Job search has never been easy and this fact could be complicated further by lack of knowledge of useful tips during this period.
Whether you are a fresh graduate from campus or any tertiary institution or an experienced employee seeking a career change, one never expects that a job search will last long until the weeks — and months — start ticking by. This could become more frustrating even for them seeking
Career change if by the time of job search you are not in active employment or other entrepreneurial ventures. Economic downturns and other external uncertainties could make it look like decades of emptiness.
12 Tips for a Lengthy Job Search
- Never rely on one resume and cover letter.
- Don’t expect a response from every company.
- Be modest and professional with the hiring agent.
- Don’t expect immediate results.
- Don’t and never limit your possibilities.
- Don’t get discouraged.
- Don’t focus on the rejection.
- Don’t compare yourself to others.
- Don’t spend all your money.
- Don’t go sloppy.
- Don’t stop looking until you actually have the job.
- Don’t panic and exaggerate or lie.
12 Tips for a Lengthy Job Search
JobsCaptain shares twelve principles you need to be wary of while job searching to avoid the pitfall of frustration and eventually giving up To better increase your odds of finding a job sooner, here are what i call “The 12 things you need to avoid during a length job search.”
Never rely on one resume and cover letter.
The longer the job search takes the more customized resumes and cover letters you will need for you to succeed. Any time you post or present your resume and cover letter to a prospective employer, it should be customized to match the targeted vacancy.
You should ensure that you match your skills and create relevance between them and the job vacancy. Avoid the pitfall of copy pasting or simply forwarding your resume and cover letter to employers without customising them.
9 Success Tips You Must Consider in Your Cover Letter
Don’t expect a response from every company.
As much as it is expected as a good practice from employers to communicate back to the applicants, gone are the days when the HR manager or hiring agent would inform you that you are not the right candidate for job.
Today, if the company is interested in you, the hiring agent will let you know. You will notice in most job adverts the employer categorically state that if by certain date you won’t have heard from them, then consider yourself unsuccessful.
Be modest and professional with the hiring agent.
Do not make more than two inquiry into the status of your application. If they tell you they will get back to you, believe them whether they do so or not.
Don’t expect immediate results.
Finding the right job takes a lot of effort and time nowadays. Even when the company decides you’re the best candidate, it may take weeks or months to be processed and a decision to be made.
Don’t and never limit your possibilities.
Unless it’s drastically lower than your job belief, a lesser title, benefits or pay may at least get you in the door. Once you’ve landed a job you will have a chance to prove yourself. If at all possible, also be flexible where you can work. A great career vision will not always have a rosy path.
Sometimes we are forced to swallow our pride and take jobs in locations and positions we never thought of in our life. As long as the opportunity available does not compromise on your personal values and therein it contains an opportunity for you to pursue your specific career goals in the near future then don’t shun it. Once you take it you will be shocked to realize that it offered more that you had thought.
Don’t get discouraged.
Discouragement is only in your mind. The reality is every day you look for work is a new day and as long as there is a new day to live and something worthy to live for then discouragement has to be overcome at all cost. Remember that a job search exercise is not the time for a “pity party”. Learn to put all you failures and disappointments behind you and take each day as a brand new day with a positive and right attitude.
Don’t focus on the rejection.
Treat it as information. At least you know that for now that particular company does not have a job for you or that your skill set is not a match with that job or company. If possible, find out why you were rejected. The more specific the feedback, the more specific your changes and improvement will be.
You might naturally be disposed in to retreating to “the rejection corner” and seek sympathy from friends and colleagues. This will not land you a job. Always go back and draw inspiration from your career resolutions and successful figures. Build a bunker of confidence all around you at this point in time.
Don’t compare yourself to others.
This is the worst tragedy that has befallen the career world. Everyone is comparing themselves to “a someone” somewhere. Most important is if your colleagues are finding work faster or better than you, or you are in an outplacement group and you’re the last one left, don’t compare their situation to yours.
The only one sure guide at this point in time will remain you vision and determination to succeed no matter. That bigger picture that you have in your mind and have drafted it on some note book, should be your point of comparison and reference.
Don’t spend all your money.
You will need to exercise lots of financial discipline to survive this job drought period. Learn to pace yourself and your budget. Do temporary or part-time job to pay your bills.
Try and moonlight or get something to do on the weekends since most of your weekdays might be spent on job searching and attending interviews.
Don’t go sloppy.
This is not the time to gain weight, grow lots of facial hair, or wear sloppy clothes. How you look is how you feel and eventually the world perceives you in the same manner. Be kind and respectful to yourself.
Don’t stop looking until you actually have the job.
Because stuff happens, keeps your job search going until you have a contract or start date. Too often, candidates stop looking once they have an interview at hand. No matter how confident you are at your interview performance never slacken in your job search. You could just miss out on the golden opportunity which availed itself after the interview whose feedback might take unnecessarily long.
Don’t panic and exaggerate or lie.
Down-town certificates for courses and qualifications you never pursued should never find their way into your job application pack no matter the temptation. Please note that If your resumes are not getting results, don’t even think of enhancing it with exaggerations and untruths. You character still counts. Fraud should never be an option.
Thank you for reading 12 things or tips you need to avoid during a length job search. Further you have any query related Interview, please do comment below.