Your welcome to this quick Data Structures Objective Quiz. It has important thirty basic/advance questions about various Data Structures topics.
Data Structures Objective Questions with Answers
Let’s start with Data Structures Objective Questions with Answers.
Question 1: Accessing and processing each array elements is called ___________.
(A) sorting
(B) traversing
(C) searching
(D) merging
Question 2: The sequence (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) . . . . represents __________.
(A) row major order
(B) column major order
(C) random order
(D) successive order
Question 3: What is not a technique of tree traversal?
(A) pre-order
(B) post-order
(C) prefix
(D) in-order
Question 4: Selection sort and quick sort both fall into the same category of sorting algorithms. _________ is that category.
(A) O(n log n) sorts
(B) Divide-and-conquer sorts
(C) Interchange sorts
(D) Average time is quadratic
Question 5: The possibility of two different keys k1 & k2 yielding the same hash address is called__________.
(A) merge
(B) obstacle
(C) overlapping
(D) collision
Question 6: Uniform distribution of the hash address throughout the given set L is _____________.
(A) reduce the number of collision
(B) increase the number of collision
(C) totally avoid collision
(D) manage address
Question 7: _________involves maintaining two tables in memory.
(A) Arranging
(B) Bonding
(C) Combing
(D) Chaining
Question 8: ___________ is a well defined list of steps for solving a problem.
(A) Algorithm
(B) Program
(C) Procedure
(D) Process
Question 9: The data items in a record form a ________ structure which can be described by means of level numbers.
(A) hierarchical
(B) procedural
(C) indexed
(D) leveled
Question 10: A vertex of degree one is called _____________.
(A) padent
(B) isolated vertex
(C) null vertex
(D) colored vertex
Question 11: A connected graph T without any cycles is called _____________.
(A) a tree graph
(B) free tree
(C) a tree
(D) all of the above
Question 12: Which of the following is true while inserting a new node in the list?
(A) Check there is node in the list
(B) Check in the free node in the pool
(C) There is no node
(D) Underflow
Question 13: Which of the following data structures are indexed structures?
(A) Linear arrays
(B) Linked lists
(C) First address
(D) Arrays
Question 14: The efficiency of a BFS algorithm is dependent on _____________ .
(A) Algorithm
(B) Tree
(C) Problem
(D) Graph
Question 15: Divide and conquer is an important algorithm design paradigm based on ____________.
(A) multi-branched recursion
(B) single-branched recursion
(C) two-way recursion
(D) None
Question 16: The correctness of a divide and conquer algorithm is usually proved by _________.
(A) mathematical theorem
(B) de morgan’s law
(C) mathematical induction
(D) None of above
Question 17: The ____________ is used in an elegant sorting algorithm.
(A) Heap sort
(B) Quicksort
(C) Merge sort
(D) Radix sort
Question 18: ____________ is finding a path/tour through the graph such that every vertex is visited exactly once.
(A) Travelling Salesman tour
(B) Eulerian tour
(C) Hamiltonian tour
(D) None of above
Question 19: ____________ data structure is used to implement Depth First search.
(A) Array
(B) Linked list
(C) Queue
(D) Stack
Question 20: Each entry in a linked list is a called a_______________.
(A) Link
(B) Node
(C) Data Structure
(D) Avail
Question 21: ____________ is two way lists.
(A) Grounded header list
(B) Circular header list
(C) Linked list with header and trailer nodes
(D) List traversed in two directions
Question 22: In a linked list the _________ field contains the address of next element in the list.
(A) Link field
(B) Next element field
(C) Start field
(D) Info field
Question 23: A list that has no nodes is called ____________.
(A) End list
(B) Zero list
(C) Null list
(D) Sentinel list
Question 24: The special list which consists of unused memory space is called __________.
(A) Free space
(B) Empty space
(C) Available space
(D) Free storage list
Question 25: The efficient searching algorithm for algorithm for a sorted array is _________.
(A) Binary search
(B) Linear search
(C) Indexed search
(D) Repeated search
Question 26: To insert a new node in linked list free node will be available in ___________.
(A) Available list
(B) Avail list
(C) Free node list
(D) Memory space list
Question 27: A ______________ list is a header list where the node points back to the header node.
(A) Circular header
(B) Grounded header
(C) Two way header
(D) One way header
Question 28: How many pointers are necessarily changed for the insertion in a Linked List?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Question 29: An algorithm that calls itself directly or indirectly is known as ____________.
(A) Sub algorithm
(B) Recursion
(C) Polish notation
(D) Traversal algorithm
Question 30: Which of the following data structures are indexed structures?
(A) Linear arrays
(B) Linked lists
(C) Arrays
(D) First address
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