Let’s take MCQ quiz on Biology and its branches:
Question 1. The scientific study of insects is known as_____.
(A) Malacology
(B) Parasitology
(C) Entomology
(D) Ichthyology
Question 2. Which of the following subjects of data set is associated with the study of concerning population and humanity?
(A) Virology
(B) Demography
(C) Genetics
(D) Ecology
Question 3. Study of Zoology deals with_____.
(A) Both living and dead plants
(B) Both living and dead animals
(C) Living plants only
(D) Living animals only
Question 4. The study of the flower is known as_____.
(A) Palynology
(B) Agrostology
(C) Anthology
(D) Phrenology
Question 5. The comparative study of the different cultures and the scientific explanation is known as______.
(A) Ethics
(B) Ethology
(C) Ethnography
(D) Ethnology
Question 6. The study of properties and methods of biological systems found in nature and use of this knowledge in mechanical world is known as_____.
(A) Biometry
(B) Bionomy
(C) Bionomics
(D) Bionics
Question 7. Under Palaeobotany, one studies______.
(A) Fossil of animals
(B) Fungi
(C) Algae
(D) None of the above
Question 8. Rearing silk worms is known as_____.
(A) Floriculture
(B) Sericulture
(C) Horticulture
(D) Apiculture
Question 9. Honey bees are used in_____.
(A) Pisciculture
(B) Apiculture
(C) Tissue culture
(D) Sericulture
Question 10. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Fruit’s – Pomology Cultivation
(B) Vegetable – Horticulture Cultivation
(C) Crop – Agronomy Cultivation
(D) Flower – Floriculture Cultivation
Question 11. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(A) Horticulture – Flower
(B) Sericulture – Silk worm
(C) Pisciculture – Insect of lakh
(D) Apiculture – Honey bee
Question 12. Which of the following pairs is correctly matched? (word and meaning)
(A) Iconography – Study of insects
(B) Entomology – Study of human body
(C) Philology – Collection of postal stamps
(D) Lexicography – Compilation of dictionary
Question 13. Lexicography is related to_____.
(A) Teaching of pictures and models
(B) Secret of handwriting
(C) Compilation of dictionary
(D) Structure of human body
Question 14. The study related to the plants being used as vegetable is called_____.
(A) Olericulture
(B) Horticulture
(C) Pomology
(D) Floriculture
Question 15. Which one of the following is produced through Viticulture?
(A) Grapes
(B) Earthworm
(C) Honey
(D) Silk
Question 16. What is Vermiculture?
(A) The science of killing worms
(B) The science of studying fishes
(C) The science of studying animals
(D) The science of raising worms
Question 17. In Vermiculture, the worm used is_____.
(A) Earthworm
(B) Threadworm
(C) Silkworm
(D) Tapeworm
Question 18. The study of Gerontology, is related to which of the following?
(A) Old age
(B) Disease of skin
(C) Female
(D) Child infant
Question 19. Genetics deals with_____.
(A) Heredity and variations
(B) DNA structure
(C) Organic evolution
(D) Mendel’s law
Question 20. The branch of study dealing with old age and ageing is called_____.
(A) Ornithology
(B) Teratology
(C) Gerontology
(D) Oncology
Question 21. The study of ageing is known as_____.
(A) Thanatology
(B) Anthropology
(C) Ethnology
(D) Gerontology
Question 22. Pedology is the science related to the study of_____.
(A) Seeds
(B) Pollutants
(C) Soil
(D) Atmosphere
Question 23. The study of bones are under which branch of science?
(A) Geology
(B) Serology
(C) Orology
(D) Osteology
Question 24. The study of snakes is known as_____.
(A) Ichthyology
(B) Herpetology
(C) Ornithology
(D) Serpentology
Question 25. What does the philatelist do?
(A) Collects the feathers
(B) Collects the pictures of birds
(C) Collects stamps
(D) Collects the coins
Question 27. What is hydroponics?
(A) oil conservation
(B) Study of vegetables
(C) Grafting plant
(D) Plant without soil enrichment
Question 28. What is lithotripsy?
(A) Trimming stones for household use
(B) Carbon dating of stones
(C) Breaking of kidney stone through rays
(D) Art of writing on stones
Question 29. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.
List-I | List-II |
(a) Birds | 1. Palaeobiology |
(b) Inheritance | 2. Ecology |
(c) Environment | 3. Ornithology |
(d) Fossil | 4. Genetics |
(a) | (b) | (c) | (d) | |
(A) | 1 | 3 | 4 | 2 |
(B) | 3 | 4 | 2 | 1 |
(C) | 4 | 2 | 1 | 3 |
(D) | 2 | 4 | 1 | 3 |