Question 1. Which of the following storage devices exposes its storage to clients as Raw storage that can be partitioned to create volumes?
(A) Disk
(B) File
(C) Block
(D) All of the mentioned
Question 2. Which of the following type of virtualization is also characteristic of cloud computing?
(B) Application
(C) Storage
(D) All of the mentioned
Question 3. In HDFS the files cannot be______.
(A) Archived
(B) Executed
(C) Deleted
(D) Read
Question 4. A file in HDFS that is smaller than a single block size?
(A) Occupies only the size it needs and not the full block
(B) Can span over multiple blocks
(C) Occupies the full block’s size.
(D) Cannot be stored in HDFS
Question 5. What is default replication factor?
(A) 5
(B) 3
(C) 2
(D) 1
Question 6. Which of the following backup create a cloned copy of your current data or drive ?
(A) Reverse Delta backup
(B) Open file backup
(C) Continuous Data Protection
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 7. Which of the following is a system for creating block level storage devices that can be used for Amazon Machine Instances in EC2 ?
(A) All of the mentioned
(B) AWS Import/Export
(C) Amazon Elastic Block Store
(D) CloudWatch
Question 8. When a client contacts the namenode for accessing a file, the namenode responds with?
(A) Block ID of the file requested
(B) Block ID and hostname of all the data nodes containing that block
(C) Size of the file requested
(D) All of the above
Question 9. The need for data replication can arise in various scenarios like?
(A) Data Blocks get corrupted
(B) DataNode goes down
(C) Replication Factor is changed
(D) All of the above
Question 10. Which among the following is the correct statement?
(A) NameNode stores actual data
(B) Namenode stores metadata
(C) Datanode manage file system namespace
(D) All of the above
Question 11. Which of the following service is provided by Google for online storage?
(A) Dropbox
(B) SkyDrive
(C) Drive
(D) All of the mentioned
Question 12. Data stored in __________ domains doesn’t require maintenance of a schema.
(B) Oracle
(C) SQL Server
(D) SimpleDB
Question 13. Which scenario demands highest bandwidth for data transfer between nodes?
(A) Data on the same node
(B) Nodes in different data centers
(C) Nodes on different racks in the same data center
(D) Different nodes on the same rack
Question 14. Which of the following is the correct statement?
(A) NameNode stores user data in the form of Data Blocks
(B) Each incoming file is broken into 32 MB by defaul
(C) DataNode is the slave/worker node and holds the user data in the form of Data Block
(D) None of the above
Question 15. Which utility is used for checking the health of an HDFS file system?
(A) fcks
(B) fsch
(C) fchk
(D) fsck
Question 16. Which of the following system does not provision storage to most users?
(A) Saas
(B) Caas
(C) Iaas
(D) Paas
Question 17. Amazon EC2 provides virtual computing environments, known as?
(A) Messages
(B) Instances
(C) Chunks
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 18. For the frequently accessed HDFS files the blocks are cached in?
(A) Both the Below
(B) In the memory of the namenode
(C) The memory of the data node
(D) None of the above
Question 19. What is HDFS Block in Hadoop?
(A) Both the Below
(B) It is the physical representation of data
(C) It is the logical representation of data
(D) None of the above
Question 20. Which among the following command is used to copy a directory from one node to another in HDFS?
(A) drcp
(B) dcp
(C) distcp
(D) rcp
Question 21. Which of the following is open cloud storage management standard by SNIA?
(A) Adequate bandwidth
Question 22. NameNode and DataNode do communicate using?
(A) Data pulse
(B) h-signal
(C) Heartbeats
(D) Active pulse
Question 23. If the IP address or hostname of a data node changes?
(A) There namenode has to be restarted
(B) The namenode need not update mapping between file name and block name
(C) The data in that data node is lost forever
(D) The namenode updates the mapping between file name and block name
Question 24. What is the default size of HDFS Data Block?
(A) 128MB
(B) 64MB
(C) 32MB
(D) 16MB
Question 25. What is HDFS?
(A) All of the below
(B) Resource management layer
(C) Batch processing engine
(D) Storage layer
Question 26. Which of the following is most important feature of cloud storage listed below?
(A) Adequate bandwidth
(B) Multiplatform support
(C) Bare file
(D) Logon authentication
Question 27. Which among the following is the duties of the Data Nodes?
(A) Perform read-write operation as per request for the clients
(B) Regulates client’s access to files
(C) Stores meta-data
(D) Manage file system namespace
Question 28. Which among the following are the duties of the NameNodes?
(A) Perform read-writeoperation as per request for the clients
(B) It is responsible for storing actual data
(C) Manage file system namespace
(D) None of the above
Question 29. The namenode knows that the data node is active using a mechanism known as?
(A) H-signal
(B) Heartbeats
(C) Data pulse
(D) Active pulse
Question 30. The source of HDFS architecture in Hadoop originated as?
(A) Amazon S3 storage
(B) Facebook distributed filesystem
(C) Yahoo distributed filesystem
(D) Google distributed filesystem