Let’s read the list of Computer Full Forms for the Government exams 2022. Here is a list of Important Computer Full Form List. This will help you understand the various parts of a computer.
Check out this PDF to learn the full form of a computer and all of its parts! All the Full forms of Computer related terms like CPU, OS, ROM, RAM, etc.
We shared here 400+ abbreviations in Computer Science.
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Computer Full Form PDF
400+ Computer Full Form List
In the following table we list down abbreviations:
No. | Abbreviation | Computer Full Form |
1 | RAM | Random Access Memory |
2 | ROM | Read Only Memory |
3 | CPU | Central Processing Unit |
4 | URL | Uniform Resource Locator |
5 | USB | Universal Serial Bus |
6 | VIRUS | Vital Information Resource Under Siege |
7 | TCP | Transmission Control Protocol |
8 | UPS | Uninterruptible Power Supply |
9 | SATA | Serial Advanced Technology Attachment |
10 | PSU | Power Supply Unit |
11 | SMPS | Switched-Mode Power Supply |
12 | CD | Compact Disc |
13 | DVD | Digital Versatile Disc |
14 | CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
15 | DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation |
16 | SAP | System Application and Products |
17 | PNG | Portable Network Graphics |
18 | IP | Internet Protocol |
19 | GIS | Geographical Information system |
20 | DDS | Digital Data Storage |
21 | CAD | Computer Aided Design |
22 | ACPI | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface |
23 | AGP | Accelerated Graphics Port |
24 | APM | Advanced Power Management |
25 | APIPA | Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing |
26 | HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
27 | HTTPS | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure |
28 | GPU | Graphics Processing Unit |
29 | GDI | Graphics Device Interface |
30 | ICP | Internet Cache Protocol |
31 | GIGO | Garbage In Garbage Out |
32 | GMAIL | Graphical Mail |
33 | CAN | Campus Area Network |
34 | CAL | Computer Aided Leering |
35 | GPL | General Public License |
36 | GCR | Group Code Recording |
37 | MSN | Microsoft Networks |
38 | BCC | Blind Carbon Copy |
39 | VDI | Virtual Desktop Infrastructure |
40 | MPEG | Moving Picture Experts Group |
41 | TPU | Tensor Processing Unit |
42 | PSD | Photoshop Document |
43 | DPI | Dots Per Inch |
44 | FYA | For Your Action |
45 | CRS | Computer Reservation System |
46 | BFD | Binary File Descriptor |
47 | ABR | Available Bit Rate |
48 | GBPS | Gigabits Per Second |
49 | PING | Packet InterNet Groper |
50 | CSMA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access |
51 | AD | Active Directory |
52 | ADC | Analog to Digital Converter |
53 | BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
54 | CSI | Common System Interface |
55 | DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol |
56 | OSI | Open Systems Interconnection |
57 | LAN | Local Area Network |
58 | WAN | Wide Area Network |
59 | MAN | Metropolitan Area Network |
60 | PAN | Personal Area Network |
61 | MAC | Media Access Control |
62 | OMR | Optical Mark Recognition |
63 | NIC | Network Interface Card |
64 | LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol |
65 | UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter |
66 | DCE | Distributed Computing Environment |
67 | PFA | Please Find Attached |
68 | HCI | Human Computer Interaction |
69 | FHS | Filesystem Hierarchy Standard |
70 | FCS | Frame Check Sequence |
71 | DVE | Digital Video Effects |
72 | DLL | Data Link Layer |
73 | CSV | Comma Separated Values |
74 | CTCP | Client–to–Client Protocol |
75 | ABI | Application Binary Interface |
76 | MIS | Management Information System |
77 | BIOS | Basic Input Output System |
78 | SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol |
79 | LTE | Long Term Evolution |
80 | AHA | Accelerated Hub Architecture |
