Question 1. Nitrogen fixing bacteria present in the nodules of the root of leguminous plant are ______.
(A) Parasitic
(B) Saprophytic
(C) Protolytic
(D) Symbiotic
Question 2. Peanut plant is______.
(A) Bush
(B) Flower
(C) Herb
(D) None of these
Question 3. Stem cutting is done generally to grow______.
(A) Cotton
(B) Mango
(C) Sugarcane
(D) Banana
Question 4. Clove is a______.
(A) Seed
(B) Closed buds
(C) Bales of root
(D) Buds of stem
Question 5. Which one of the following spices is a flower bud?
(A) Pepper
(B) Turmeric
(C) Clove
(D) Cumin
Question 6. ‘Cloves’ are_____.
(A) Dried flowers
(B) Leaves
(C) Nodules of roots
(D) Nodules of stem
Question 7. Cloves are obtained from which of the following parts of the plant?
(A) Dried flower buds
(B) Dried seeds
(C) Dried stems
(D) Dried leaves
Question 8. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Jute – Stem
(B) Opium – Opium capsule
(C) Saffron – Seed
(D) Ginger – Rhizome
Question 9. Saffron is dried mixture of_____.
(A) Seed forming parts of flower
(B) Seeds and buds
(C) Petals and roots
(D) Leaf and stem
Question 10. In the following pairs of plants and their edible parts, which pair is not correctly matched?
(A) Coconut – Endosperm
(B) Potato – Roots
(C) Onion – Fleshy leaves
(D) Ginger – Rhizome
Question 11. Which of the following parts of potato is edible?
(A) Fruit
(B) Root
(C) Seed
(D) Stem
Question 12. Which one of the following is a fruit?
(A) Sweet potato
(B) Ladyfinger
(C) Radish
(D) Potato
Question 13. A plant bud is______.
(A) A seed
(B) An endosperm
(C) An embryonic leaf
(D) An embryonic shoot
Question 14. Cork is obtained from which of the following plant?
(A) Argemone
(B) Quercus
(C) Cedrus
(D) Dalbergia
Question 15. The characteristic odour of garlic is due to______.
(A) Acetic acid
(B) A fluorine compound
(C) A sulphur compound
(D) A chloro compound
Question 16. Peeling of onions causes tears as onions release______.
(A) Amino acid
(B) Carbolic acid
(C) Sulfenic acid
(D) Sulphonic acid
Question 17. The most important part of the plant in terms of life cycle______.
(A) Root
(B) Stem
(C) Leaf
(D) Flower
Question 18. Pungency in chillies is due to the presence of______.
(A) Anthocyanin
(B) Carotene
(C) Capsaicin
(D) Lycopene
Question 19. Red chillies are hot because these contain_______.
(A) Caffeol
(B) Arecoline
(C) Capsaicin
(D) Ricin
Question 20. At which stage in its life cycle, does the silkworm yield the fibre of commerce?
(A) Imago
(B) Pupa
(C) Larva
(D) Egg
Question 21. Silkworm grows on______.
(A) Mulberry leaves
(B) Peach leaves
(C) Ficus leaves
(D) Reetha leaves
Question 22. Quinine which is a major drug for malaria is obtained from_____.
(A) Algae
(B) Yeast
(C) Bacteria
(D) Angiosperm
Question 23. Quinine, the effective medicine in the treatment of malaria, is extracted from______.
(A) Bark of Acacia Catechu
(B) Leaves of Ocimum
(C) Bark of Cinchona
(D) Bark of Cinnamon
Question 24. Quinine, used to treat malaria is obtained from which plant’s part?
(A) Flower
(B) Bark
(C) Root
(D) Leaf
Question 25. In which part of the cinchona plant quinine occurs naturally?
(A) Bark
(B) Seed
(C) Fruit
(D) Root