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Question 1. An antigen is a substance which_______.
(A) Is used as an antidote to poison
(B) Triggers the immune system
(C) Destroys harmful bacteria
(D) Lowers body temperature
Question 2. What is the basic feature of antigen?
(A) It acts against the antibodies
(B) It destroys insulin
(C) It induces formation of antibodies
(D) It induces formation of haemoglobin
Question 3. Which of the following helps us in protecting from infection?
(A) Haemoglobin
(B) Blood Plasma
(C) W.B.C.
(D) R.B.C.
Question 4. The main function of white blood cells is_______.
(A) Transport of oxygen
(B) To develop resistance towards disease
(C) Transport of carbon dioxide
(D) None of the above
Question 5. By which of the following antibodies are formed in blood plasma?
(A) Neutrophils
(B) Eosionoophils
(C) Lymphocytes
(D) Monocytes
Question 6. The Immunity (Defence) is mostly related with______.
(A) Thrombocytes
(B) Red blood cells
(C) Monocytes
(D) Lymphocytes
Question 7. The viscous nature of human blood is due to______.
(A) Proteins in blood
(B) RBC and WBC in blood
(C) Platelets in plasma
(D) All of the above
Question 8. The diameter of white blood corpuscles in human body is, about______.
(A) 0.0007 mm
(B) 0.07 mm
(C) 0.7 mm
(D) 0.007 mm
Question 9. In pathology excess of white corpuscles in the blood is called______.
(A) Septicemia
(B) Anaemia
(C) Leukaemia
(D) Anoxia
Question 10. In which part of our body are formed Red Blood Cells?
(A) Bone Marrow
(B) Kidney
(C) Heart
(D) Liver
Question 11. Formation of WBC and destruction of RBC takes place in______.
(A) Liver
(B) Pancreas
(C) Spleen
(D) Lymph gland
Question 12. The blood glucose level is commonly expressed as______.
(A) Gram (mg/dl) per litre
(B) Parts per million
(C) Milligram per decilitre
(D) Mm. of Hg
Question 13. Arteries supplying blood to the heart are called_____.
(A) Pulmonary arteries
(B) Coronary arteries
(C) Hepatic arteries
(D) Carotid arteries
Question 14. The enzyme which takes part in changing fibrinogen to fibrin when blood clots are______.
(A) Prothrombin
(B) Thrombin
(C) Maltase
(D) Pepsin
Question 15. Which of the physiological process thrombin is associated with?
(A) Growth
(B) Reproduction
(C) Blood clotting
(D) Excretion
Question 16. Percentage of water in plasma is_______.
(A) 90%
(B) 80%
(C) 70%
(D) 60%
Question 17. Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) is a standard criterion for______.
(A) Assessing oxygen levels in high altitude regions
(B) Pollution assay in aquatic ecosystems
(C) Computing oxygen levels in forest ecosystems
(D) Measuring oxygen levels in blood
Question 18. With reference to the blood in a normal person, which one of the following statements is correct?
(A) The blood has more platelets than WBC
(B) Blood cells constitute about 70 percent of the total volume of the blood
(C) White Blood Cells (WBCs) are made by lymph nodes only
(D) Compared to arteries, veins are less numerous and hold less of the body’s blood at any given time
Question 19. When there is a decrease in the concentration of oxygen in the blood, the rate of breathing______.
(A) First decreases, then increases
(B) Does not change
(C) Increases
(D) Decreases
Question 20. Carbon monoxide poisoning affects mainly which one of the following?
(A) Oxygen carrying capacity of blood
(B) Kidney functioning
(C) Liver functioning
(D) Digestive activity
Question 21. Scientists of which country have developed artificial blood that is a kind of plastic blood that could be given to any patient regardless of his blood group?
(A) Norway
(B) China
(C) Britain
(D) U.S.A.
Question 22. Read the following statements in connection with red blood corpuscles and with the help, the code given below find out the correct answer.
- They have iron.
- They provide red colour to the blood.
- They provide immunity against certain diseases.
- They are the carrier of oxygen in the blood.
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(B) 1, 2 and 4
(C) 2, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Question 23. Consider the following statements about haemoglobin.
- It carries oxygen in the blood.
- It is iron-containing compound.
- It provides immunity against certain diseases.
- It imparts a red colour to the blood.
The correct statements out of these are________.
(A) 1, 2 and 4
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 1, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Question 24.
- Assertion (A): People with AB blood groups are universal recipients.
- Reason (R): Red blood cell of blood group AB has no antigen and so agglutination does not occur with any other blood group.
(A) (A) is false, but (R) is true
(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(C) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(D) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
Question 25. A man having ‘A’ blood group met a serious road accident and the doctors advised for blood transfusion. The relatives were asked to donate blood, whose blood group were found to be as follows
- Wife – ‘O’
- Brother – ‘AB’
- Son – ‘A’
- Daughter – ‘O’
Who among the above relations could donate blood to the injured man?
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 2 and 3
(C) 2, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 3 and 4
Question 26. Oxygen transportation in the human body takes place through.
- Blood
- Lungs
- Tissue
The correct sequence of transportation is______.
(A) 1, 3, 2
(B) 2, 1, 3
(C) 3, 1, 2
(D) 1, 2, 3
Question 27. Consider the following.
- Assertion (A): Alum is applied to stop bleeding from cuts.
- Reason (R): Blood is a colloidal system containing colloidal particles. The aluminium ions of alum have high coagulating power so the blood gets coagulated.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
(A) (A) is false, but (R) is true
(B) (A) is true, but (R) is false
(C) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(D) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
Quiz Set | 1 | 2 |