One of the best pieces of advice I have ever received was from a book by Donald Trump where he encouraged his readers that “they should know everything they can about what they are doing” As a career coach I always echo the same sentiments to anyone start a career or a job search.
You ought to have an understanding of what you are doing, and why you are doing it. This will definitely not be a roller coaster but it is inevitable on your part. This will save not only your time but others too in the long run.
Successful Interview Tips and Tricks
One of the most uncomfortable or rather not so interesting scenarios as a career expert is when I encounter a candidate or a client who comes with a vague idea of what s/he is or intends to do in the name of career pursuit.
This lack of focus out rightly stands as the main reason why they have not been experiencing commendable growth in their career aspirations.
I appreciate persons who know in the first instance what they are doing or rather pursuing and why they are after it. Failure to this translates to time wasting for the two of us.
Before attending an interview a candidate ought to focus him/herself and never expect others to do this for him/her. It is career threatening move to attend an interview with no self focus. This will obviously manifest during the session and guess what; the candidate will irritate the interviewer. And you all know what irritated interviewers recommend.
Questions to ask before your job interview
Some of the questions I have always asked my candidates and which I believe are of utmost significance to any career and job seeking candidate include;
- Could you concisely tell me why you are the best person the prospective employer should hire for the job?
- Are you able to convince me of your qualifications in less than a minute? (this simply means that you should have prepared adequately to understand your key skills and talents that make you stand out of the crowd. You ought to know the key words to use.)
- Can you defend yourself against any questions of your merit that I or the interviewer might have?
- Can you promote yourself in a way that is not egotistical but simply factual? (Remember an egotistical expression puts off many people and the interviewer might just be one of them.)
I will challenge you too to ask yourself these questions before going for an interview and you will surely be going a long way toward preparing to succeed and land that dream job you so much covet.
Thank for reading key to winning the Interview challenge. Stay Connected with JobsCaptain.