We’ll cover the basics of conjugation and declension, and then move on to more advanced topics like irregular verbs. By the end of this post, you’ll be an expert on English verb forms!
Verb Forms Quiz – These are some simple Exercises to help you practice using different verb forms.
Verb Forms Questions and Answers
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Question 1: Choose the past participle of ‘to go’.
(A) gone
(B) went
(C) goes
(D) going
Question 2: Give past participle of : “Go and take”.
(A) gone and took
(B) gone and taken
(C) went and took
(D) went and taken
Question 3: Give the Past Participle form of: “To slay”
(A) slayed
(B) slayied
(C) slid
(D) slain
Question 4: Give the past tense form of: ‘To seek’
(A) sake
(B) sought
(C) seeked
(D) seekened
Question 5: Past Tense form of ‘shoe’ is ________ .
(A) shoeed
(B) shod
(C) shode
(D) shoen
Question 6: Past Tense of ‘Stand’.
(A) Standing
(B) Standded
(C) Standed
(D) Stood
Question 7: Give past tense of : “To bereave”
(A) Beareved
(B) Bereft
(C) Bereved
(D) Bareaved
Question 8: Past Participle form of ‘to sow’
(A) sew
(B) sewn
(C) sown
(D) none
Question 9: Which pair of Present , Past and Past Particle verbs is not correct?
(A) be, was, been
(B) breed, bred, bred
(C) forbid, forbade, forbidden
(D) lend, lended, lent
Question 10: Select Past tense form of ‘To tread’.
(A) Trode
(B) Trod
(C) Troden
(D) Treaded
Question 11: Give the first Verb form of: ‘bereft’
(A) bereave
(B) bear
(C) barefoot
(D) beareve
Question 12: Past form of ‘Awake’
(A) Awaked
(B) Awaken
(C) Awoke
(D) Awoking
Question 13: Past Participle form of “Catch”
(A) Cought
(B) Caughted
(C) Catched
(D) Caught
Question 14: Past form of ‘think’
(A) thinked
(B) thaught
(C) thoughts
(D) thought
Question 15: Past form of ‘Smile’
(A) Smale
(B) Smalt
(C) Smiled
(D) Smile
Question 16: Choose the past participle of. “bear”
(A) beared
(B) borned
(C) borne
(D) burnt