Candidates are you looking for SSC CGL 2022 Exam Pattern? Then there is the Detailed official and Revised Exam Pattern for all Three Tiers of CGL Examination.
Combined Graduate Level Examination | Dates |
Online application submission | 03-04-2023 to 03-05-2023 |
Last date for online application receipt | 03-05-2023 (23:00) |
Last date for online fee payment | 04-05-2023 (23:00) |
Last date for offline Challan generation | 04-05-2023 (23:00) |
Last date for payment through Challan | 05-05-2023 |
Application Form Correction (with online payment) | 07-05-2023 to 08-05-2023 |
A tentative schedule of Tier-I (Computer-Based Exam) | Jul, 2023 |
A tentative schedule of Tier-II (Computer-Based Exam) | To be notified later |
It is expected that and tentatively Notification for CGL is going to be announced on 3rd April 2023. This information regarding tentative dates for CGL Exam is released through SSC Exam Calendar.
Online Registration for CGL Exam starts on 3rd April and registers up to 3rd May 2023. And it is expected that approx. 40 lakh+ candidates are going to apply for Staff Selections CGL Exam.
But candidates if you are thinking about the rush or attendance in CGL Exam so for your kind information the attendance in CGL 2021 Tier-1 Exam is too low. Only approx. 14 lakh candidates have appeared for Tier-1 Exam and More than 38 lakh candidates are registered for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam.
This means only 36% of candidates have appeared for SSC CGL Exam and 64% of candidates are competing for few thousand posts.
But if you are aiming for CGL Exam then you have to start your preparation right now. If you start your preparation right now then you have too must time in your hand then there is more chance to complete your Whole SSC Combined Graduate Level Examination Syllabus.
Candidates very careful while filling out your online form, because when you fill out your application form you need to specify your post preferences for CGL Exam and all these preferences should be done keeping in your mind the Top 5 Posts for SSC CGL exam and from your exam preparation point of view you have to choose best books for CGL Exam.
In this post, we are going to discuss the Exam Pattern for CGL Exam. It is important to take note that SSC had made some big changes in the Exam Pattern of CGL Exam from the year 2023.
If you have appeared for CGL exam then you might be aware of changes in Exam Pattern. But if it’s your first time then you should read the whole post till the end and you have to prepare according to the Revised Exam Pattern for CGL Exam.
Changes in the SSC CGL Exam Pattern
1. Online Exam:
Previously SSC CGL Tier-1 and Tier-2 Exam are conducted through Paper Pen mode but from the year of 2021 all SSC Exam are to be conducted through Online Mode which is also known as CBT (Computer Based Test).
2. E-Admit Cards:
Candidates SSC had discontinued sending Paper Admit Cards to candidate’s residents appearing for SSC Exam. Be it’s CGL Exam or CHSL Exam Admit card will be generated online and can be downloaded through the respective SSC Regional Websites.
3. Changes in Tier-1 Pattern:
In this new pattern, there is a reduction in weightage and time of all the subjects. As per New Pattern which follows…..
- The Time duration for CGL Tier-1 Online Exam is 60 minutes only.
- The number of questions has been reduced from 200 to 100 only.
- From now there will be 25 questions per section and Earlier there was 50 question for each and every section.
- Negative Marking in Tier-1 Exam is increased from 0.25 to 0.50 marks
In Tier-2 Exam, there is no big change in Exam Pattern. The only change is the mode of Exam from offline to online which is CBT (Computer Based Test).
4. Descriptive Paper:
From Now SSC had introduced Tier-3 Stage which includes Descriptive Paper of 100 Marks.
- The minimum qualifying mark in descriptive paper is 33%.
- The overall Weightage of descriptive paper is 100 Marks.
- This Paper comprises of Application/ Essay and Letter Writing.
Also, Read:
- SSC CGL Tier 1 Previous Year Question Papers
- English Hackbook PDF for SSC CGL
- SSC CGL Handwritten Notes PDF
- Geography Notes PDF For SSC CGL
SSC CGL 2023 Exam Pattern
In this section, we are going to discuss the Exam Pattern for Staff Selection’s Combined Graduate Level Examination 2022.
Knowing about Exam Patterns in advance will help you in planning well for preparation of exams.
SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam Pattern
Tier-1 is the first safe of CGL exam so those candidates who have successfully submitted their CGL Application and issued their Tier-1 Admit Card all can appear for CGL Tier-1 Exam 2023.
So, don’t take Tier-1 Exam lightly as screening test marks obtained in CGL Tier-1 Exam is used to prepare your final merit list. So, candidates prepare very tightly for your CGL Tier-1 Exam.
Moreover, only those candidates who have qualified for their Tier-1 Exam can appear for CGL Tier-2 Exam.
Now let’s read SSC Exam Pattern for Tier-1 Examination.
CGL Tier-1 Exam is CBT (Computer Based Test) and there will be 100 questions that carry 200 marks with time duration of 60 minutes.
- For General Intelligence and Reasoning (25 Questions/ 50 Marks)
- For General Awareness (25 Questions/ 50 Marks)
- For English (25 Questions/ 50 Marks)
- For Quantitative Aptitude (25 Questions/ 50 Marks)
SSC CGL 2022 Tier-1 Exam is tentatively scheduled from 19th June to 2nd July 2022.
Candidates during examination you have to be very careful there is a penalty of 0.50 marks for each and every wrong answer.
SSC CGL Tier-2 Exam Pattern
Candidates if you are lucky to qualify the Tier-1 Exam then you have to appear for Tier-2 Stage. But as you proceed for Tier-2 Stage the competition decreases the Difficulty level of paper increases.
And it is very important to mention that Less than 10% of candidates make their Tier-2 stage, In the year 2021 more than 14 lakh candidates appeared for Tier-1 Exam and only 1.49 lakh candidates were qualified for their CGL Tier-1 Exam.
Now proceed to the pattern for CGL 2023 Exam.
As per SSC Annual Exam Calendar for 2024, CGL Tier-2 Exam will be held on 5th Sept. to 8th September, 2022.
Basically, Tier-2 has 4 papers and each and every paper contains 200 marks. Paper 1 and Paper 2 is compulsory for each and every candidate but Paper 3 is for those candidates who have applied for Statistical Investigator and Paper 4 is for those candidates who have applied for Assistant Audit Officer Post.
- Paper – 1: Quantitative Abilities (100 Questions/ 200 Marks) Time Duration of 2 hours.
- Paper – 2: English Language and Comprehension (200 Questions/ 200 Marks) Time Duration of 2 hour
- Paper – 3: Statistics (100 Questions/ 200 Marks) Time Duration of 2 hour
- Paper – 4: Finance and Accounts (100 Questions/ 200 Marks) Time Duration of 2 hour

