Questions Answers Shakespeare Quiz
Question 1: William Shakespeare was born on __________.
(A) 23rd April
(B) 24th April
(C) 26th April
(D) 28th April
Question 2: How many plays did William Shakespeare write?
(A) 10
(B) 15
(C) 27
(D) 37
Question 3: How many Acts are in William Shakespeare’s plays?
(A) Three
(B) Four
(C) Five
(D) Six
Question 4: The Tempest is the last play written by ___________.
(A) Wordsworth
(B) William Shakespeare
(C) Henry Ibsen
(D) Christopher Marlow
Question 5: What was the name of the London theatre that Shakespeare is commonly associated with?
(A) The World’s Theatre
(B) The Orb Theatre
(C) The Globe Theatre
(D) The Dream Theatre
Question 6: By which year is it thought that William Shakespeare’s plays were being regularly performed in London?
(A) 1592
(B) 1596
(C) 1600
(D) 1602
Question 7: Of whom is Hippolyta the queen in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”?
(A) The Pygmies
(B) The Centaurs
(C) The Amazons
(D) The Babylonians
Question 8: Which was Shakespeare’s shortest play?
(A) Hamlet
(B) The comedy of errors
(C) The Tempest
(D) King Lear
Question 9: The Globe Theatre burnt down in the year _________.
(A) 1615
(B) 1613
(C) 1620
(D) 1614
Question 10: “…curst be he that moves my bones.” these phrases appears on Shakespeare’s __________.
(A) in his plays
(B) gravestone
(C) Sonnet
(D) poem
Question 11: Who is the king of Britain’s country?
(A) Romeo
(B) Macduf
(C) Lear
(D) Macbeth
Question 12: Which one of Lear’s daughters is sent into exile?
(A) Goneril
(B) Regan
(C) Cordelia
(D) Juliet
Question 13: Which one of Lear’s counselors reprimands the king for exiling his daughter?
(A) Albany
(B) Kent
(C) Cornwall
(D) Edmund
Question 14: Who is Gloucester’s bastard son?
(A) Kent
(B) Edgar
(C) Albany
(D) Edmund
Question 15: When Lear tells Regan that Goneril has wronged him, what does Regan advise him to do?
(A) Kill himself
(B) Banish Goneril
(C) Make Regan the sole queen
(D) Go to Gone and ask her forgivenessril
Question 16: Whom does Lear meet living in a little hovel on the heath?
(A) Albany
(B) Edgar, in disguise
(C) Cordelia
(D) Edmund
Question 17: How is Gloucester punished for his treason?
(A) He is burned
(B) He is blinded
(C) He is branded with a scarlet letter
(D) He is exiled
Question 18: Who is leading the army that lands at Dover?
(A) Albany
(B) Kent
(C) Cordelia
(D) Lear
Question 19: To whom are both Goneril and Regan attracted?
(A) Edmund
(B) Edgar
(C) Albany
(D) Cornwall
Question 20: What happens to Lear and Cordelia during the battle?
(A) They are separated from one another
(B) Edmund takes them captive
(C) They are both killed
(D) Cordelia is killed and Lear is taken captive
Question 21: Edgar fights a duel with _____________ .
(A) Albany
(B) Gloucester
(C) Edmund
(D) Lear
Question 22: What happens to Cordelia?
(A) She kills herself
(B) She is hanged in prison
(C) She marries Edgar
(D) She kills Goneril
Question 23: In what city does A Midsummer Night’s Dream take place?
(A) London
(B) Venice
(C) Rome
(D) Athens
Question 24: Where does A Midsummer Night’s Dream begin?
(A) The Woods
(B) Theseus’s palace
(C) Demetrius’s house
(D) A City Street
Question 25: How long does Theseus have until he is married to his fiance at the beginning of the play?
(A) 4 days
(B) 4 weeks
(C) 4 months
(D) 4 hours
Question 26: What does Theseus tell philostrate to tell the people at the beginning of the play?
(A) to pay their taxes
(B) to celebrate his wedding
(C) to prepare for winter
(D) at the end of the war
Question 27: Theseus’s fiance is from ___________.
(A) The Amazon
(B) Germany
(C) Italy
(D) France
Question 28: In the first scene, an attendant is carrying a small crown meant for whom?
