(B) Formal operational, Sensorimotor
(C) Preoperational, Concrete operational
(D) Concrete operational, Formal operational
Question 45: The teacher studies pupil’s group behavior mainly by which of the following methods?
(A) Interview
(B) Experimentation
(C) Case history
(D) Observation
Question 46: The curriculum of educational institutes should be based on ______.
(A) theory
(B) practice
(C) theory and practice
(D) theory, practice, and research
Question 47: Progressivism believes that children learn in a/an _______.
(A) isolation
(B) community
(C) competition
(D) closed environment
Question 48: The idea of teaching the whole child in the “philosophy of pragmatism in education” means teaching students to be good _______.
(A) citizens
(B) thinkers
(C) learners
(D) scientists
Question 49: Progressivism believes that education comes from the experience of the _______.
(A) child
(B) teacher
(C) society
(D) principal
Question 50: According to John Dewey, children should experience __________in school to make them better citizens.
(A) practical implementation
(B) democracy
(C) discipline
(D) rules
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