Practices here Data Structures MCQ Quiz along with various topics like Array, linked list, tree, graphs, searching algorithms in data structure, and sorting algorithms in data structures.
MCQ Quiz 2 – Data Structures Questions and Answers
Question 1: Collection of related data items is called ____________.
(A) files
(B) fields
(C) attributes
(D) records
Question 2: Breadth First search is used in____________.
(A) binary tree
(B) stacks
(C) graphs
(D) both a and c
Question 3: A variable whose size is determined at compile time and cannot be changed at run time is ______________.
(A) static variable
(B) dynamic variable
(C) not a variable
(D) data variable
Question 4: Process of inserting an element in stack is called ____________.
(A) Create
(B) Push
(C) Evaluation
(D) Pop
Question 5: A technique for direct search is _______________.
(A) Binary Search
(B) Linear Search
(C) Tree Search
(D) Hashing
Question 6: Base address is the address of _______________.
(A) first element
(B) middle element
(C) last element
(D) pivot element
Question 7: A _____________ list is a list where the last node contains null pointer.
(A) circular header
(B) grounded header
(C) rounded header
(D) linked header
Question 8: ___________are used to facilitate the processing of information in an array.
(A) Pointers
(B) Memory location
(C) Records
(D) Variables
Question 9: The comparison tree is also called as ______________.
(A) decision tree
(B) binary tree
(C) sequential tree
(D) b+ tree
Question 10: A linked list whose last node points back to the list node instead of containing the null pointer ____________.
(A) circular list
(B) linked list
(C) circular doubly linked list.
(D) doubly linked list
Question 11: _________ is a header list where the last node contains the null pointer.
(A) Circular Header linked list
(B) Grounded Header Linked list
(C) Linked list
(D) Linear Array
Question 12: Which of the following case does not exist in complexity theory?
(A) Best case
(B) Worst case
(C) Average case
(D) Null case
Question 13: The _________ for a linked list is a pointer variable that locates the beginning of the list.
(A) anchor
(B) base
(C) footer
(D) header
Question 14: The time factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by ____________.
(A) counting microseconds
(B) counting the number of key operations
(C) counting the number of statements
(D) counting the kilobytes of the algorithm
Question 15: The space factor when determining the efficiency of algorithm is measured by___________.
(A) counting the maximum memory needed by the algorithm.
(B) counting the minimum memory needed by the algorithm.
(C) counting the average memory needed by the algorithm.
(D) counting the maximum disk space needed by the algorithm.
Question 16: The Worst case occur in linear search algorithm when ___________.
(A) item is somewhere in the middle of the array.
(B) item is not in the array at all.
(C) item is the last element in the array.
(D) item is the last element in the array or is not there at all.
Question 17: What is a linked list which always contains a special node called the header node, at the beginning of the list.
(A) Doubly Linked List
(B) Circular List
(C) Header Linked List
(D) None
Question 18: _______________is a header list where the last node points back to the header node.
(A) Doubly header List
(B) Singly header List
(C) Grounder Header List
(D) Circular Header List
Question 19: The advantage of a two-way list and a circular header list is combined into a ___________.
(A) two-way circular header list
(B) two-way circular list
(C) two-way header circular list
(D) None
Question 20: The pointer of the last node contains a special value called_____________.
(A) null pointer
(B) index pointer
(C) pointer link
(D) address pointer
Question 21: The OS of a computer may periodically collect all the deleted space onto the free storage list. This technique is called ______________.
(A) buffering
(B) garbage collection
(C) deal location
(D) buffer collection
Question 22: Important part of any compiler is the construction and maintenances of a dictionary, this types of the dictionary are called ___________.
(A) symbol table
(B) index table
(C) grammar table
(D) pointer table
Question 23: The data structure required to check whether an expression contains balanced parenthesis is _____________ .
(A) queue
(B) stack
(C) linked list
(D) file
Question 24: What are the advantages of arrays?
(A) Easier to store elements of same data type
(B) Used to implement other data structures like stack and queue
(C) Convenient way to represent matrices as a 2D array
(D) All of the above
Question 25: The number of possible ordered trees with three nodes A,B,C is?
(A) 16
(B) 12
(C) 10
(D) 6
Question 26: The earliest use of__________ sorting was in conjunction with network analysis.
(A) topological
(B) bubble
(C) radix
(D) heap
Question 27: What is not the operation that can be performed on Queue?
(A) Traversal
(B) Insertion
(C) Deletion
(D) Retrieval
Question 28: A tree is a finite set of _____________.
(A) loops
(B) domains
(C) functions
(D) nodes
Question 29: Stack can be represented by means of ____________.
(A) Tree
(B) Graph
(C) One-way List
(D) None of the above
Question 30: The hashing file space is divided into_______________.
(A) nodes and roots
(B) roots and slots
(C) buckets and slots
(D) slots and nodes
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