A career in sports and physical education is a unique occupation.
It is a profession by which a student can earn a substantial amount of money and at the same time stay fit. After understanding the subject a lot of job opportunities open up for the candidate.
Read important information on various Careers.
Personal Attributes For Career in Sports and Physical Education
A variety of personal attributes is a must for the aspirants who enter into the world of sports and physical education. If a student wants to excel in this area then there is a need to develop the qualities like patience, perseverance and team spirit.
This is one subject where personal virtues count more than educational qualifications and thus the qualities like commitment and discipline become the essence of success.
Sports person are always expected to be zealous and energetic. So, if a student thinks that he possesses an assortment of all the above merits then yes, this is the perfect career.
Eligibility Criteria
Along with the above stated virtues, a student has to fulfil the following basic educational requirements to pursue a career in sports:
- To pursue a graduate level program in this subject a 10+2 certificate with physical education is required.
- To enter into teaching after appropriate educational qualification, a student needs to complete his B. phy. Ed along with graduation or post graduation as the case may be.
- If a student has a dream of becoming a personal trainer, therapist or a coach then a post graduate degree in physical education is required.
Scope and Job Prospects
Job opportunities after the completion of education and training in this field yield a wide variety of job offers for the students who get successful in obtaining the obligatory degrees. The mention of a few of them will not be out of place here:
- Students excelling in a particular sport may chase their passion by playing state, national and even international level tournaments and thus they can become professional players of the particular game.
- A well trained and well educated sports person can easily get a job as a coach in various schools, colleges and even for games at the national and international level.
- Becoming an umpire or referee is a perfect job for the aspirants who have sound knowledge about the rules and regulations of a game. In this job one has to inspect equipment’s, the ground along with conducting the games with proper discipline.
- Sports journals and magazines require qualified and educated sports person for writing columns. There is always a scope on television for such students who want to get engaged in presenting and preparing programs for viewers.
Institutes for Sports & Physical Education
Names of major institutes providing courses in sports and physical education are provided below for the guidance of the young students to help chase their dream:
- Indira Gandhi institute of physical education and sports science, Delhi
- B.P.ED. College Kolhapur, Maharashtra
- Bangalore University, Bangalore
- Netaji Subhash National Institute of Sports
- Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
All the above colleges provide under graduate, post graduate and B.P.ED programs which last for three, two and one year respectively.
A student, who is physically fit, mentally balanced and committed and has a passion for sports can just look out for an appropriate opportunity.
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