81 | ALU | Arithmetic Logical Unit |
82 | FPU | Floating Point Unit |
83 | FXP | File Exchange Protocol |
84 | HID | Human Interface Device |
85 | IOS | iPhone Operating System |
86 | PATA | Parallel Advanced Technology Attachment |
87 | DDR | Double Data Rate |
88 | DFS | Distributed File System |
89 | MIPS | Million Instructions Per Second |
90 | MMC | Microsoft Management Console |
91 | VGCT | Video Graphics Character Table |
92 | WBMP | Wireless BitMap Image |
93 | PCM | Pulse-Code Modulation |
94 | WMA | Windows Media Audio |
95 | RAS | Remote Access Service |
96 | HTM | Hierarchical Temporal Memory |
97 | SIS | Security and Intelligence Services |
98 | LBA | Logical Block Addressing |
99 | CIDR | Classless Inter-Domain Routing |
100 | MIMO | Multiple-Input Multiple Output |
101 | PLC | Programmable Logic Controller |
102 | SCSI | Small Computer System Interface |
103 | NVRAM | Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory |
104 | BLOB | Binary large Object |
105 | VPN | Virtual Private Network |
106 | SFF | Small Form Factor |
107 | CAI | Computer–Aided Instruction |
108 | EMP | Electro-Magnetic Pulse |
109 | EIDE | Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics |
110 | AAC | Advanced Audio Codec |
111 | IIOP | Internet Inter-ORB Protocol |
112 | ASL | Age Sex Location |
113 | MBSA | Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer |
114 | ZIP | Zig-zag In-line Package |
115 | HSPA | High Speed Packet Access |
116 | VFS | Virtual File System |
117 | SIMD | Single Instruction Multiple Data |
118 | IPC | Inter-Process Communication |
119 | DAC | Discretionary Access Control |
120 | DKIM | Domain Keys Identified Mail |
121 | WIFI | Wireless Fidelity |
122 | PTP | Picture Transfer Protocol |
123 | IGRP | Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
124 | HIG | Human Interface Guidelines |
125 | UNIVAC | Universal Automatic Computer |
126 | CIFS | Common Internet File System |
127 | HAL | Hardware Abstraction Layer |
128 | IPV6 | Internet Protocol Version 6 |
129 | CNR | Communication Network Riser |
130 | EISA | Extended Industry Standard Architecture |
131 | RPM | Red-Hat Package Manager |
132 | DLT | Distributed Ledger Technology |
133 | ISH | Information Super Highway |
134 | BY | Bronto-bytes |
135 | DTS | Digital Theater System |
136 | MSB | Most Significant Bit |
137 | HVD | Holographic Versatile Disk |
138 | MOSFET | Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor |
139 | AMR | Adaptive Multi-Rate |
140 | CMD | Command |
141 | BCD | Binary Coded Decimal |
142 | DMA | Direct Memory Access |
143 | EB | Exa-bytes |
144 | AVI | Audio Video Interleave |
145 | WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network |
146 | CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing |
147 | RIFF | Resource Interchange File Format |
148 | TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol |
149 | WUSB | Wireless Universal Serial Bus |
150 | HHD | Hybrid Hard Drive |
151 | HSDPA | High Speed Downlink Packet Access |
152 | AST | Abstract Syntax Tree |
153 | MSD | Most significant Digit |
154 | IRQ | Interrupt Request |
155 | DVI | Digital Visual Interface |
156 | SPARC | Scalable Processor Architecture |
157 | URI | Uniform Resource Identifier |
158 | EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
159 | SAN | Storage Area Network |
160 | EBCDIC | Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code |
161 | MVS | Multiple Vendor System |
162 | NAS | Network Attached Storage |
163 | BPS | Bits Per Second |
164 | LPX | Low Profile Extension |
165 | HCL | Hardware Compatibility List |
166 | RTS | Real Time Streaming |
167 | RAID | Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks |
168 | MUI | Multilingual User Interface |
169 | MFD | Multi-Function Device |
170 | CISC | Complex Instruction Set Computer |
171 | MBR | Master Boot Record |
