Attending the software testing MCQ quiz will help you in software job interviews and campus placement preparation.
Software Testing MCQ Quiz
Question 1. Who identifies, documents, and verifies that corrections have been made to the software?
(A) Project team
(B) Project manager
(C) Software Quality Assurance Group
(D) All of the mentioned
Question 2. Inspections and testing are what kinds of Quality Costs?
(A) Prevention
(B) External Failure
(C) Appraisal
(D) Internal Failure
Question 3. What is not included in prevention costs?
(A) Formal technical reviews
(B) Quality planning
(C) Test equipment
(D) Equipment calibration and maintenance
Question 4. What is Six Sigma?
(A) It is the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance
(B) A Formal Technical Review(FTR) guideline for a quality walkthrough or inspection
(C) It is the most widely used strategy for statistical quality assurance AND The “Six Sigma” refers to six standard deviations
(D) The “Six Sigma” refers to six standard deviations
Question 5. According to ISO 9001, inspection and testing come under which management responsibility?
(A) Process control
(B) Servicing
(C) Document control
(D) Control of nonconforming products
Question 6. Which of the following is not a core step of Six Sigma?
(A) Control
(B) Analyse
(C) Define
(D) Measure
Question 7. Boundary value analysis belong to?
(A) White Box & Black Box Testing
(B) Black Box Testing
(C) White Box Testing
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 8. Which of the following is not included in failure costs?
(A) failure mode analysis
(B) repair
(C) rework
(D) none of the mentioned
Question 9. Which requirements are the foundation from which quality is measured?
(A) Programmers
(B) Software
(C) Hardware
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 10. Alpha testing is done at?
(A) Developer‟s end
(B) Developer‟s & User‟s end
(C) User‟s end
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 11. Exhaustive testing is?
(A) impractical and impossible
(B) practically possible
(C) impractical but possible
(D) always possible
Question 12. The degree to which design specifications are followed in manufacturing the product is called?
(A) Quality Assurance
(B) Quality of conformance
(C) Quality Control
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 13. Which of the following term describes testing?
(A) A stage of all projects
(B) Evaluating deliverables to find errors
(C) Finding broken code
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 14. Which of the following is/are the White box technique?
(A) Decision Testing
(B) Statement Testing
(C) Condition Coverage
(D) All of the mentioned
Question 15. Acceptance testing is also known as?
(A) Grey box testing
(B) Alpha Testing
(C) White box testing
(D) Beta testing
Question 16. Beta testing is done at?
(A) User’s end
(B) User’s & Developer’s end
(C) Developer’s end
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 17. In which testing level the focus is on customer usage?
(A) Validation Testing
(B) Alpha Testing
(C) Beta Testing
(D) Both Alpha and Beta
Question 18. Unit testing is done by?
(A) Customers
(B) Developers
(C) Users
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 19. What is normally considered as an adjunct to the coding step?
(A) Regression Testing
(B) Unit testing
(C) Integration testing
(D) Completion of Testing
Question 20. The testing in which code is checked?
(A) Red box testing
(B) White box testing
(C) Black box testing
(D) Green box testing
Question 21. Which of the following is non-functional testing?
(A) Unit testing
(B) Performance testing
(C) Black box testing
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 22. Which testing is an integration testing approach that is commonly used when “shrink-wrapped” software products are being developed?
(A) Regression Testing
(B) Validation testing
(C) Smoke testing
(D) Integration testing
Question 23. What is the main purpose of integration testing?
(A) Procedure errors
(B) Interface errors
(C) Design errors
(D) None of the above
Question 24. Behavioral testing is?
(A) Grey box testing
(B) Black box testing
(C) White box testing
(D) None of the mentioned
Question 25. What are the various Testing Levels?
(A) System Testing
(B) Integration Testing
(C) Unit Testing
(D) All of the mentioned