Note: For Paper-2 Negative markings will be applicable for 0.25 marks for each and every wrong answer and for Papers 1, 3 and 4 negative markings will be applicable for 0.50 marks for each and every wrong answer.
Candidates for more details applicants are advised to read previous post which relates Syllabus for SSC CGL 2022 Tier-2 Exam.
SSC CGL Tier-3 Exam Pattern
Tier-3 Stage is new introduced by CGL Exam and it is also known as Descriptive Paper. Previously Place of Tier-3 is Interview but from 1st January 2019 Official of SSC and the Government of India has decided to do away with interviews for all Non-Gazetted Post and therefore SSC introduces Descriptive Paper in CGL Exam.
Basically, the motive of Descriptive Paper is checking the candidate’s writing skill, which is must and mandatory for Government Jobs.
- Tier-3 or Descriptive Paper is to be held through Pen Paper (offline mode).
- Descriptive Paper if comprised of Passage or Essay writing with minimum of 250 words. and Application or Letter writing of 150 Words.
- Descriptive Paper is Bilingual which means it’s upon you to choose your language either it’s Hindi or English.
- Total Weightage of Descriptive paper is 100 Marks with 1 hour of time duration.
- The minimum qualifying mark for Descriptive paper is 33%.

SSC CGL 2023 Tier-4 Exam Pattern

SSC CGL Document Verification (DV)

More Updates
Candidates on this page are discussing the Revised Pattern for CGL 2022 Exam. But in future, if there is any change in Pattern or any existing pattern will be known after the announcement of SSC CGL Notification, on 11th March 2023. Candidates one thing is sure there are no changes in the SSC CGL Syllabus.
So, candidates keep your preparation going for SSC CGL Exam and Books for Combined Graduate Level Examination 2023 Exam can help in your preparation.
If you have any queries in your mind regarding SSC CGL 2023 Exam Pattern then ask your query through the comment box which is given below.