172 | BINAC | Binary Automatic Computer |
173 | SGRAM | Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory |
174 | DLP | Digital Light Processing |
175 | UEFI | Unified Extensible Firmware Interface |
176 | LLC | Logical Link Control |
177 | DOC | Document (Microsoft Corporation) |
178 | ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network |
179 | ACL | Access Control List |
180 | RAIT | Redundant Array of Inexpensive Tapes |
181 | MMX | Multi-Media Extensions |
182 | STP | Spanning Tree Protocol |
183 | MLI | Multiple Link Interface |
184 | RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
185 | AIFF | Audio Interchange File Format |
186 | RMA | Returned Materials Authorization |
187 | EGP | Exterior Gateway Protocol |
188 | XMF | Extensible Music File |
189 | MTBF | Mean Time Between Failure |
190 | MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions |
191 | SRAM | Static Random-Access Memory |
192 | SDR | Software-Defined Radio |
193 | PAP | Password Authentication Protocol |
194 | VRAM | Video Random Access Memory |
195 | WAP | Wireless Application Protocol |
196 | TGT | Ticket Granting Ticket |
197 | GIF | Graphics Interchange Format |
198 | TPM | Trusted Platform Module |
199 | SPSS | Statistical Package for the Social Sciences |
200 | ULSI | Ultra Large-Scale Integration |
201 | EIGRP | Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
202 | CDN | Content Delivery Network |
203 | NMI | Non-Maskable Interrupt |
204 | PPI | Pixels Per Inch |
205 | RJ45 | Registered Jack 45 |
206 | SEC | Single Edge Connector |
207 | BER | Bit Error Rate |
208 | OOPS | Object-Oriented Programming System |
209 | ATA | Advanced Technology Attachment |
210 | RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Computer |
211 | NFS | Network File System |
212 | SFC | System File Checker |
213 | ICR | Intelligent Character Recognition |
214 | BTX | Balanced Technology Extended |
215 | DOS | Disk Operating System |
216 | CTS | Clear to Send |
217 | AMD | Advanced Micro Devices |
218 | DVD | Digital Video Disc |
219 | CD-R | Compact Disk – Recordable. |
220 | BAL | Basic Assembly Language |
221 | UTF | Unicode Transformation Format |
222 | MIDI | Musical Instrument Digital Interface |
223 | BAT | Microsoft Batch Processing |
224 | VT | Video Terminal |
225 | HP | Hewlett Packard |
226 | URN | Uniform Resource Name |
227 | D2D | Device to Device |
228 | DSHD | Double Sided High Density |
229 | FDC | Floppy Disk Controller |
230 | SDN | Service Delivery Network |
231 | SBU | Standard Build Unit |
232 | MPL | Mozilla Public License |
233 | ENIAC | Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer |
234 | CAQA | Computer–Aided Quality Assurance |
235 | ASF | Advanced Systems Format |
236 | VM | Virtual Machine |
237 | Mac | Macintosh |
238 | OS | Operating System |
239 | MNG | Multiple-image Network Graphics |
240 | CD-ROM | Compact Disk-Read Only Memory |
241 | MSB | Most Significant Byte |
242 | TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
243 | DMI | Desktop Management Interface |
244 | NTP | Network Time Protocol |
245 | PINE | Program for Internet News and Email |
246 | SSL | Secure Sockets Layer |
247 | BCR | Bar Code Reader |
248 | SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
249 | KBPS | Kilobits Per Second |
250 | TSI | Time Slot Interchange |
251 | ABC | Atanasoff-Berry Computer |
252 | YB | Yotta Byte |
253 | ZB | Zetta-bytes |
254 | WDDM | Windows Display Driver Model |
255 | ZIF | Zero-Insertion-Force |
256 | RDBMS | Relation Database Management System |
257 | MSI | Microsoft Installer |
258 | ISP | Internet Service Provider |
259 | WAV | Waveform Audio |
260 | TPS | Transaction Per Second |
261 | ISV | Independent Software Vendor |
262 | SXGA | Super Extended Graphics Array |
263 | GP | Graphics port |
264 | BGA | Ball Grid Array |
265 | SIS | Safety Instrumented System |
