Get some practice with singular and plural words with these exercises. Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
This blog post covers singular and plural exercises and quizzes to help you learn and practice this important grammar concept.
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Quiz: Singular and Plural Nouns
Question 1: Give plural form of: ‘photo’.
(A) photoes
(B) photum
(C) photos
(D) photoess
Question 2: Give the plural form of ‘Leaf’.
(A) leaves
(B) leaf
(C) leafes
(D) leafs
Question 3: Identify the noun used both for singular and plural form.
(A) Sheep
(B) Wolf
(C) Axis
(D) Goat
Question 4: Given the plural word ‘Brethren’. Identify its singular word from among the alternatives.
(A) Brother
(B) Breath
(C) Bear
(D) Berth
Question 5: Identify the plural form which is incorrect.
(A) Commanders-in-chief
(B) Mice
(C) Son-in-laws
(D) Men
Question 6: Identify the incorrect plural forms among the following.
(A) Steps-daughter
(B) Daughters-in-low
(C) Potatoes
(D) Calves
Question 7: If ‘Lives’ is plural form of noun, then what is its singular form?
(A) Live
(B) Life
(C) Lively
(D) None of the above
Question 8: Change the following singular noun into its correct plural form. ‘Sheaf’
(A) Sheaves
(B) Sheafs
(C) Sheef
(D) Sheafes
Question 9: Some nouns have the singular and the plural alike and some nouns are used only in the plural. Find the odd one out on the basis foregoing statements.
(A) Series
(B) Species
(C) Sheep
(D) Scissors
Question 10: Find the odd one out on the basis of singular and plural.
(A) Measles
(B) Mumps
(C) Rickets
(D) Spectacles
Question 11: Choose the correct plural of the word: ‘ Half ‘
(A) Halves
(B) Halven
(C) Halfs
(D) None of there
Question 12: Choose the plural of the word given below:
(A) Mice
(B) Mouses
(C) Mousess
(D) None of these
Question 13: Which word is wrong for plural number?
(A) Knives
(B) Babies
(C) Foxes
(D) Leafs
Question 14: Give plural form of ‘Man-servant’- ‘Man-servant’
(A) Man-servants
(B) Men-servant
(C) Men-servants
(D) Mens-servants
Question 15: Give plural form of ” Brother-in-law “
(A) brother-in-laws
(B) brothers-in-law
(C) brother-in-law
(D) None
Question 16: Give plural form of : ‘ratio’
(A) ratios
(B) ratioes
(C) raties
(D) rateos
Question 17: Give the Plural form of: ‘terminus’
(A) termineses
(B) terminus
(C) termini
(D) terminess
Question 18: Give plural form of: ‘index’ (sign in algebra):
(A) indices
(B) indexese
(C) indesis
(D) Indexis
Question 19: Give plural form of : ‘Grief’
(A) Griefs
(B) Grieves
(C) Griefes
(D) Grief
Question 20: Could you bring me ________ books I left in the Hostel?
(A) those
(B) that
(C) this
(D) these
Question 21: Give plural form of: ‘fish’.
(A) fishs
(B) fish
(C) fisheries
(D) fishes
Question 22: The plural noun of ‘Deer’ is ________ .
(A) Deers
(B) Deeres
(C) Deer
(D) Dear
Question 23: Find out the correct plural word of ‘Knife’
(A) Knife
(B) Knifes
(C) Knives
(D) Knifess
Question 24: Give plural form of : ‘alga’
(A) algas
(B) algaies
(C) algae
(D) alga
Question 25: Give plural form of : ‘corpus’
(A) corpuses
(B) corpusses
(C) corpora
(D) corpus
Question 26: Give plural form of : ‘datum’
(A) datums
(B) date
(C) datas
(D) data
Question 27: Give plural form of : ‘Hypothesis’
(A) Hypotheses
(B) Hypothisis
(C) Hypothysis
(D) Hypothises
Question 28: What is the plural of the word ‘Alumnus’?
(A) Alumnae
(B) Alumnas
(C) Alumnis
(D) Alumni
Question 29: What is the plural of the word ‘formula’?
(A) formuli
(B) formulass
(C) formulae
(D) formulies
Question 30: What is the plural of the word ‘Antenna’?
(A) Antenas
(B) Anteni
(C) Antennaes
(D) Antennae
Question 31: Find out the correct plural of “Wife”.
(A) wife
(B) wifes
(C) wiffes
(D) wives
Question 32: Find out the correct plural of ‘Calf’.
(A) calves
(B) cows
(C) calfes
(D) calf
Question 33: Give plural form of : ‘vita’
(A) vitas
(B) vitae
(C) vitae
(D) vitaes
Question 34: Give plural form of : ‘tooth’
(A) tooths
(B) teeths
(C) toothes
(D) teeth
Question 35: Give plural form of : ‘tempo’
(A) tempoes
(B) tempu
(C) tempos
(D) tempi
Question 36: Give plural form of : ‘epoch’
(A) epoch
(B) epochi
(C) epochs
(D) epoches
Question 37: Give plural form of : ‘cactus’
(A) cacti
(B) catusies
(C) catuses
(D) cactus
Question 38: Give plural form of : ‘auto’
(A) autoes
(B) auti
(C) autoess
(D) autos
Question 39: Give plural form of ‘man servant’.
(A) Man-servants
(B) men-servant
(C) men- servants
(D) mens-servants
Question 40: Singular form of ‘dies (stamps for coining)’ is ________ .
(A) dye
(B) dead
(C) die
(D) dai