This article provides a one-stop solution to GSSSB aspirant which are searching for GSSSB Surveyor and Sub-Overseer Syllabus 2020-21 and Free Pdf Study Material at the single place.
Here we are providing you a complete latest GSSSB study material for Surveyor and Sub-Overseer Examination. Generally in this study kit we are covered 100% exam syllabus with new pattern.
Finally we have covered right resources for traditional section and as well as Current Affairs which will be provided every month.
Department Name | Gujarat Subordinate Service Selection Board |
Post Name | Surveyor and Sub-Overseer (Sub-Surveyor) |
Other Knowledge | Computer Knowledge Required for both post |
Salary of Surveyor and Sub-Overseer in GSSSB | Rs. 19,950/- per Month for both post |
Selection Process | Written, Skill Test and Document Verification |
Surveyor and Sub-Overseer Exam Fee | General Category – 100/- Rs No fee for all other category |
You can Apply through Official website | ojas.gujarat.gov.in |
GSSSB Surveyor Basic Details
Education Qualification | Diploma Degree of Civil Engineering or 24 Month Cource done through ITI, |
Age Limit | 18 to 33 Years |
Other Knowledge | Computer Knowledge Required* |
Salary of Surveyor Clerk in GSSSB | Rs. 19,950/- per Month |
Sub-Overseer Basic Details
Education Qualification | Diploma Degree of Civil Engineering pass with 50% or 1 Year Experience of Protection of monuments or 3 Year experience of Construction Work |
Age Limit | 18 to 33 Years |
Other Knowledge | Computer Knowledge Required* |
Salary of Sub-Overseer in GSSSB | Rs. 19,950/- per Month |
Syllabus and Exam Pattern
Here we provided GSSSB official Surveyor and Sub-Overseer official Syllabus and Exam Pattern.
Subject | Marks |
General Knowledge | 20 |
Gujarati Sahitya and Vyakaran | 15 |
English Grammar | 05 |
Technical Subject | 60 |
Total Marks | 100 |
- Multiple Choice Question based Written Exam
- Every Question 1 Mark
- Total Time Duration – 90 Minutes
- Per Wrong Answer 0.25 Mark deducted
- Select “Not Attempted” option for save negative marks
Click here for Syllabus in Gujarati
Now Next see gsssb surveyor sub-overseer syllabus study material.
Computer Proficiency Test
Although to qualify for computer test, candidate require minimum 40 passing mark. For computer test, GSSSB call total vacancies 3 times candidates for computer exam in GSSSB Surveyor and Sub-Overseer posts.
Subject | Marks |
Ms Excel Spreadsheet | 15 |
Email with Attachment | 15 |
Ms PowerPoint | 15 |
Word Typing and Word Formatting (English & Gujarati) | 30 |
Total Marks | 75 |
Study Material of GSSSB Surveyor and Sub-Overseer
Truly here given is the direct link to study topic wise GSSSB Surveyor and Sub-Overseer Study Material that will help aspirants prepare efficiently & score good marks in the upcoming GSSSB Surveyor and Sub-Overseer examination 2020-2021.
General Knowledge
- Gujarat History
- Geography of Gujarat
- Government Schemes
- Art and Culture of Gujarat and India
- Indian Constitution
- General Science
- Current Affairs
- Jaher Vahivat (Public Administration)
- Panchayatiraj
- General Intelligent, Arithmetic Aptitude and Reasoning
- Disaster Management
Gujarati Sahitya and Vyakaran
English Grammar
How will this UPSC Study Material help you in exam preparation?
- Single Place to get all material at one place
- Will help in quick revision
- Crispy Notes
- Easy to remember
- Based on the latest exam pattern (2020-2021)
Therefore If you have any doubt or problem regarding the preparation of GSSSB Surveyor and Sub-Overseer exam, do comment below, our expert team sure help you. Meanwhile gsssb surveyor sub-overseer syllabus study material article surely help you in written exam of Surveyor and Sub-Overseer.
Truly Thank you once again. Keep Connected with JobsCaptain.com
GSSSB surveyor material
Gsssb surveyor prepration book
Thank you for providing GSSSB Surveyor and Sub-Overseer Syllabus and Free Pdf Study Material Books.
Gsssb surveyor prepration book pdf