Question 1. The heat required in calories to convert one gram of ice at 0ºC to steam at 100ºC is approximately________.
(A) 620
(B) 720
(C) 336
(D) 80
Question 2. At what temperature are the reading of a Centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometer the same?
(A) 100º
(B) 40º
(C) 212º
(D) – 40º
Question 3. Steam at 100ºC causes more severe burns than the water at the same temperature, because_________.
(A) Steam exerts more pressure
(B) Steam is highly combustible
(C) Steam provides more heat
(D) Steam is a gas
Question 4. The hand burns more by steam comparatively to boiling water, because_____.
(A) Steam is gig
(B) The steam has more power
(C) Steam sneaked into the body
(D) The steam has latent heat
Question 5. At what point the Fahrenheit temperature is double of Centigrade temperature?
(A) 160ºC
(B) 12.3ºC
(C) 12.3ºC
(D) 6.7ºC
Question 6. The body temperature of a healthy man is_______.
(A) 98.4º Kelvin
(B) 98.4º Celsius
(C) 37º Fahrenheit
(D) 37º Celsius
Question 7. The normal temperature of human body on the Kelvin scale is________.
(A) 310
(B) 300
(C) 290
(D) 280
Question 8. The normal temperature of human body is 98.4ºF. It’s equivalent temperature (in ºC) is_____.
(A) 32.36
(B) 35.72
(C) 36.89
(D) 40.16
Question 9. Let the average temperatures in Centigrade (C) and Fahrenheit (F) be C and F .
If C and F are related to F = 9 2 C + 32, then F and C have the relation?
(A) F C = −9532
(B) F C = 92
(C) F C = + 32
(D) F C = + 95 32
Question 10. In cold countries, alcohol is preferred to mercury as a thermometric liquid because _________.
(A) The world production of alcohol is greater than that of mercury
(B) Alcohol is cheaper than mercury
(C) Alcohol is a better conductor of heat
(D) Alcohol has a lower freezing point
Question 11. Which one of the following is used as an antifreeze for automobile engines?
(A) Propyl alcohol
(B) Methanol
(C) Ethylene glycol
(D) Ethanol
Question 12. In winter you touch a log of wood and a rod of iron, you will feed rod of iron is colder because?
(A) The rod of iron is heavier than the log of wood
(B) In comparison to wood, iron is bad conductor of heat
(C) In comparison to wood, iron is good conductor of heat
(D) The heat of rod of iron is less than the heat of log of wood
Question 13. When a glass rod is placed in steam, its length increases but its width________.
(A) Becomes irregular
(B) Increases
(C) Decreases
(D) Remains unchanged
Question 14. When soggy biscuits are kept inside the fridge for sometime they become crisp because__________.
(A) Pressue inside the fridge is high and help in releasing extra moisture
(B) Humidity inside the fridge is high and extra moisture is absorbed
(C) Humidity inside the fridge is low and extra moisture is absorbed
(D) Cooling releases extra moisture
Question 15. The safest temperature for keeping food fresh in a refrigerator is __________.
(A) 10ºC
(B) 0ºC
(C) 8ºC
(D) 4ºC
Question 16. What is the function of the thermostat of a refrigerator?
(A) To decrease the melting point
(B) To maintain constant temperature
(C) To increase the freezing point
(D) To lower the temperature
Question 17. Thermostat _________ is a mean of Keeping Stable.
(A) Heat Radiation
(B) Pressure
(C) Temperature
(D) Current
Question 18. Thermostat is a device which _______.
(A) Automatically regulates pressure of a system
(B) Automatically regulates the temperature of a system
(C) Measures temperature
(D) Measures heat
Question 19. Thermostat is related to ________.
(A) Clouds
(B) Air
(C) Temperature
(D) Humidity
Question 20. What is the use of thermostat?
(A) To convert heat into electricity
(B) To maintain the temperature
(C) To increase the temperature
(D) To measure the temperature
Question 21. When ice melts, then ________.
(A) Mass decreases
(B) Mass increases
(C) Volume decreases
(D) Volume increases
Question 22. Transfer of heat by convection can take place in ______.
(A) Vacuum and gases
(B) Gases and liquids
(C) Solids and vacuum
(D) Solids and liquids
Question 23. Expansion during heating ______.
(A) Occurs at the same rate for all liquids and solids
(B) Decreases the density of the material
(C) Increases the weight of the material
(D) Occurs only in solid
Question 24. What is absolute zero temperature?
(A) The temperature at which all material are in vapour form
(B) The temperature at which the vapour of any liquid substance is condensed
(C) Theoretically the lowest possible temperature
(D) The starting point of any temperature scale
Question 25. The heat required in calories to convert one gram of ice at 0ºC to steam at 100ºC is approximately?
(A) 620
(B) 720
(C) 336
(D) 80