(A) Cordelia
(B) The Queen
(C) Goneril
(D) Regan
Question 29: When King Lear announces that he is retiring, what does he want to do with his country.
(A) choose one of his daughters to be queen
(B) divide them equally between his daughters
(C) give them equally to his sons-in-law
(D) sell all his lands
Question 30: The costumes worn by Shakespearean fools were fairly standardized at the __________.
(A) Globe Theatre
(B) The World Theatre
(C) The Orb Theatre
(D) The Dream Theatre
Question 31: Mercutio is a fool in _________ of Shakespeare’s play.
(A) The Tempest
(B) Macbeth
(C) King Lear
(D) Romeo and Juliet
Question 32: Which of the following plays of Shakespeare, according to T. S. Eliot, is artistic failure?
(A) The Tempest
(B) Hamlet
(C) Henry IV, Pt I
(D) Twelfth Night
Question 33: Isabella is a character in ___________ of Shakespeare plays.
(A) Measure for Measure
(B) The Two Gentlemen of Verona
(C) Romeo and Juliet
(D) Macbeth
Question 34: Robert Johnson composed ‘Full fathom five’ and ‘Where the Bee Sucks’ written for play________________ by William Shakespeare.
(A) The Tempest
(B) King Lear
(C) Romeo and Juliet
(D) Measure for Measure
Question 35: ________ flag in the Globe theatre shows that history plays are being performed.
(A) white
(B) red
(C) green
(D) black
Question 36: _______ flag in the globe theatre advertises the tragedy plays.
(A) black
(B) red
(C) white
(D) green
Question 37: Which theatre was happened to burnt down in 1613?
(A) Private theatre
(B) Mobile theatre
(C) The Globe Theatre
(D) Public theatre
Question 38: In which city is the play “A Midsummer Night Dream” takes place?
(A) Aberdeen
(B) Athens
(C) Aberlore
(D) Andover
Question 39: Where do Lysander and Hermia plan to be married?
(A) Theseus palace
(B) Lysander aunts house
(C) The temple of Diana
(D) A forest glade
Question 40: Shakespeare’s plays were performed in _________.
(A) the Globe theater
(B) the Dionysia festival
(C) both the Globe theater and the Blackfriars theater
(D) the Blackfriars theater
Question 41: How many quatrains and a couplet in Shakespearean Sonnets?
(A) 3 quatrains and 1 couplet
(B) 2 quatrains and 2 couplet
(C) 3 quatrains and 2couplet
(D) 4 quatrains and 1 couplet
Question 42: Claudio is charged with __________ crime.
(A) cheating
(B) fornication
(C) gambling
(D) theft
Question 43: Isabella, Claudio’s sister, is in training to be a ____________ .
(A) nun
(B) wife
(C) nurse
(D) teacher
Question 44: Why does the Duke gives Angelo power over Vienna?
(A) he thinks Angelo is a better leader than he
(B) to test Escalus’s sense of duty
(C) so Angelo can clean up the city
(D) he wishes for a vacation
Question 45: What does Escalus think of Claudio’s punishment?
(A) he thinks it is deserved
(B) he thinks it is overly harsh
(C) the laws for the crime should be rewritten
(D) he doesn’t believe in mercy for Claudio
Question 46: Under what condition, Angelo let Claudio to live?
(A) if Isabella will sleep with him
(B) Claudio will be banished
(C) if Isabella marries him
(D) if the Duke resigns
Question 47: Which woman sleeps with Angelo in the play?
(A) Kate Keep down
(B) Isabella
(C) Juliet
(D) Mariana
Question 48: What is Angelo’s reaction to receiving the Duke’s position?
(A) he is glad for the power
(B) he secretly thinks he will be better than the Duke
(C) he is humbled by the power
(D) he doesn’t want the position
Question 49: What evidence is there that Claudio committed fornication or lechery?
(A) a prostitute’s testimony
(B) his fiancee is pregnant
(C) Lucio catches him
(D) Juliet informs on him
Question 50: Which of these characters is aware of the Duke’s disguise before the end?
(A) Friar Thomas
(B) Isabella
(C) The Provost
(D) Angelo