Question 1. Which one of the following is a true fish?
(A) Seahorse
(B) Dogfish
(C) Jellyfish
(D) Starfish
Question 2. Which is the largest mammal?
(A) Polar bear
(B) Hippopotamus
(C) African Elephant
(D) Whale
Question 3. From which of following groups does the whale belongs?
(A) Amphibians
(B) Reptiles
(C) Mammals
(D) Fishes
Question 4. Which one is a mammal?
(A) Whale
(B) Octopus
(C) Squid
(D) Shark
Question 5. Which of the following species is the largest of the ‘toothed-whales’?
(A) Humpback whale
(B) Sperm whale
(C) Blue whale
(D) Finback whale
Question 6. Which among the following one lays eggs and does not produce young ones directly?
(A) Whale
(B) Porcupine
(C) Kangaroo
(D) Echidna
Question 7. Mammal capable in flying is_____.
(A) Bat
(B) Pelican
(C) Ostrich
(D) Jaguar
Question 8. Amongst the following flying organisms, which one does not belong to the group, Aves?
(A) Parrot
(B) Eagle
(C) Crow
(D) Bat
Question 9. Dolphins are classified in______.
(A) Mammals
(B) Reptile
(C) Amphibians
(D) Fish
Question 10. From the following option, seal is the species of ______.
(A) Mammal
(B) Reptiles
(C) Bird
(D) Fish
Question 11. Amphibia are ______.
(A) Animals living equally in water and on land both
(B) Animals living on land only
(C) Animals living in water only
(D) Very fastly moving boats
Question 12. Which of the following property separate a man/human from apes?
(A) Broader chin
(B) Contrary thumb
(C) By a rudimentary sense of smell
(D) Envice a desire to learn
Question 13. Among the following, which one is not an ape?
(A) Orangutan
(B) Langur
(C) Gorilla
(D) Gibbon
Question 14. Smallest man-like ape is_____.
(A) Orangutan
(B) Gorilla
(C) Chimpanzee
(D) Gibbon
Question 15. Nilgai belongs to the following family.
(A) Deer
(B) Sheep
(C) Goat
(D) Cow
Question 16. Octopus is______.
(A) A mollusk
(B) A hemichordate
(C) An echinoderm
(D)An arthropod
Question 17. he largest invertebrate is______.
(A) Jellyfish
(B) Coral
(C) Squid
(D) Octopus
Question 18. Among the following organisms, which one does not belong to the class of other three?
(A) Spider
(B) Scorpion
(C) Mite
(D) Crab
Question 19. White leg-horn is a variety of_____.
(A) Owl
(B) Fowl
(C) Peacock
(D) Parrot
Question 20. Ticks and mites are actually______.
(A) Myriapods
(B) Insects
(C) Crustaceans
(D) Arachnids
Question 21. Of the following, which one is a true fish?
(A) Catfish
(B) Jellyfish
(C) Crayfish
(D) Silverfish
Question 22. Warm-blooded animals are those which are able to keep their body temperature______.
(A) Equal to the atmospheric temp.
(B) Constant temp. all time
(C) Higher than environment
(D) Lower than environment
Question 23. Biologists have so far known, found and identified a large number of species in the plant and animal kingdom. In terms of numbers, the largest found and identified so far is from among the______.
(A) Bacteria
(B) Insects
(C) Plants
(D) Fungi
Question 24. Of the following which one is not a fish?
(A) Guitarfish
(B) Pipefish
(C) Sawfish
(D) Starfish
Question 25. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(A) In cartilaginous fishes, fertilization is internal
(B) In bony fishes, swim bladder is usually present
(C) Roundworm has no circulatory system
(D) All echinoderms are viviparous