Complete Physics Quiz with Answers
You’re welcome to this quick Basic Physics GK Quiz. It has twenty basic questions about various Physics topics. Let’s get started.
As you know Physics Quiz Questions and answers are the most important subject for all std students and for various competitive exams.
Question 1: Universe is made of ________.
(A) Only radiation
(B) Only matter
(C) Vacuum
(D) Matter and radiation
Question 2: Full name of AFM is ______.
(A) Atomic force mirror
(B) Atomic force microscope
(C) Atomic fire microscope
(D) Automatic force microscope
Question 3: Full name of ESR is _____.
(A) Electron spin resonance
(B) Electron spin range
(C) Electric spin resonance
(D) Electric space radar
Question 4: The range of physics is about ______.
(A) Zero to infinite
(B) Range of nucleus
(C) Earth to sun
(D) Near around the earth
Question 5: Physics considered vacuum as one ____.
(A) Physical Quantity
(B) Physical State
(C) Physical unit
(D) Infinite
Question 6: ________ is a branch of physics related to charging and magnetic field.
(A) Mechanics
(B) Electrodynamics
(C) Thermodynamics
(D) Optics
Question 7: Electromagnetic force is __________.
(A) only attractive
(B) Attractive and repulsive
(C) Only repulsive
(D) Short range force
Question 8: Strong nuclear force acting in the nucleus is between _____.
(1) Proton-Proton (2) Proton-Neutron (3) Neutron-Neutron (4) Proton-Electron
(A) 1,2,3
(B) 1,2,4
(C) 1,3,4
(D) 4
Question 9: During the b-emission, nucleus emits …
(A) Neutron and electron
(B) Neutron and proton
(C) Neutrino and electron
(D) Neutrino and proton
Question 10: As space is isotropic, which law of conservation is obtained?
(A) Law of conservation of energy
(B) Law of conservation of charge
(C) Law of conservation of linear momentum
(D) Law of conservation of angular momentum
Question 11: _________ is responsible for the conservation of linear momentum.
(A) Homogeneity of a space
(B) Isotropy of a space
(C) Homogeneity of time
(D) Isotropy of time
Question 12: If time is homogeneous, which law of conservation is obtained?
(A) Law of conservation of energy
(B) Law of conservation of charge
(C) Law of conservation of linear momentum
(D) Law of conservation of angular momentum
Question 13: Full name of LHC is _______ .
(A) Large hadron collider
(B) Large heater collider
(C) Large heater collision
(D) Large hadron cobalt.
Question 14: If the resultant external …… acting on the system is zero, the total linear momentum of the system remains constant.
(A) Force
(B) Torque
(C) Charge
(D) Mass
Question 15: The number of fundamental units in the SI system is ______.
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 9
Question 16: Which is not a unit of energy?
(A) joule
(B) watt sec
(C) newton meter
(D) kilogram-meter/sec2
Question 17: Which one has a derived unit?
(A) Pressure
(B) Quantity of matter
(C) Mass
(D) Thermodynamic temperature
Question 18: KWh is the unit of which physical quantity?
(A) Power
(B) Momentum
(C) work
(D) Electric potential
Question 19: Unit of modulus of rigidity is …
(A) Nm
(B) Nm.1
(C) Nm.2
(D) Nm2
Question 20: Queries is the unit of which physical quantity?
(A) Energy of gray
(B) Radioactivity
(C) Half-life
(D) Intensity of radiation