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Complete Quiz on Social Science with Answers
All quizzes on Social Science have answers available with pdf.
Your welcome to this quick social science quiz. It has twenty basic questions about various social nations and economies.
As you know the Social Science Questions answers are a very useful subject for all class students and TET, SSC, Banking and for Competitive Exams.
So, let’s get started.
Question 1: The name India was derived from the river name ___________.
(A) Sindhu
(B) Kaveri
(C) Krishna
(D) Ganga
Question 2: Which is the first Indus Site?
(A) Banavali
(B) Harappa
(C) Mohanjedaro
(D) Lothal
Question 3: Which is the first man-made port in the world?
(A) Muzris
(B) Quilon
(C) Lothal
(D) None of these
Question 4: Which is known as 18 days of Battle?
(A) Battle of Hidaspus
(B) Battle of Paniput
(C) Battle of Kurukshetra
(D) None of these
Question 5: Who used iron for the first time in India?
(A) Aryans
(B) Portuguese
(C) Dravidians
(D) None of these
Question 6: Who was the founder of Jainism?
(A) Swami Vivekananda
(B) Vardhamana Mahavira
(C) Kirthi Varman
(D) None of these
Question 7: Who was the first victory of the Portuguese in the East?
(A) Francisco d’Almeda
(B) Albuquerque
(C) Vasco da Gamma
(D) Pedro Alvaraz carbol
Question 8: In which year the Harappan Site was excavated?
(A) 1922
(B) 1920
(C) 1921
(D) 1923
Question 9: The striking feature of the Indus Valley Civilization was?
(A) Industries
(B) Civic organization
(C) Rural settlement
(D) Sea transport
Question 10: Which Mughal Emperor’s tomb was not in India?
(A) Jahangir
(B) Humayun
(C) Akbar
(D) Shajahan
Question 11: The Nagara Style of temple architecture is associated with __________.
(A) West India
(B) North India
(C) East India
(D) South India
Question 12: Gandhara School of art came into existence __________.
(A) Independence Ajivikas
(B) Hinayana sect
(C) Mahayana sect
(D) Jainism
Question 13: The year of Battle of Plassey __________.
(A) 1757 June 13
(B) 1758 June 16
(C) 1750 June 13
(D) 1756 June 13
Question 14: Who was the tutor of Shivaji __________.
(A) Dadaji kondadev
(B) Birbal
(C) Shershah
(D) None of these
Question 15: Weapon never used by the Induspeople _________.
(A) Sword
(B) Spade
(C) Knife
(D) None of these
Question 16: The word ‘Sindhan’ used by the Indus people denoted _________.
(A) Silk
(B) Copper
(C) Iron
(D) Cotton
Question 17: The word “Godhume” used in the Vedic period denoted ________.
(A) Wheat
(B) Cereals
(C) Rice
(D) None of these
Question 18: Who established the city of Pattalyputhra?
(A) Ajastru
(B) Bimbisara
(C) None
(D) Ajatasantru
Question 19: Who was considered the lord of Vedas?
(A) Indra
(B) Surya
(C) Varuna
(D) None of above
Question 20: Who built the “Brihadeshwara Temple”?
(A) Raja Raja I
(B) Ashok
(C) Rajendra Chola
(D) None of these