Question 1. ________ tags contain battery and transmit signals autonomously.
(A) Acitve RFID
(B) Passive RFID
(C) Battery-assisted passive RFID
(D) Battery-assisted RFID
Question 2. [π=n/Ttotal=n⁄[kTo+Te(n,m)] The above equaƟon calculates the value of which of the following?
(A) Scalability
(B) Throughput
(C) Availability
(D) Effectiveness
Question 3. A mashup cloud can be designed by utilizing the Scalability of AWS and ________ of GAE platforms.
(A) Accessibility
(B) Mobility
(C) Agility
(D) Scalability
Question 4. IBM’s Blue Cloud uses a special software for monitoring of virtual cluster operations and acts as a provisioning manager is known as ________.
(A) Web Sphere
(B) Tivoli
(C) Nebula
(D) Altix
Question 5. Which of the following can be considered as a distributed caching system?
(D) All of the mentioned
Question 6. The architecture of IoT consists of different layers including which of the following?
- i) Application Layer
- ii) Sensing Layer
- iii) Combination Layer
- iv) Network Layer
(A) i, ii, iv
(B) i, iii, iv
(C) ii, iii, iv
(D) ii, iii, iv
Question 7. Performance metrics for HPC/HTC systems include :
(A) Multitasking Scalability
(B) Security Index
(C) Cost Effectiveness
(D) All of the above
Question 8. To establish scalability for the analysis of huge research data, CERN uses LSF i.e. a ________ grid and workload management solution of cloud computing platform.
(A) Load Setting Facility
(B) Load Sharing Facility
(C) Load Setting Faculty
(D) Load assigning Faculty
Question 9. Storage classes available with Amazon s3 are __________.
(A) Amazon S3 standard
(B) Amazon S3 standardinfrequent Access
(C) Amazon Glacier
(D) All of the above
Question 10. Which of the following is relational database service provided by Amazon?
(A) SimpleDB
(B) SQL Server
(C) Oracle
Question 11. ________ is the technology used to search tagged objects and mobile devices with the help of browsing an IP address or using the database entry.
(B) Cloud
(C) IoT
Question 12. Performance metrics for HPC/HTC systems include :
(A) Multitasking Scalability
(B) Security Index
(C) Cost Effectiveness
(D) All of the above
Question 13. NASA created ________ can be fifty percent more energy efficient as it turns off the computers on the network to make cloud computing efficient.
(A) Nebula Cloud
(B) Cyclone Cloud
(C) Force.com Cloud
(D) CERN Cloud
Question 14. The types of AMI provided by AWS are __________.
(A) Instance store backed
(B) EBS backed
(C) Both A & B
(D) None of the above
Question 15. Which of the following statement is wrong about Amazon S3?
(A) Amazon S3 is highly reliable
(B) Amazon S3 provides large quantities of reliable storage that is highly protected
(C) Amazon S3 is highly available
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 16. The percentage of time the system is up and running smoothly is referred as _______.
(A) System up time
(B) System scalability
(C) System availability
(D) System efficiency
Question 17. The Data-Intensive Scalable Computing(DISC) utilizes a ________ data-center clusters to gather and maintain data.
Question 18. Cyclone is available in two service models as follows ____________.
(A) Paas and Iaas
(B) Saas and Paas
(C) SaaS and Iaas
(D) All of the above
Question 19. What are the different types of instances?
(A) General purpose
(B) Computer Optimized
(C) Storage Optimized
(D) All of the above
Question 20. Which of the following operation retrieves the newest version of the object?
Question 21. ________ refers to an increase in the performance by the addition of more resources along the service layers.
(A) Horizontal Scalability
(B) Vertical Scalability
(C) Diagonal Scalability
(D) None of the above
Question 22. The Cloudlets have a ________ ownership unlike that of Clouds.
(A) Centralized
(B) Decentralized
(C) Global
(D) None of the above
Question 23. Cloud system from SGI is functionally considered as an ________.
(A) on-demand cloud computing service
(B) on-demand cloud storage service
(C) on-demand cloud accessing service
(D) on-demand
Question 24. Amazon Relational Database Service is a variant of the _______ 5.1 database system.
(A) Oracle
(C) SQL Server
(D) All of the mentioned
Question 25. Which of the following can be done with S3 buckets through the SOAP and REST APIs?
(A) Upload new objects to a bucket and download them
(B) Create, edit, or delete existing buckets
(C) Specify where a bucket should be stored
(D) All of the mentioned