Are you looking for Literary isms and movements Book PDF?
Today we will provide you all major literary movements PDF in 3 parts. You can download free all Literary Movements PDF study Notes and Question-Answer quizzes.
These PDF books of Literary Movements are very important for students of UPSC and other NET/SET/PSC examinations.
Below given PDF book covers NCERT modern literary movements with detailed explanation and puts some questions and answers for your practise.
In Part 1, all about Acmeism, Aestheticism, Agitprop Drama/Blue Blouse, Angry Young Man and various questions with answers.
Part 2 covers all important information available of Avant-garde, Beat Writers/Beat Generation, Works of Beat Generation Writers, POETRY, Prose, Novels and Facts and Figures of Literary Movements.
Part 3 covers, Black Mountain Poets, Bloomsbury Group, Blue Stocking Circle and Points to Ponder of Literary Movements in English.
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