Want to know GSRTC Exam Syllabus Pattern and Exam date? GSRTC Traffic Controller Syllabus 2022 is accessible here along with Exam Pattern so as to give appropriate direction to enlisted candidates.
Read this article to get the gsrtc.in Traffic Controller Syllabus 2022 subject Wise and some test arrangement tips to show signs of improvement for GSRTC Controller Exam.
GSRTC Traffic Controller Exam Pattern
S.NO | Type of Exam | Subjects | Total Marks |
1. | Objective Type | Gujarati Sahitya & Language | 40 Marks |
2. | General Knowledge | 20 Marks | |
3. | Reasoning | 15 Marks | |
4. | Quantitative Aptitude | 15 Marks | |
5. | English | 10 Marks |
GSRTC Traffic Controller Exam Syllabus
Let’s read the syllabus as per the GSRTC traffic controller notification.
The authority of Gujarat State Road Transport and Corporation will choose the possibility for the Clerk posts through their legitimacy execution and abilities given in the composed Exam.
Check Call Letter Availability Dates: 10-12 days before the exam date. Peruse each point of www.gsrtc.in 2022 Traffic Controller Syllabus to get ready well for the composed test.
- GSRTC Syllabus of General Knowledge
Countries & Currencies, Famous Books & Authors, Sports, Famous Personalities, States & Capitals, Scientific Research, Physics, Current Affairs- National & International, General Polity, Politics, Countries & Capitals, Famous places, India, History, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Art & Culture, Economy, Indian Constitution
- Gujarat State Road Transport Corporation Syllabus of Gujarati Grammar
Idioms & Phrases, Tenses, Sentence Rearrangement, Unseen Passages, Comprehension, Antonyms, Adverb, Grammar, Synonyms, Fill in the Blanks, Vocabulary, Articles, Error Correction, Subject-Verb Agreement, Verb
- GSRTC Traffic Controller Syllabus of Computer Knowledge
Internet Knowledge, MS Word, Introduction to Computer Science, PC Software and Office Automation, Database Management System, MS PowerPoint, Data Structures, Computer Software & Hardware, Computer Networks, MS Excel, Workplace Productivity Tools, Windows, Internet Usage, MS Office
- Gujarat GSRTC Syllabus 2020 of English
Para Completion, Direct & Indirect Speech, Antonyms, Grammar, One-word Substitutes, Synonyms, Active voice & Passive voice, Sentence Arrangements, Reading Comprehension, Passages, Prepositions and Conjunctions, Verb & Adverb, Error Detection, Adjective, Error Correction, Idioms & Phrases, Vocabulary, Correct use of words, Fill in the blanks, Usage of Articles
- GSRTC Syllabus 2022 of Quantitative Aptitude
Problems on Ages, Boats & Streams, Allegations & Mixtures, Least Common Multiple (LCM) & Highest Common Factor (HCF), Compound Interest, Discounts, Time & Work, Geometry, Fundamental Operations, Percentages, Partnerships, Number System, Mensuration, Problems on squares, cubes, Simple Interest, Ratios & Proportions, Simplifications, Averages, Time & Distance, Profit & Loss, Probability, Permutations & Combinations
- Traffic Controller Syllabus of Reasoning
Statements and Conclusions, Odd Man Out, Seating Arrangements, Space, Coding & Decoding, Visual Memory, Arithmetic Reasoning, Spatial Orientation, Visualization, Analysis, Statements & Arguments, Decision Making, Figural Classification, Problem Solving, Number Series and Blood Relations
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