Hello candidates, Today we are going to represent to you the Verbal Ability Syllabus for CAT.
Verbal Ability is one of the most challenging sections in CAT Exam. It is an important section because the majority of the student do not get marks till the cut-off due to it. Some students realise that it is an important section for a call from prestigious IIMs and other MBA colleges.
Just like the Quantitative Aptitude section, Verbal Ability hold an important mark weightage in CAT exams. CAT exams have a total of 76 questions in 2020. It was reduced to 66 in 2021. In 2021 CAT has 24 questions in VARC, 20 questions in DILR, and 22 questions in Quantitative Ability.
We will be providing you with the complete syllabus for Verbal Ability Syllabus for CAT so that it can help the student in starting their practice and also so that they can score good marks in the exams. But still, we would like our candidates to know who is going to apply for CAT that the official body conducting exams does not give any CAT Syllabus.
Let’s read the basic information on the topic:
Subject Name | Verbal Ability |
Useful for | CAT |
Category | Syllabus |
Language | English |
CAT Verbal Ability Exam Pattern:
The Computer-Based examination will consist of one objective type paper containing 66 questions carrying 198 marks:
Sections | Total Questions | MCQ Based | Non – MCQ Based | Total Marks | Time |
Verbal Ability & Reading Comprehension (VARC) | 24 | 19 | 5 | 72 | 40 Min |
Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) | 20 | 15 | 5 | 60 | 40 Min |
Quantitative Ability (QA) | 22 | 14 | 8 | 66 | 40 Min |
Total | 66 | 48 | 18 | 198 | 120 Min |
Important Instruction to remember for the exam:
- Time Duration: 40 Minutes
- Time Duration for PwD: 53 minutes and 20 seconds
- Types of Questions: MCQ and TITA (Type In The Answer) Questions
- 3 marks for the correct answer
- -1 mark for an incorrect answer
- No marks for unattempted questions
- Difficulty Level: Moderately High
Syllabus of Verbal Ability Syllabus for CAT:
Verbal Reasoning
- Inferential Logical Reasoning
- Para Jumbles
- Summary
- Contextual usage
- Idioms
- One word substitution
- Sentence completion
- Misfit/Out of Context sentence
- Paragraph Completion
- Vocabulary
To read the Complete CAT Syllabus visit our post on CAT Syllabus 2022
How to Prepare for CAT Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension:
- Practice 1 or 2 hours of perusing consistently.
- Peruse from different sources (papers, articles, magazines, Eon expositions, and so forth).
- Teach the propensity for grasping the general thought from the setting of the entry while settling a perception.
- Practice and just practice will assist you with acing this part in CAT 2022.
Thank you for reading. Furthermore, If you have doubts about Verbal Ability Syllabus for CAT then you can let us know in the comment section given below for an easy and quick solution.