Going to Apply for SSC CGL 2022 Exam? Want to know the CGL 2022 Eligibility Criteria in Advance?
Staff Selection Commission’s (SSC) much awaited Combined Graduate Level (CGL) latest Notification and Exam dates, will be announced soon. The tentative schedule will be known when SSC announces its official Exam Calendar for 2022, but the exact information on CGL Exam Dates, will be known, only after the announcement of SSC CGL Notification.
Whenever the CGL Notification, gets announced, the same will be uploaded on the Official website and published in the Employment Newspaper. However it will take some time, as Notification, is likely to be published not earlier than Feb, 2022, but still, you can start your preparation for the exam, as over 40 lakh candidates may register for Staff Selection CGL Exam.
However, there are talks, that SSC may revise the Eligibility criteria for CGL 2022 Exam. If you are thinking, that, changes, will be made in the Educational Qualification, then don’t worry, as CGL being a Graduate Level Exam (CGL), will remain a Graduate Level Exam and the minimum Qualification will remain graduation only.
The changes, we are discussing here are in Age Limit Criteria. Earlier, SSC had proposed to make these changes for CGL 2012 Exam, but later issued a Notification informing, that Changes, will be applicable from SSC CGL Exam.
In this post, we are going to discuss the complete and detailed Eligibility criteria to appear for SSC CGL Exam. However, the exact eligibility criteria will be known, only when the CGL-2022 Advertisement will be announced.
What is the Basic Eligibility Criteria for SSC CGL Exam?
Here in this section, we will provide, the basic SSC CGL 2022 eligibility criteria, that you need to possess, before applying for the exam. Applicants must note that these are the basic criteria, and merely, applying for the exam, does not entitle you, to appointment.
Moreover, this CGL eligibility criteria, can be changed anytime, and is at the complete discretion of SSC. However the criteria, given below is being followed over the last few years, and chances, are low, that it can be changed.
1. Nationality:
All those, people who are born in India are eligible to apply.
Moreover, If, you are subject of Nepal Or Bhutan Or a Tibetan Refugee, who came over to India, can also apply.
2. Age-Limit:
The minimum age limit to apply for CGL 2022 Exam is 18 years, while the maximum is 32 years. It is worth mentioning here that there is for different categories of posts, there is a different Age Limit. But, most of the posts have age Limit in the bracket of 18 to 27 years and 20 to 30 years.
Here we have categorized the posts, as per the Age Limit criteria, as prescribed for CGL Exam
i) Age Limit (20-30years): Here is the list of posts, for which the age limit is 20 to 30 years
- Assistant Section Officer
- Sub-Inspector (CBI)
- Assistant (Ministry of External Affairs)
- Assistant (AFHQ)
ii) Age: Limit (21 to 27 years) :
- Assistants in Intelligence Bureau (IB)
iii) Age: Limit (Up to 30 years):
- Assistant Enforcement Officers in Directorate of Enforcement, Revenue Department
- Sub Inspector in National Investigation Agency
- Assistant Audit Officer
iv) Age: Limit (Up to 32 years):
- Statistical Investigator GR-II
v) Age: Limit (18 to 25 years)
- Sub-Inspector in Central Bureau of Narcotics
vi) Age-Limit (18 to 27 years): For all other posts, the age limit is 18 to 27 years.
- Assistants (In various Departments)
- Income tax Inspector (CBDT)
- Inspector (CBEC)
- Inspector of Posts (Department of posts)
- Divisional Accountant (CAG)
- Auditor
- Accountant /Jr. Accountant
- Secretariat Assistant
- Tax Assistant (CBDT)
- Compiler (Registrar Compiler of India)
3. Education Qualification:
The minimum qualification to apply for CGL 2022 Exam is only Graduation. However, for some of the posts, you may need additional qualifications, as detailed below.
i) Assistant Audit Officer: The basic Qualification for this post is Graduation only, however, those with Masters in Commerce, OR MBA (Finance /Economics) OR Chartered Accountant OR Cost and Management Accountant OR Company Secretary, will be given preference.
ii) Statistical Investigator GR-II: For this post, you should have degree in any discipline along with 60% marks in Math at 10+2 Level (12th standard) OR You should have Degree in any discipline, with statistics as one of the subject.
iii) Compiler: For the post of compiler, you must have studied, Mathematics, Economics, or statistics as one of your compulsory subjects in your bachelor degree.
For All Other Posts: You need Degree in any discipline obtained from a recognized Board / University in India.
Important Points Regarding the SSC CGL Eligibility Criteria
Applicants should keep in mind the following points regarding the Eligibility criteria.
1) For determining the Age Criteria, your Matriculation Or School leaving Certificate, will be considered as the only valid proof for determining the age.
2) Relaxation in Age-Limit: Applicants belonging to reserved categories other special categories are entitled to relaxation in the upper age limit, as per the criteria, given below.
3) The cutoff date for determining the Age Limit and Educational Qualifications is 1st August 2022. (most probably date, it’s not final. If you want final date then wait for the official announcement)
4) It is worth mentioning here that your Admission to Online Examination (Tier-1, Tier-2) is completely Provisional only, the scrutiny of your documents, will be undertaken at the time of Descriptive Paper.
Applicants are advised in their own interest to keep in touch with the Official SSC Website and this exclusive SSC CGL Website for official updates on SSC CGL 2022 Exam.
For any Queries, applicants are advised to post their comments below.
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