266 | CGI | Common Gateway Interface |
267 | Portable Document Format | |
268 | MMU | Memory Management Unit |
269 | PIC | Peripheral Interface Controller |
270 | NIU | Network Interface Unit |
271 | TPS | Transaction Processing System |
272 | VLSI | Very Large-Scale Integration |
273 | ESD | Electro Static Discharge |
274 | MAPI | Messaging Application Program Interface |
275 | KB | Kilo-bytes |
276 | DSL | Domain–Specific Language |
277 | PB | Peta-bytes |
278 | NAP | Network Access Point |
279 | MS-DOS | Microsoft Disk Operating System |
280 | WMV | Windows Media Video |
281 | MFA | Multi-Factor Authentication |
282 | GUI | Graphical User Interface |
283 | RIS | Remote Installation Service |
284 | ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange |
285 | ELF | Executable and Linkable Format |
286 | WWAN | Wireless Wide Area Network |
287 | DFD | Data Flow Diagram |
288 | IRC | Internet Relay Chat |
289 | PC | Personal Computer |
290 | SDL | Software and Documentation Localization |
291 | WINS | Windows Internet Name Service |
292 | NOS | Network Operating System |
293 | UNICS | UNiplexed Information Computing System |
294 | DVR | Digital Video Recorder |
295 | XMS | Extended Memory Specification |
296 | LSI | Large-Scale Integration |
297 | STP | Shielded Twisted Pair |
298 | PCB | Process Control Block |
299 | AGA | Advanced Graphics Architecture |
300 | HSUPA | High-Speed Uplink Packet Access |
301 | ICS | Internet Connection Sharing |
302 | SOA | Service Oriented Architecture |
303 | WWW | World Wide Web |
304 | DLL | Dynamic Link Library |
305 | DAP | Direct Access Protocol |
306 | WMF | Windows Metafile |
307 | EVDO | Evolution Data Optimized Or Evolution Data Only |
308 | FAT | File Allocation Table |
309 | DTE | Data Terminal Equipment |
310 | PAL | Phase Alternation Line |
311 | VGA | Video Graphics Array |
312 | HSSI | High-Speed Serial Interface |
313 | SIMM | Single In-Line Memory Module |
314 | IPX | Internetwork Packet Exchange |
315 | BWF | Broadcast Wave Format |
316 | CRIMM | Continuity-Rambus Inline Memory Module |
317 | OOP | Object Oriented programming |
318 | RTOS | Real Time Operating System |
319 | DBSN | Database Source Name |
320 | IHV | Independent Hardware Vendor |
321 | ISR | Interrupt Service Routine |
322 | SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol |
323 | FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
324 | DRAM | Dynamic Random-Access Memory |
325 | BSOD | Blue Screen of Death |
326 | HTX | Hyper Transport Expansion |
327 | LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
328 | DIVX | DIgital Video Express |
329 | UAC | User Account Control |
330 | CASE | Computer-Aided Software Engineering |
331 | HDMI | High Definition Multimedia Interface |
332 | VDC | Video Display Controller |
333 | AVC | Advanced Video Coding |
334 | CGA | Color Graphics Array |
335 | DPMS | Display Power Management Signaling |
336 | DBA | DataBase Administrator |
337 | P2P | Peer-To-Peer |
338 | MSI | Medium Scale Integration |
339 | EPP | Enhanced Parallel Port |
340 | EFS | Encrypting File System |
341 | MHz | Megahertz |
342 | WPAN | Wireless Personal Area Network |
343 | CAN | Controller Area Network |
344 | VDU | Video Display Unit |
345 | JPG | Joint Photographic Expert Group |
346 | MB | Mega-bytes |
347 | ENI | Elastic Network Interface |
348 | VPU | Visual Processing Unit |
349 | MTP | Media Transfer Protocol |
350 | MDI | Multiple Document Interface |
351 | TDR | Time Domain Reflectometer |
352 | WUXGA | Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array |
353 | NAP | Network Access Protection |
354 | DWM | Desktop Window Manager |
355 | ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
356 | PPT | PowerPoint Presentation |
357 | LSB | Least Significant Byte |
358 | CCD | Charged Coupled Device |
359 | VCR | Video Cassette Recorder |
