Looking for an MCQ on the Parliament? Check out our latest collection of questions and answers that will help you prepare for your upcoming UPSC exam.
Question 1: Formation of Parliament is completed by __________.
(A) Only House of the People
(B) House of the People and Prime Minister
(C) House of the People, Council of States, and Prime Minister
(D) House of the People, Council of States, and President
Question 2: Who can legislate on the subjects which are not included in any of the lists of subjects given in the Constitution?
(A) Supreme Court
(B) Parliament
(C) State Legislature
(D) Regional Councils
Question 3: Indian Parliament consists of _________.
(A) Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(B) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Prime Minister
(C) Speaker and Lok Sabha
(D) President and both the House of Parliament
Question 4: Which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) All the members of Council of States are elected by State Legislative Assemblies
(B) As the Vice-President is the exofficio Chairman of the Rajya Sabha, only a member of the Rajya Sabha can contest for the office of the Vice-President
(C) A point difference between the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha is that while a candidate to Lok Sabha can contest from any State in India, a Candidate to the Rajya Sabha should ordinarily be a resident of the State from where he is contesting
(D) The Constitution of India explicitly prohibits the appointment of a nominated member of the Rajya Sabha to the post of minister
Question 5: Maximum how many times the Parliament has to meet in a year?
(A) Once
(B) Twice
(C) Thrice
(D) Four times
Question 6: Which of the following procedures will enable the adoption of a Money Bill that was once passed by the Lok Sabha but was amended by the Rajya Sabha?
(A) It will go to the President
(B) The Lok Sabha will have pass it with 2/3rd majority of the members sitting and voting
(C) A Joint session of the two Houses will be called
(D) It will be deemed to have been passed if the Lok Sabha passes it again either by accepting or rejecting the amendments
Question 7: What should be the interval between the two consecutive sessions of Parliament?
(A) Four months
(B) Six months
(C) 1 year
(D) Fixed by the President
Question 8: The Speaker can ask a member of the House to stop speaking and let another member speak. This phenomenon is known as ___________.
(A) Decorum
(B) Crossing the floor
(C) Interpellation
(D) Yielding the floor
Question 9: Which of the following constitute the Indian Parliament?
(A) President, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
(B) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Prime Minister
(C) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Minister for Parliamentary Affairs
(D) Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Parliament Secretariat
Question 10: ‘Zero Hour’ is the contribution of which country to the Parliamentary System?
(A) India
(B) America
(C) Britain
(D) Switzerland
Question 11: Who/which of the following is not an integral part of Parliament?
(A) President
(B) Vice-President
(C) Lok Sabha
(D) Rajya Sabha
Question 12: What could be the maximum time limit of ‘Zero Hour’ in the Lok Sabha?
(A) 30 minutes
(B) One hour
(C) Indefinite period
(D) Two hours
Question 13: The membership of a Parliament/ Legislative Assembly may be terminated if he remains absent without informing to respective House for a term of _________.
(A) 60 days
(B) 90 days
(C) 120 days
(D) 150 days
Question 14: Time of zero hour in Parliament is __________.
(A) 9 am to 10 am
(B) 10 am to 11 am
(C) 11 am to 12 noon
(D) 12 noon to 1:00 pm
Question 15: For the first time, a MP/MLA was disqualified from the membership on the ground of remaining absent from sixty consecutive meetings of the House without permission. He was a member of __________.
(A) Council of States
(B) House of People
(C) Punjab Legislative Assembly
(D) Rajasthan Legislative Assembly
Question 16: Zero Hour in political jargon refers to __________.
(A) Day when no business in Parliament is done
(B) Suspended motion
(C) Adjourned time
(D) Question-answer session
Question 17: Which one of the following provisions deals with the privileges and immunities of the Members of Parliament under the Constitution of India?
(A) Article 104
(B) Article 105
(C) Article 82
(D) Article 117
Question 18: The Parliament can make any law for whole or any part of India for implementing international treaties ___________.
(A) With the consent of all the States
(B) With the consent of the majority of States
(C) With the consent of the States concerned
(D) Without the consent of any State
Question 19: Which one of the following is not a collective privilege of the members of Parliament?
(A) Freedom of debates and proceedings
(B) The Rights to regulate the internal matters of the Parliament
(C) Freedom from attendance as Witness
(D) The privilegeds of excluding strangers from the house
Question 20: Under which Article of the Indian Constitution, the Parliament can make laws on State List subject for giving effect to international agreements?
(A) Article 249
(B) Article 250
(C) Article 252
(D) Article 253
Question 21: Privilege motion can be raised against a Minister when he ___________.
(A) Loses confidence in the Government
(B) Loses confidence in the Government
(C) Withholds facts of a case or given distorted versions of facts
(D) Limit value
Question 22: Which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) A Money Bill is introduced in the Rajya Sabha
(B)A Money Bill can be introduced in either of the two Houses of the Parliament
(C) A Money Bill cannot be introduced in the Lok Sabha
(D) A Money Bill is introduced in the Lok Sabha
Question 23: Who among the following has the right to vote in the elections to both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha?
(A) Elected members of the Lower House of the Parliament
(B) Elected members of the Upper House of the Parliament
(C) Elected members of the Upper House of the state Legislature
(D) Elected members of the Lower House of the state Legislature
Question 24: A Money Bill passed by Lok Sabha is deemed to have been passed by Rajya Sabha also when no action is taken by the Rajya Sabha within ___________.
(A) 10 days
(B) 14 days
(C) 15 days
(D) 16 days
Question 25: Which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) Only the Rajya Sabha and not the Lok Sabha can have nominated members
(B) There is a Constitutional provision for nominating two members belonging to the Anglo-Indian community to the Rajya Sabha
(C) There is no Constitutional bar for nominated members to be appointed as a Union Minister
(D) A nominated member can vote both in the Presidential and Vice-Presidential elections
Question 26: Rajya Sabha can delay the Finance Bill sent for its consideration by Lok Sabha for a maximum period of ___________.
(A) One month
(B) One year
(C) Seven days
(D) Fourteen days
Question 27: Parliament may legislate on any subject of State List when __________.
(A) There is assent of President
(B) Resolution thereof has been passed by State
(C) In any situation
(D)General permission of State Legislative Assembly has been received
Question 28: In how many days Rajya Sabha has to return Money Bill to Lok Sabha?
(A) Within 12 days
(B) Within 14 days
(C) Within 16 days
(D Within 18 days
Question 29: The Parliament can make law for the whole or any part of India for implementing International Treaties.
(A) With the consent of all the States
(B) With the consent of majority of States
(C) With the consent of the States concerned
(D) Without the consent of any State
Question 30: Which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) Money Bill is introduced in Rajya Sabha
(B) Money Bill is introduced in Lok Sabha
(C) It can be introduced in either of the Houses of the Parliament
(D) It cannot be introduced in Lok Sabha