Today we bring to you the series of scientists and their inventions.
In this post, you were given information about the world’s famous scientists and their inventions PDF along with Indian scientists and their inventions.
Let’s download the List of Scientists and Their Discoveries PDF.
Scientists Name and Discoveries PDF
Given below is a list of important inventions and discoveries along with the name of their Inventors and the year in which they were discovered:
Important Inventions and Discoveries – Download
Top Inventions & Discoveries List for Government Exams – Download
Indian scientist’s Name and their inventions PDF – Download
Top Scientist and Their Innovation – Download
List of all Inventions and discoveries about Science PDF – Download
List of Inventions & Inventors Name PDF – Download
Scientists and Discoveries (Scientise Name, Invention Year and Recpevtive Country)- Download
1000 Inventions and Discoveries with Scientist Name PDF – Download
Important Inventions made in India
Invention | Inventor | Year |
Zero and the number system | Aryabhatta | 458AD |
Buttons | Harappa’s | |
Wool and cotton | Harappa’s | 4-5th millennium BC |
Diamonds | – | – |
Radio/wireless communication | Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose | 1895 |
Cataract Surgery | Sushruta | 5th century B.C |
Rockets | Tipu Sultan | 1780 |
Important inventions in the field of Technology
Invention | Inventor | Year |
World Wide Web | Tim Berners and Robert Cailliau | 1989 |
Search Engine | Alan Emtage | 1990 |
Cable modem | Rouzbeh Yassini | – |
Webcam | Quentin straford Fraser and Paul Jardetzky | 1991 |
Smartphone | IBM | 1992 |
Walkie Talkie | Dan Noble, Henryk Magnuski et al | 1940 |
JAVA | James Gosling | – |
Surface Computing | Microsoft | 2007 |
TCP/IP | Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf | – |
Ray Tomlinson | 1971 | |
Larry Page and Sergey Brin | 1998 | |
Laptop | Adam Osborne | 1981 |
C Language | Dennis Ritchie | 1972 |
Python | Guido Van Rossum | 1991 |
C++ | Bjarne Stroustrup | 1983 |
Mark Zuckerberg | 2004 | |
Yahoo | Jerry Yang and David Filo | 1994 |
Missile | Wernher Von Braun | 1936 |
GPS | Ivan A.Getting RogerBradford Parkinson | 1995 |
Uranus | William Herschel | 1781 |
Universe | Edwin Hubble | – |
Solar System | Nicolaus Copernicus | 16th century |
Planets | GalileoGalilei | – |
101 Scientists and Their Inventions List
No. | Scientist’s/Inventor’s Name | Invention |
1. | A. Celsius | Centigrade scale |
2. | A.L. and J.L. Lumiere | Cinema |
3. | A.L. Breguet | Watch |
4. | Alexander Fleming | Penicillin |
5. | Alexanderson | Radio transmitter |
6. | Alfred Binet | I.Q. Test |
7. | Andre-Marie Ampere | Galvanometer |
8. | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | Revolution in Chemistry |
9. | Archimedes | Specific Gravity |
10. | Avogadro | Avogadro’s Hypothesis |
11. | B. F. Goodrich | Zipper |
12. | Baird | Television |
13. | Binet | Intelligence test |
14. | Bohr | Electron Theory |
15. | Bohr and Rutherford | Atomic Structure |
16. | Broquett | Helicopter |
17. | Bunsen | Spectroscope |
18. | C. Hugyens | Clock (pendulum) |
19. | C. Sholes | Typewriter |
20. | C.V.Raman | Crystal Dynamics |
21. | C.V.Raman | Raman effect |
22. | Casimir Funk | Vitamin B1 |
23. | Cavendish | Hydrogen |
24. | Chadwick | Neutron |
25. | Charles Babbage | Computer |
26. | Charles Babbage | Difference engine |
27. | Charles Darwin | Evolution |
28. | Charles Darwin | Evolution (theory) |
29. | Charles Darwin | Origin of Species |
30. | Chester Carlson | xerox machine |
31. | Conrad Elvehjem | Vitamin Niacin |
32. | Copernicus (1540) | Solar System |
33. | Coulomb | Fundamental Laws of Electric Attraction |
34. | D. T. Smith, E. G. Hendrick | Vitamin B2 |
35. | Daimler | Automobile |
36. | Dalton | Atomic Theory |
37. | Dalton | Laws of Multiple Proportion |
38. | Darwin | Laws of Natural Selections |
39. | Darwin | Theory of Evolution |
39. | Dauguerre | Photograph |
40. | Dmitri Mendeleev | Periodic Table of Elements |
41. | Dr. Alan M. Turing | Electronic Computer |
42. | Dr. Lee de Forest | Film (with sound) |
43. | Dr. Richard Gatling | Machine Gun |
44. | Dr. Wallace H. Carothers | Nylon |
45. | Dr. William Stokes, Rene Laennec | Stethoscope |
46. | Dr.Paul Muller | D.D.T. |
47. | E.G. Otis | Lift |
48. | Edison | Incandescent Bulb |
49. | Edison | Phonograph |
50. | Edward Jenner | Vaccination |
51. | Edward Mellanby | Vitamin D |
52. | Edward Teller | Bomb |
53. | Eijkman | Beri – Beri |
54. | Elmer V. McCollum | Vitamin B |
55. | Elmer V. McCollum and M. Davis | Vitamin A |
56. | Emil Fischer | Organic Chemistry |
57. | Enrico Fermi | Atomic Physics |
58. | Ernest Rutherford | Structure of the Atom |
59. | Euclid | Geometry |
60. | Evangelista Torricelli | Barometer |
61. | F.Banting | Insulin |
62. | Fahrenheit | Fahrenheit Scale |
63. | Fahrenheit | Mercury Thermometer |
64. | Faraday | Electricity |
65. | Faraday | Induction of Electric Current |
66. | Faraday | Law of Electrolysis |
67. | Fulton | Steamboat |
68. | G. Bradshaw | Scooter |
69. | G. Marconi | Radio |
70. | Galileo | Telescope |
71. | Galileo Galilei | New Science |
72. | Galileo Gallei | Thermometer |
73. | George Eastman | Camera |
74. | Gregor Mendel | Laws of Inheritance |
75. | Gregor Mandel | Laws of Heredity |
76 | H.W. Seeley | Electric iron |
77. | Hahnemann | Homeopathy |
78. | Harvey | Blood Circulation |
79. | Herbert Evans and Katherine Bishop | Vitamin E |
80. | Hopkins and Funk | Vitamins |
81. | Hsing and Ling-Tsan | Clock (mechanical) |
82. | Isaac Newton | Newtonian Revolution |
83. | J. Froelich | Tractor |
84. | James Harrison, Alexander Catlin | Refrigerator |
85. | James Lind | Vitamin C |
86 | James Watson | Structure of DNA |
87. | James Watt | Steam Engine |
88. | James Watt | Steam engine (condenser) |
89. | Jean Baptiste Lamarck | Foundations of Biology |
90. | Jean Piaget | Child Development |
91. | Johann Phillip Reis, Alexander Graham Bell, Elisha Gray, Amos E. Dolbear, and Thomas Edison | Microphone |
92. | Johannes Gutenberg | Printing Press |
93. | John Dalton | Theory of the Atom |
94. | John Harrison | Chronometer |
95. | John J. Loud | Ball-Point Pen |
96. | John Logie Baird | Television (mechanical) |
97. | John Napier | Logarithmic Tables |
98. | John Napier | Logarithms |
99. | John von Neumann | Modern Computer |
100. | Joseph Aspdin | Cement |
101. | Joseph J. Thomson | Electron |
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