Before you appear for IAS exam, it is good that you are aware of about IAS services itself; in this way you will be able to channelize your preparation for highly dignified exam in the right way.
Thereafter only you should begin Indian Administrative Service (IAS) preparation. You need to be smart, persistent and be patient to crack the exam. IAS examination is conduct by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC).
Let’s read now ultimate guidance on how to prepare for IAS examination 2022.
Subject Selection
The very first issue you need to tackle is to make intelligent selection of optional subjects. Often what happen that students with Masters Degree prefer to take their parental subject for Preliminary exam.
The logic is clear but you must know that no matter what subject you choose you must be cent percent confident that you have thorough knowledge of the subject right from the fundamentals.
Also Read -> Necessity and Importance of IAS Study Material
Preparing for General Studies
It is of highly importance as you need to prepare for it in a different plane as the content included in the paper is too vast as it might be regarding any major or minor issue across the world.
Though preparing NCERT books of 10+2 level were a great help earlier but these days any issue that took place in the time span of a year of so can be included in the paper.
So, the best way to prepare for this paper is to identify the loop-holes and fix them.
Hard Work Alone is Not Sufficient
Thanks to our education system that most of us who believe in getting good marks in their annual exams have to go tens of books every year to promote to higher standard, thus we definitely work hard.
But things are bit different in cracking IAS exam as here only hard working is not sufficient until and unless you pair it with smart work.
Smart work applies differently to different people like some might prefer to read only selected material but thoroughly while others might prefer to make micro notes, practicing time management or preparing notes just to name few.
In short, you need to work smart along with hard work. Study the exam pattern carefully and find similarities and prepare accordingly.
One Task at a Time
Obviously, you have lost of subject areas to cover, but preparing all subjects simultaneously will affect your output which in turn will lower your confidence in you.
So better prefer single tasking instead of multi tasking. For example, you start preparing history, geography and current affairs together; it will suffer your concentration.
So, do intelligibly, prepare one subject perfectly with other which seeks different preparation like politics with current affairs for which you need to read some good newspaper like The Hindu.
Before you start preparing any subject make sure that you have questions papers of last five years and tally it with latest syllabus and then begin your IAS preparation for the subject.
Practicing Timing is Highly Important
In IAS preparation, you need to follow Just in Time approach which means look for the information required at the moment as in this hectic world of today it is not possible to master all so in context to IAS preparation just do not rush after every book or study material referred by your friends on a given topic such as General Knowledge.
We all know that GK is a vast subject and expanding every day, so the best way to prepare for the exam is to refer a good book or magazine along with a good daily newspaper to strengthen your GK base.
Bottom Line
In the end, in IAS preparation, seeking right guidance is the must. Heed advice from IAS toppers, fellow aspirants or those who have reached the interview stage regarding the books that you should read and refer.
Moreover, All kinds of important Pdf notes and around 10,00,000 questions and complete General Knowledge Material can be found here. Subject wise Download Links for Handwritten Class Notes and Quizzes in Hindi and English.
Subject Wise Study Notes and Quizzes
Computer Awareness Notes – Open | General Hindi Notes – Open |
Reasoning Notes – Open | English Grammar Notes – Open |
Maths Notes – Open | Economics Notes – Open |
General Science Notes – Open | Indian Polity Notes – Open |
History Notes – Open | Today History in Hindi – Open |
Environment GK Notes – Open | Banking GK in Hindi – Click |
Geography Notes – Open | Computer Gk in Hindi – Open |
JEE and NEET Notes – Open | Class 11 & 12 Science – Open |
English Grammar Quizzes – Play Now | General Knowledge Quiz – Play Now |
Thank you for reading ultimate guide on How to Prepare for Indian Administrative Service Exam. If you still have any questions, please do comment below, our education expert team will help you.