Dear Candidates we are provide Health Sanitary Inspector official study Material pdf. Candidates should revision their all subjects in routine on daily basis preparation describe in sanitary inspector syllabus.
Get here Syllabus, Exam Pattern and Study Material of Gujarat Medical Council Sanitary Inspector exam totally free.
Sanitary inspector Syllabus
1. Sanitary Subject
The Sanitary questions presented will be highly useful to all the entry level exam of Sanitary Inspector. This section covers commonly asked and expert level questions and answers. You can find conceptual, general, and behavioral and experience based questions along with interesting examples and sample answers. We suggest you to be prepare for this section, buy book from the nearest reseller as per your application.
2. General Knowledge
History, Geography, Current Affairs, Current Events, International Affairs, Indian History, General Science, Chemistry, Politics, Arts, Indian History, Environment, Defense, Physics, Agriculture, Biology, Space, Economy, Agriculture, Banking, Sports, Static GK, Culture, Awards etc.
3. English
Articles, Adverb, Passage Correction, Antonyms, Idioms and Phrases,Verb, Comprehension, Word Formation, Synonyms, Subject-Verb Agreement, Conclusion, Idioms & Phrases, Sentence Correction, Theme detection, Unseen Passages, Vocabulary, Fill in the Blanks, Tenses, Sentence Completion., Error Correction, Grammar, Sentence Rearrangement, Passage Completion.
4.1 Aptitude
Time & Work, Discounts, Mathematical Operations, Probability, Mensuration, Simplifications, Time & Distance, Number System, Problems on squares, cubes, Fundamental Operations, Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Problems on Ages, Averages, Boats & Streams, Least Common Multiple (LCM), Highest Common Factor (HCF), Ratios & Proportions, Partnerships, Permutations & Combinations, Allegations & Mixtures, Percentages, Profit & Loss, Geometry.
4.2 Reasoning
Analogy, Number Series, Clocks & Calendars, Mirror Images, Directions, Decision Making, Cubes and Dice, Non-Verbal Series, Statement Conclusion, Alphabet Series, Blood Relations, Coding-Decoding, Arithmetical Reasoning, Number Ranking.
Health Sanitary Inspector Material PDF in Gujarati
General Knowledge
- Daily GK (Mix most important Question-Answer for Sanitary Inspector Exam)
- Weekly Current Affairs & Daily Current Affairs in Gujarati
- Culture & Heritage
- Sports Gk
- Constitution of India
- Science & Technology
- India Geography & Gujarat Geography
- India History
All of the essential points of English grammar are covered. A summary of the uses and formation of the English verb tenses is given easy. English Grammar PDFs or E-books, Which are help you to practice your English grammar. Click here to download English Grammar pdf in Gujarati.
Reasoning & Aptitude and Sanitary Subject
We will soon upload material of Reasoning & Aptitude and Sanitary Subject and inform in this post. The Sanitary questions presented will be highly useful to all the entry-level exams of the Sanitary Inspector. Soon we provide comprehensive up-to-date notes & study material on Aptitude and quantitative reasoning for Sanitary Inspector Exams. Mathematics Materials available here, this post cover almost aptitude of Sanitary Inspector.
Sanitary inspector Exam Pattern
The written exam has objective type multiple-choice questions. It is Online or Ofline as per management decide.
- Sanitary subject – 25 Questions and 100 Marks
- General Knowledge & General Awareness – 25 Questions and 100 Marks
- Aptitude & Reasoning – 25 Questions and 100 Marks
- English – 25 Questions and 100 Marks
Total Question : 100
Total Marks : 400
Time Duration : 2.15 Hour
Negative Marking – Per wrong Answer 1 mark deducted.
Health Sanitary Inspector Trade Job Types
- Health & Malaria Inspector
- Assistant Training Executive
- Engineering
- Research Assistant
- Clinical Counselor
Health Sanitary Inspector Trade Required Skills
- Candidate should have good communication and interpersonal skills.
- Good Knowledge of English & Hindi.
- Students should have the ability to work in a team and take bold decisions against all odds.
- They also possess good physical fitness and stamina to bear the burden of extra work/long work.