GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is conducted by IISc and IITs every year for admission in Post Graduate degree programs in Engineering/IT/ Architecture. The entrance exam is also a base for admission in Doctoral programs in related branches of Science.
Before anything else, it is beneficial to know that GATE exam is complete different from other entrance exams so one is required to prepare for the exam accordingly.
First of all make up and set clearing GATE exam as your goal. Similar to marathon race, you also need to prepare months or even years ahead before you finally appear for GATE exam.
GATE exam is all about basics or fundamentals. Most of the questions asked in the exams are derived from the fundamentals. Best way to prepare for GATE exam is to prepare it in stages and starting from getting all the fundamentals right and test yourself on continuous basis. After gaining confidence in that, take a mock test to judge your position among other competitors.
Another important factor in preparing for GATE exam is choosing the right type of study material. First of all, you cannot tell whether the study material is worth reading or not until you have gone through it. So, to make this work easier you can seek advice from your seniors.
GATE Preparation Powerful Tips
Keep in mind following tips for score good marks in examination.
- Start Early Preparation
- Be Clear With The GATE Exam Pattern And GATE Syllabus 2021.
- Fix a Study Schedule
- Refer GATE Previous Year Exam Papers
- Take Regular Mock Tests
You need to use certain parameters which will aid you in choosing the right type of coaching institute and study material for preparing GATE exam.
Collecting Study Material
Divide all the relevant books in two first those containing fundamentals concepts and second which is problem oriented. Also, make sure that you have previous question papers of GATE exam.
Keep in Touch with Experienced Ones
It is important you are in contact with those who have walked through this path and have been successful. Thus, you will be able to get ideas and methods for preparing the exam in the most rightful manner.
Studying Books
Do not get confused by starting from anywhere instead start from the very first chapter of the book and then move on. You need to read at least five books so that your knowledge is widened.
It is good to note down important concepts, theories, formulae etc.
Practice problem solving as much as you can since it is only way of getting proficiency and also you will get to learn about various tricks for solving problems.
Uniqueness in Study Material for Crack GATE
While looking for a good coaching institute, make sure to go through their study materials as in case the study material provided by the institute is just a copy-paste then it is of little assistance.
If you do not find it interesting to read it then you know that you do not need that. In that case, you can look for other good books written by famous authors capable of making your preparation enjoyable as well as beneficial.
Last but not the least; do not stop evaluating your preparation by taking mock test so that you have an idea about the percentage you might score in the exam. For this purpose you can seek help from others also.
Here special all entrance examination guide for you – Click here
Thank you for reading article on How to Prepare for GATE Exam 2021. We hope our tips will helpful to you during preparation of Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering examination.
Furthermore, if you have any question in your mind then please do comment below.
this article very helpful to prepare for gate exam without coaching.