360 | EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory |
361 | CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
362 | XGA | Extended Graphics Array |
363 | LSB | Least Significant Bit |
364 | ZISC | Zero Instruction Set Computer |
365 | ISA | Instruction Set Architecture |
366 | HPC | High-Performance Computing |
367 | MSDN | Microsoft Developer Network |
368 | BPI | Bytes Per Inch |
369 | SVGA | Super Video Graphics Array |
370 | RDF | Resource Description Framework |
371 | MFP | Multi-Function Product |
372 | FCPGA | Flip Chip Pin Grid Array |
373 | ASR | Automated System Recovery |
374 | VAN | Value-Added Network |
375 | PIO | Programmed Input/Output |
376 | RGB | Red, Green, Blue |
377 | FDMA | Frequency-Division Multiple Access |
378 | SWF | Shock Wave Flash |
379 | EOF | End of File |
380 | POP | Post Office Protocol |
381 | CBEMA | Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers Association |
382 | GB | Giga-bytes |
383 | EDP | Electronic Data Processing |
384 | DIMM | Dual In-Line Memory Module |
385 | VM | Virtual Memory |
386 | SHDSL | Single-pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line |
387 | WEP | Wired Equivalent Privacy |
388 | MBCS | Multi Byte Character Set |
389 | IPV4 | Internet Protocol Version 4 |
390 | MCR | Multivariant Curve Resolution |
391 | MTA | Mail Transfer Agent |
392 | BOSS | Bharat Operating System Solutions |
393 | ISC | Internet Storm Center |
394 | POST | Power on self-test |
395 | DTR | Data Terminal Ready |
396 | SMBIOS | System Management BIOS |
397 | HPFS | High Performance File System |
398 | SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
399 | IIS | Internet Information Services |
400 | VPG | Virtual Private Gateway |
401 | CUA | Common User Access |
402 | NID | Network Interface Device |
403 | HDD | Hard Disk Drive |
404 | IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol |
405 | VLC | Video LAN Client |
406 | ERD | Emergency Repair Disk |
407 | WPA | Wireless Protected Access |
408 | IOS | Internetwork Operating System |
409 | PKI | Public key Infrastructure |
410 | UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
411 | ISA | Industry Standard Architecture |
412 | TPDU | Transaction Protocol Data Unit |
413 | M3G | Mobile 3D Graphics |
414 | DTP | Desktop Publishing |
415 | PCI | Peripheral Component Interconnect |
416 | CAE | Computer–Aided Engineering |
417 | NTFS | New Technology File System |
418 | FDD | Floppy Disk Drive |
419 | IPP | Internet Printing Protocol |
420 | VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network |
421 | VXLAN | Virtual Extensible Local Area Network |
422 | CTL | Computation Tree Logic |
423 | DAT | Digital Audio Tape |
424 | BiDi | Bi–Directional |
425 | SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics |
426 | ECP | Extended Capabilities Port |
427 | TB | Tera-bytes |
428 | CMOS | Complementary Metal–Oxide–Semiconductor |
429 | OCR | Optical Character Reader |
430 | JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group |
431 | SONET | Synchronous Optical Networking |
432 | CCS | Common Command Set |
433 | CUPS | Common Unix Printing System |
434 | ENIAC | Electronic Numerical Integrator and Compute |
435 | IVR | Interactive Voice Response |
436 | HTPC | Home Theatre Personal Computer |
437 | HD | High Definition |
438 | EVC | Ethernet Virtual Circuit |
439 | NMS | Network Management System |
440 | UTP | Unshielded Twisted Pair-Cable |
441 | FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface |
442 | HAN | Home Area Network |
443 | XMPP | Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol |
444 | ISCSI | Internet Small Computer Storage Interface |
445 | PDP | Plasma Display Panel |
446 | VOIP | Voice Over Internet Protocol |
Thank you for reading the Computer full form list. We hope this list will help you in all competitive examinations such as SSC, RRB and all Banking exams.