A big dream or big vision for your career isn’t the sole domain of the Extraverted in this world. I do think some times Introverts tip the scale on limiting their career ambitions and how they see their future.
This is because it can be tough in our Extroverted culture to compete with the louder, center of everyone’s attention, which is also our cultural ideal.
After years spent seeing what looks like the majority of the rewards going to others, dreams can tend to shrink. The career ambitions are still there.
All of that is easy to understand as you go from child to adult. Now that you are a fully contributing introvert adult, it’s time for you to understand that you can create your path to greatness.
We know more about how to adapt our behavior to situations through education and skill building just like we now know how to shape great leaders.
It all starts with the dream or vision. For some people creating a “vision” feels like nailing Jello on a wall. Kind of hard to get hold of, feels kind of squishy and may be pointless.
If there were ever a good argument for creating a big, bold vision of your future, it would have to be to think about founding our nation and the guys who did it. No one told them what to do.
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They didn’t drag out of bed in the morning and say “I suppose I better get that constitution written today”. They had a vision that drove them through some of the worst adversity to prevail.
That vision has fueled millions of people over multiple centuries. With these role models in mind, can you now see that nothing great is accomplished without a vision?
Why Vision for Career
Here are the reasons why you want a vision for your career:
- We all need something big to inspire and excite us every day for a long time
- It gives a purpose to your career and to your work
- When times are tough, and they will be periodically, you need to know that a light will shine on you at the end of the tunnel
So, why is it difficult to create your own career vision?
Because you don’t do it. Like everything else we do, if you don’t exercise a muscle it will be very hard to use when you try. This means you need to start using your vision and get it pumped up.

Create Career Vision
Here are some things you can do to start building a muscle for your career vision:
- Start with some quiet, private time and let your imagination run free (you remember your imagination don’t you?)
- If you meditate, even better
- While in your tranquil state, think forward in time and observe the impact you have had
- Ask yourself questions like: What would you like to say you impacted or accomplished through your work? How would that feel? What would you like others to say about you at your retirement party?
- Think about what you would do if money were no object.
- Think about what if you could accomplish everything you imagine.
Once you have started this process, revisit this exercise until you squeeze as much as you can from your own vision and career ambitions.
There really is no restrictions and no “right or wrong” with your vision and career ambitions. Also your vision shouldn’t sound or be something like a checklist of tasks because that’s not a vision. Be big. Be bold and just know that once you have the vision in place, figuring out how to get there will seem like play.
Courtesy of Career Rocketeer
Thank you for reading Career Guidance article on “Career Ambitions: Is It Time To Dream Big??”. If you want to tell any suggestion, please do comment below.