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1. Android is?
A. Android is a stack of software applications for mobile devices
B. Android is Virtual machine
C. Android is Google mobile device name
D. All of the above
2. When Google purchase Android?
A. 2010
B. 2008
C. 2005
D. 2007
3. What part of the Android platform is open source?
A. Application Frame Work
B. Native Libraries
C. Low-level Linux modules
D. All of these answers #The entire stack is an open source platform
4. Which one is not a nickname of a version of Android?
A. Gingerbread
B. Muffin
C. Cupcake
D. Honeycomb
5. Android is based on Linux for which reason?
A. Networking
B. Portability
C. Security
D. All of these
6. What operating system is used as base of the Android Stack?
A. Java
B. Linux
C. Windows
7. .Apk extension stands for?
A. Application Package
B. Application Program Kit
C. Android Proprietary Kit
D. Android Package
8. Which programming language Is used For Android app Development?
A. Java
D. NodeJs
9. Android Application must be signed _____.
A. Within two weeks of installation
B. Never
C. After they are installed
D. Before they are installed
10. What was the first phone released that ran the Android OS?
A. HTC Hero
B. Google gPhone
C. Motorola Droid
D. T-Mobile G1
11. Android is licensed under which open source licensing license?
B. Gnu’s GPL
C. Source-forge
D. Apache/MIT
12. Recent android new version name is?
A. Pie
B. Marshmallow
C. Lolipop
D. Jelly Bean
13. Android Is Based On Which Kernal?
A. Linux
B. Windows
C. Mac
D. Redhat
14. Which code use by Android is not a open source?
A. Video Driver
B. WiFi Driver
C. Device Driver
D. Bluetooth Driver
15. How many levels of securities are in Android?
A. Android Level Security
B. App and Kernel Level Security
C. Java Level Security
D. None of The Above
16. What Is “JNI” in Android?
A. Image Editable Tool
B. Java Network Interface
C. Java Native Interface
D. Java Interface
17. Android is developed by which company?
A. Google
B. Apple
C. Microsoft
D. Android Inc
18. In which directory XML layout files are stored?
A. /assets
B. /res/layout
C. /res/values
D. /src
19. What is the JSON exception in android?
A. Input not found exception
B. JSon Exception
C. Json Not found exception
D. All of the above
20. What are the functionalities of Binder services in android?
A. Binder is responsible for marshalling and un-marshalling of the data
B. Binder is responsible to manage the thread while using aidl in android
C. Binder is a kind of interface
D. A & B
Question 21: When contentProvider would be activated?
(A) using Intent
(B) using SQLite
(C) using ContentResolver
(D) none of the above
Question 22: Parent class of Activity?
(A) object
(B) context
(C) activityGroup
(D) contextThemeWrapper
Question 23: Once installed on a device, each Android application exists in __________?
(A) device memory
(B) external memory
(C) security sandbox
(D) none of the above
Question 24: What are the Direct subclasses of Activity?
(A) ListActivity
(B) ActivityGroup
(C) FragmentActivity
(D) All the above
Question 25: Which is the screen densities in Android?
(A) low density
(B) medium density
(C) extra high density
(D) all of the above
Question 26: You can shut down an activity by calling its ___________ method.
(A) onDestory()
(B) finishActivity()
(C) finish()
(D) none of the above
Question 27: Which one is ANR in android?
(A) Dialog box
(B) Application Not Responding
(C) Android Not Responding
(D) None
Question 28: Which of the following is Layouts in android?
(A) Frame Layout
(B) Linear Layout
(C) Relative Layout
(D) All of the above
Question 29: How many ways to start services?
(A) started
(B) bound
(C) both a & b
(D) messenger
Question 30: What is/are the JSON elements in android?
(A) integer, boolean
(B) boolean
(C) null
(D) Number, string, boolean, null, array and object