We all know that reasoning is an important subject in various competitive exams. It is important that you focus on all reasoning ability sections to score well in competitive exams.
Reasoning skills require proper thinking, understanding of concepts and learning of formulas. Let’s read the basic information and download Reasoning Book PDF in Hindi.
- Topic: Reasoning and General Intelligence Books
- Language: Hindi
- Helpful in: Competitive Exams
Book Content
These all Reasoning Book PDF in Hindi covers the following important topics:
- Verbal Reasoning Topics
- वर्णमाला (Alphabets)
- सादृश्यता (Analogy)
- वर्गीकरण (Classification)
- श्रंखला (Series)
- कूटलेखन-कूटवाचन (Coding-Decoding)
- दिशा और दूरी (Direction And Distance)
- रक्त संबंध (Blood-Relation)
- संकेत और अंकनपद्धति (Symbols And Notation)
- पदानुक्रम एवं व्यवस्थीकरण (Ranking And Arrangement)
- नियत दिन/तिथि/समय (Scheduled Day/Day/Time)
- वेन आरेख (Venn Diagram)
- लुप्त संख्या ज्ञात करना (Finding The Missing Number)
- शब्दो का अर्थपूर्ण (सार्थक) क्रम (Arrangement Of Words In logical Order)
- इनपूट (Input)
- घन एवं पासा (Cube And Dice)
- कारण एवं परिणाम (Cause And Effect)
- कथन एवं निष्कर्ष (Statement And Conclusion)
- न्याय (Syllogism)
- कथन और पूर्वधारणाएँ (Statement & Assumptions)
- कथन एवं कार्यवाही (Courses Of Action)
- ऑकडो की पर्याप्तता (Data Sufficiency)
- ऑकडा विश्लेषण (Data Analysis)
- समस्या-समाधान (Problems Solving)
- पंचलाइन (Punchline)
- विविध (Miscellaneous)
- Non-Verbal Reasoning Topics
- श्रंखला (Series)
- सादृश्यता (Analogy)
- वर्गीकरण (Classification)
- लुप्त आकृति ज्ञात करना (Finding The Missing Figure)
- दर्पण एवं जल प्रतिबिंब (Mirror & Water images)
- कागज के टुकडे एवं मोड (Paper Cutting & Folding)
- प्रतिरुप पूर्ण करना (Completion Of Figure)
- छिपी हुई आकृति (Embedded Figure)
- आकृतियो का विचलन (Deviation Of Figure)
- विविध
Reasoning Notes PDF in Hindi
These all books are full of knowledge, shortcuts tricks and help to do revisions at the last minute. Let’s download Reasoning Books PDF in Hindi:
Above all Reasoning books in Hindi help you to score good marks in IAS, PCS, IBPS, SBI, Railway (RRB), SSC CGL, CPO, CHSL exams.
Thank you for visiting our site. Further, if you have any questions regarding the competitive exam’s Reasoning subject then do comment below. You can also ask questions in Hindi.