Is it because of the job guarantee fear or a notion that becoming entrepreneurs are practically tough these days are the reason for the decrease in students enrolling for management courses? The CAT 2021 numbers have gone really down and it is a big witness for the MBA graduates losing interest in their genre. Some reports say that MBA admissions from 2015 to till date are witnessing about 40% & more downfalls.
One ideal solution to overcome this problem of MBA admissions getting saturated is to bring in more specializations in MBA degree, so students interested in a particular streamline can choose the course of their choice and pursue it for establishing a career in their dream industry.
The world takes very frequent changes in terms of revolution and modernization and to go with the wind in the world market, one has to keep updating the education pattern and the perception towards the outcome of an education program.
Let us discuss some imperative streamlines that need a management perspective view for its betterment and for a better managerial scope for MBA graduates.
1. Rural Management Program
First importance can be given to Rural Management Program, as implying professional business administration techniques in the rural areas will help develop various activities of this sector.
Developing the agrarian economy will help India to move to the next level in all prospects and it will definitely help the world to get a better view on our nation. When professionally qualified business experts focus on developing rural projects, it simply means there will be a steady and rising growth in rural enterprises, thereby resulting in rural-urban coordination.
There must be development equally spread both at the production level and to the end customer, which is called the definite success.
2. Insurance Industry
Next choice for MBA specialization could be one of the busy business sector, the insurance industry.
Insurance industry in India has been remarkably beneficial for Indian economy, even without many qualified professionals leading it at present. When trained and qualified business management professionals enter this insurance industry, there will be a definite role of success in Indian economy.
There are many subcategories that can help business administration graduates to develop their niche skills. Choice of subcategories might include risk management, reinsurance and actuarial management.
3. Forest Management
FM could be a definite good choice for business administration, as the forestry department is such a vast industry and the role of wood in people’s everyday life and industrial processes is predominant.
Forest management (FM), as a specialization of MBA could definitely bring more mature processes in forest management industry and it can create leading responsible roles for management students in the forestry department. Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM) is a specialized institute that offers FM specialization course.
Specialized MBA programs can also include qualified and highly busy industries such as Telecom Management, Aviation Management, Sports Management and Disaster Management.
There is a lot that business management graduates can do for the nation, but few essential things are that they have to be well trained, they must possess managerial abilities innate and the colleges and the respective industries must pave way for the right candidates to walk in with their spirited potential.
Thank you for reading.
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In addition, if you are confused about the selection of your MBA stream then do comment below your questions. Our team will soon reach out to you.