It has a total of 30 questions and answers. The Parliament Quiz Set 2 – This is a quiz on the Parliament of India. It tests your knowledge of the Parliament’s composition, functions and procedures.
Question 1: When a bill is referred to a joint sitting of both the Houses of Parliament, it has to be passed by _____.
(A) A simple majority of members present and voting
(B) Three-fourth majority of members present and voting
(C) Two-third majority of the Houses
(D) Absolute majority of the Houses
Question 2: Which one of the following statements about a Money Bill is not correct?
(A) A Money Bill can be tabled in either House of Parliament
(B) The Speaker of Lok Sabha is the final authority to decide whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not
(C) The Rajya Sabha must return a Money Bill passed by the Lok Sabha and sent it for consideration within 14 days
(D) The President cannot return a Money Bill to the Lok Sabha for reconsideration
Question 3: Who presides over the joint session of both the Houses of the Parliament?
(A) Speaker
(B) Vice-President
(C) President
(D) Prime Minister
Question 4: A Money Bill under the Constitution of India is tabled in the _________.
(A) Rajya Sabha
(B) Public Accounts Committee
(C) Lok Sabha
(D) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha simultaneously
Question 5: Who among the following is authorised to preside over the joint session of the Parliament?
(A) President of India
(B) Vice-President of India
(C) Prime Minister of India
(D) Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Question 6: Of the following statements, which one is not correct?
(A) The Rajya Sabha is powerless in money matters
(B) Money Bill is introduced in the Rajya Sabha
(C) The Rajya Sabha has to pass the Money Bill within 14 days after it has been passed by the Lok Sabha
(D) The Rajya Sabha may pass or return the Money Bill with some recommendations to the Lok Sabha
Question 7: The 1st Joint meeting of both Houses of the Indian Parliament was held in connection with _________.
(A) Dowry Abolition Bill
(B) Hindu Code Bill
(C) Bank Nationalisation Bill
(D) Gold Control Bill
Question 8: Which one of the following subject is not included in the provisions of the Money Bills?
(A) Provision regarding taxes
(B) Provision regarding borrowings
(C) Provision regarding custody of the Consolidated and Contingency Funds
(D) Provision for imposition of fines or penalties
Question 9: The joint sitting of both Houses of Indian Parliament is held in connection with __________.
(A) Constitution Amendment Bill
(B) Money Bill
(C) Ordinary Bill
(D) Election of the Vice-President of India
Question 10: A Bill which merely involves expenditure and does not include any of the matters specified in Article 110 can be________.
(A) Initiated only in Lok Sabha
(B) Initiated in either House of Parliament
(C) Initiated only in Rajya Sabha
(D) Initiated only in joint session of both House of Parliament
Question 11: A legislative bill may be introduced in which House of Parliament?
(A) Lok Sabha
(B) Rajya Sabha
(C) Either House of Parliament
(D) None of the above
Question 12: Which one of the following statements is not correct with regard to control of Parliament on a budget?
(A) Parliament does not have any role in the creation of the budget
(B) Parliament has the power to move on the affected expenditure on the Consolidated Fund
(C) Parliament has no power to impose a tax without the recommendation of the President
(D) Parliament has no power to increase any tax without the recommendation of the President
Question 13: Who has the right to issue money from the Consolidated Fund of India?
(A) Comptroller and Auditor General
(B) Finance Minister of India
(C) Authorized Minister
(D) Parliament
Question 14: Which of the following is responsible for preparation and presentation of union budget in the Parliament?
(A) Department of Revenue
(B) Department of Economic Affairs
(C) Department of Financial Services
(D) Department of Expenditure
Question 15: Which one of the following expenditure is not charged on the Consolidated Fund of India?
(A) Salary and allowances of the Chief Justice of India
(B) Salary and allowances of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(C) Salary and allowances of the Prime Minister of India
(D) Salary and allowances of the Chairman of the Union Public Service Commission
Question 16: If the annual Union Budget is not passed by the Lok Sabha __________.
(A) The Budget is modified and presented again
(B) The Budget is referred to the Rajya Sabha for suggestions
(C) The Union Finance Minister is asked to resign
(D) The Prime Minister submits the resignation of Council of Ministers
Question 17: Which one of the following is not a mandatory expenditure charged on the Consolidated Fund of India?
(A) Debt Charges for which Government of India is liable
(B) Salary and Pension of the members of the Election Commission of India
(C) Pension payable to Judges of High Courts
(D) Allowances of Deputy Chairman of Council of States
Question 18: If budget is disclosed before introducing in the Legislative Assembly, what will happen?
(A) Council of Ministers will have to resign
(B) Chief Minister will have to resign
(C) Finance Minister will have to resign
(D) All of the above
Question 19: Which one of the following expenditures is not charged on the Consolidates Fund of India?
(A) Salary and allowances of the President of India
(B) Salary and allowances of the Vice-President of India
(C) Salary and allowances of the Justices of the Supreme Court of India
(D) Salary and allowances of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha
Question 20: Under which of the following taxes the total amount payable by an individual is limited by the Constitution?
(A) Corporation tax
(B) Estate Duty
(C) Succession Duty
(D) Tax on profession, trade and callings
Question 21: The authorization for the withdrawal of funds from the Consolidated Fund of India must come from __________.
(A) The President of India
(B) The Parliament of India
(C) The Prime Minister of India
(D) The Union Finance Minister
Question 22: Economic Survey is presented in Parliament every year ________.
(A) Before presentation of the Budget for the coming year
(B) After presentation of the Budget for the coming year
(C) After presentation of Finance Bill
(D) And has no relation with presentation of the Budget
Question 23: How can the President spend from Contingency Fund?
(A) In time of natural calamity
(B) After Authorization of Parliament
(C) Before Authorization of Parliament
(D) Cannot spend
Question 24:‘Votes on Account’ permits Union Government to __________.
(A) Go for public loan
(B) Borrow money from the Reserve Bank of India
(C) Give grant-in-aid to States
(D) Withdraw money from the Consolidated Fund of India for specific period
Question 25: All revenues received by the Union Government by way of taxes and other receipts for the conduct of Government business are credited to the _________.
(A) Contingency Fund of India
(B) Public Account
(C) Consolidated Fund of India
(D) Deposits and Advances Fund
Question 26: Vote on Account is meant for _________.
(A) Vote on the report of CAG
(B) To meet unforeseen expenditure
(C) Appropriating funds pending passing of budget
(D) Budget
Question 27: Money Bill has been defined by the Constitution under Article.
(A) 109
(B) 110
(C) 111
(D) Both (B) and (C)
Question 28: Votes on Account in the Parliament is necessary __________.
(A) When Government expenditure is more than Government revenue
(B) For financing big projects in which huge amount of money is required
(C) When regular budget is not expected to be passed in time
(D) None of the above
Question 29: Who among the following decides whether a particular Bill is a Money Bill?
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(D) The Cabinet
Question 30: Estimates of expenditure are submitted to the Parliament of India in the form of _________.
(A) Adhoc Funds
(B) Excess Grants
(C) Supplementary Grants
(D) Demands for Grants