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Question 1: One or more option button controls can be selected from ________ choices.
(A) multiple
(B) single
(C) dual
(D) parallel
Question 2: Which bar contains a set of tools to provide controls in the Form?
(A) Status
(B) Tool
(C) Menu
(D) Progress
Question 3: The input to a User-defined function can consist of ___________ .
(A) a single value
(B) One or More values
(C) No values
(D) All the above
Question 4: When a User clicks a button ________ is triggered.
(A) An event
(B) A Method
(C) A Setting
(D) A Property
Question 5: A module-level is available to all the _______ in the module.
(A) data
(B) procedures
(C) event
(D) task
Question 6: ___________ is a Valid Variable Name.
(A) Two_One
(B) 2One
(C) Two One
(D) Two.One
Question 7: Code window consists of a __________ box and procedure list box.
(A) object
(B) event
(C) tool
(D) message
Question 8: Variables declared inside the Procedure are said to have_________ .
(A) local scope
(B) procedural level scope
(C) global level scope
(D) None of the above
Question 9: MDI stands for?
(A) Multiple document interface
(B) Multiple design interface
(C) Manipulated document interface
(D) Menu design interface
Question 10: Properties are used to represent__________ .
(A) actions
(B) classes
(C) data
(D) events
Question 11: ________ function translates a numeric value to a variable.
(A) Message
(B) Build In
(C) Val
(D) Mod
Question 12: The _________ property in Visual basic is common for many a tools.
(A) location
(B) place
(C) window status
(D) name
Question 13: Option button can be grouped in a _________ control.
(A) label
(B) text box
(C) frame
(D) check box
Question 14: Which tool used in visual basic to draw rectangle in the form?
(A) Textbox
(B) Option button
(C) Command button
(D) Shape
Question 15: In visual basic ________ is the extension to represent project file.
(A) .frm
(B) .vbp
(C) .cls
(D) .txt
Question 16: Variables declared inside a procedure are said to have _____________.
(A) local scope
(B) procedure-level scope
(C) class-level scope
(D) None
Question 17: In Visual basic more than one child _____ is allowed to add in project.
(A) form
(B) window
(C) property
(D) codings
Question 18: The __________ keyboard refers to current form in Vb project.
(A) me
(B) current
(C) form
(D) case
Question 19: Scroll bar is of __________ types in Visual basic for usage.
(A) four
(B) two
(C) five
(D) six
Question 20: The width of any tool in visual basic can be changed at ___________ time.
(A) run
(B) debug
(C) design
(D) edit
Question 21: The Visual basic programming is ___________ based programming concept in general.
(B) logical
(C) concept
Question 22: The IDE stands for?
(A) Integrated Development Environment
(B) Integer Development Environment
(C) Information Development Environment
(D) Internal Development Environment
Question 23: The ____________ is a tool used for both the Input and output purpose.
(A) command button
(B) text box
(C) label
(D) list box
Question 24: In visual basic the declaration of variables is done by ____________ key word.
(A) int
(B) dim
(C) else
(D) declare
Question 25: Among the events in VB, the Load event is associated with __________ .
(A) command button
(B) label
(C) text box
(D) form
Question 26: _________ window is used to align the form execution in desired position or location.
(A) form layout
(B) property
(C) project explorer
(D) coding
Question 27: ___________event will execute automatically at the activation of the tool.
(A) GotFocus
(B) LostFocus
(C) Enabled
(D) Click
Question 28: In visual basic the _________ file consist of complete coding and form design.
(A) project
(B) form
(C) class
(D) module
Question 29: Self Length Property is supported by __________ control in VB.
(A) label
(B) text box
(C) command button
(D) option button
Question 30: The Function Procedure are _________ by default.
(A) Public
(B) Private
(C) Protected
(D) Local