Quiz Set | 1 | 2 | 3 | MCQ on Indian Polity and Governance |
Question 1: If in India the office of President and Vice-President falls vacant at one point of time, the office of the President will temporarily be held by __________.
(A) The Prime Minister
(B) The Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(C) The Chief of Armed Forces
(D) None of the above
Question 2: On which matter, it is not essential to take advice from the Council of Ministers for the President?
(A) Appointment of Ambassadors
(B) To assent to Bills
(C) To assent to Bills referred by Governors
(D) To dissolve Lok Sabha
Question 3: Who is the Executive Head of State in India?
(A) President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Leader of the Opposition
(D) Chief Secretary, Government of India
Question 4: Under which Article of the Indian Constitution did the President give his assent to the Ordinance on electoral reforms when it was sent back to him by the Union Cabinet without making any changes (in the year 2002)?
(A) Article 121
(B) Article 142
(C)Article 123
(D)Article 124
Question 5: Which one of the following Articles of the Constitution vests the executive power of the Union in the President?
(A) Article 51
(B) Article 52
(C) Article 53
(D) Article 54
Question 6: Under which of the following Articles of the Constitution, the President of India has been empowered to promulgate an ordinance?
(A) Article 360
(B) Article 123
(C) Article 200
(D) Article 356
Question 7: Who of the following has been vested with the executive powers of the central government under the Constitution of India?
(A) President of India
(B) Prime Minister of India
(C) Central Cabinet
(D) All of the above
Question 8: An ordinance promulgated by the President must be placed before the Parliament within what time frame after the start of its session?
(A) 1 month
(B) 6 weeks
(C) 8 weeks
(D) 6 month
Question 9: President of India exercises his powers __________.
(A) either directly or through officers subordinate to him
(B) through Ministers
(C) through Prime Minister
(D) through Cabinet
Question 10: Who among the following is appointed by the President?
(A) Attorney General of India
(B) Comptroller and Auditor General
(C) Governor of State
(D) All of the above
Question 11: Who amongst the following is the head of Indian Republic?
(A) President of India
(B) Prime Minister of India
(C) Cabinet
(D) Political head alongwith the Council of Ministers
Question 12: Which one of the following is not appointed by the President of India?
(A) Vice-President
(B) Prime Minister
(C) Governor
(D) Chief Election Commissioner
Question 13: Which one of the following amendments to the Indian Constitution empowers the President to send back any matter for reconsideration by the Council of Ministers?
(A) 39th
(B) 40th
(C) 42th
(D) 44th
Question 14: The Constitution authorizes the President to make provisions for discharge of duties of Governors in extraordinary circumstances under __________.
(A) Article 160
(B) Article 162
(C) Article 165
(D) Article 310
Question 15: The President can dissolve Lok Sabha on ___________.
(A) Recommendation of Chief Justice of India
(B) Lok Sabha’s recommendation
(C) Recommendation of the Union Cabinet
(D) Rajya Sabha’s recommendation
Question 16: Indian Constitution doesn’t empower the President of India with the right of __________.
(A) Appointment of Prime Minister
(B) Appointment of Chief Minister in states
(C) Being the Supreme Commander of Defence Forces
(D) Executing an emergency in any part of the country
Question 17: The President of India can dissolve the Lok Sabha on the recommendation of __________.
(A) Rajya Sabha
(B) Election Commission
(C) Chief Justice of India
(D) Cabinet
Question 18: Which Article of the Indian Constitution empowers the President to consult the Supreme Court?
(A) Article 129
(B) Article 132
(C) Article 143
(D) Article 32
Question 19: The Joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha under Article 108 is summoned by _________.
(A) Chairman of Rajya Sabha
(B) Speaker of Lok Sabha
(C) Prime Minister
(D) President
Question 20: Which of the following is incorrect about the powers of the President of India?
(A) The President should accept the advice of Supreme Court
(B) Emergency powers
(C) Power of extension of President’s Rule in States
(D) President can accept or reject the advice of the Supreme Court
Question 21: Which one of the following statements about the President of India is not correct?
(A) He is a constituent part of Parliament
(B) He participates in the discussion in the both Houses
(C) He addresses the joint meeting of both the Houses every year
(D) He can promulgate ordinances in certain situations
Question 22: According to the Constitution, which among the following is literally not a ‘Power’ of the President of India?
(A) Promulgation of Ordinances
(B) To consult the Supreme Court
(C) To send messages to Houses of Parliament
(D) To grant Pardon
Question 23: The only instance when the President of India exercised his power of veto, is related to _________.
(A) The Hindu Code Bill
(B) The PEPSU Appropriation Bill
(C) The Indian Post Office (Amendment) Bill
(D) The Dowry Prohibition Bill
Question 24: The President of India does not have the right to __________.
(A) Give Pardon
(B) Remove a judge of Supreme Court
(C) Declare emergency
(D) Pass ordinances
Question 25: Who among the following Presidents exercised a power which is ‘Pocket veto’ in Constitutional terminology?
(A) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(B) V.V. Giri
(C) Gyani Zail Singh
(D) Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
Question 26: Power of the President to grant pardons etc., is a __________.
(A) Legislative Power
(B) Judicial Power
(C) Executive Power
(D) None of the above
Question 27: Under which Article of the Indian Constitution, the President of India enjoys the power to withhold his assent to any Bill passed by both the Houses of the Parliament?
(A) Article 63
(B) Article 108
(C) Article 109
(D) Article 111
Question 28: Which of the following Article of Indian Constitution mentions the ‘Doctrine of Pleasure’?
(A) Article 200
(B) Article 301
(C) Article 310
(D) Article 311
Question 29: Who amongst the following has the power to withhold assent to a Bill, after it has been passed by the two Houses of Parliament?
(A) The President
(B) The Prime Minister
(C) The Speaker of the Lok Sabha
(D) The Chairman of the Rajya Sabha
Question 30: Which one of the following is not the Constitutional Prerogative of the President of India?
(A) Returning an ordinary Bill for reconsideration
(B) Returning a financial bill for reconsideration
(C) Dissolving the Lok Sabha
(D) Appointing the Prime Minister
Quiz Set | 1 | 2 | 3 | MCQ on Indian Polity and Governance |