Go to English Grammar Exercises
This quiz will help you test your knowledge of English prepositions. Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence. Take this preposition quiz to see how well you know English grammar. The answer is given under each question.
English Grammar Preposition Exercise Quiz
Question 1: A girl ________ blue eyes has just gone out.
(A) in
(B) with
(C) of
(D) from
Question 2: A candle cannot last ________ the night.
(A) through
(B) for
(C) in
(D) by
Question 3: ________ English, one should also know at least one regional language.
(A) Besides
(B) Beside
(C) Except
(D) Accept
Question 4: The cat jumped ________ the table.
(A) to over
(B) above
(C) on
(D) upon
Question 5: He suffers ________ headaches.
(A) with
(B) by
(C) from
(D) in
Question 6: More than 15 year have ________ but I never forget the time when I first met him.
(A) gone out
(B) gone on
(C) gone up
(D) gone by
Question 7: There was a power failure, all the lights ________ but she had no candle.
(A) went back
(B) went away
(C) went on
(D) went out
Question 8: The orator stopped for a while and then ________ speaking.
(A) went on
(B) went off
(C) went up
(D) went away
Question 9: Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct option given below each question.
His conduct is ________ reproach.
(A) on
(B) at
(C) above
(D) to
Question 10: Rahul cuts the vegetables ________ the knife.
(A) for
(B) with
(C) in
(D) by
Question 11: Geeta was crying ________ help.
(A) for
(B) to
(C) on
(D) of
Question 12: The teacher distributed the chocolates ________ the students of the class.
(A) in
(B) between
(C) among
(D) into
Question 13: He would not take advice and now he has got ________ difficulties.
(A) into
(B) to
(C) for
(D) with
Question 14: ________ all, I love music.
(A) Above
(B) At
(C) In
(D) Over
Question 15: He spoke ________ a whisper.
(A) like
(B) into
(C) with
(D) in
Question 16: I shall be ready ________ a moment.
(A) on
(B) for
(C) in
(D) with
Question 17: All men between 18 and 25 ________ exception are expected to serve here.
(A) for
(B) during
(C) with
(D) without
Question 18: He went so fast that I could not keep up ________ him.
(A) in
(B) for
(C) with
(D) to
Question 19: He turned his back ________ her.
(A) by
(B) next
(C) on
(D) beside
Question 20: Always try to be polite ________ others.
(A) with
(B) for
(C) on
(D) to
Question 21: Two cars collided ________ each other near the school.
(A) with
(B) for
(C) between
(D) from
Question 22: I am rarely ________ pressure and my co-workers are always nice to me.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) into
(D) under
Question 23: Choose the correct alternative for underline part.
The injured man had been shot from his back.
(A) to the back
(B) by his back
(C) in the back
(D) No improvement
Question 24: Do not boast ________ your achievements.
(A) about
(B) for
(C) of
(D) to
Question 25: The employee was threatened ________ dire consequences.
(A) from
(B) by
(C) with
(D) of
Question 26: Distribute the sweets equally ________ four children.
(A) among
(B) in
(C) between
(D) through
Question 27: Fill in the blank with correct preposition.
Distribute the sweets ________ the two children.
(A) in
(B) between
(C) among
(D) for
Question 28: Ram is so proud of his position that he ________ his subordinates.
(A) Looks for
(B) Looks into
(C) Looks down upon
(D) Looks after
Question 29: The teacher distributed the chocolates ________ the students of the class.
(A) in
(B) between
(C) among
(D) into
Question 30: Sanjay must go ________ the library today to change the books.
(A) in
(B) to
(C) at
(D) on
Question 31: When Jalpa left the house, her mood ________ her parents seemed to change.
(A) in
(B) on
(C) towards
(D) about
Question 32: The players are playing ________ the ground.
(A) by
(B) at
(C) out
(D) in
Question 33: Who is younger ________ you two?
(A) among
(B) in
(C) between
(D) then
Question 34: He was ashamed ________ his conduct at the meeting.
(A) over
(B) about
(C) at
(D) of
Question 35: Smoking cigarettes is injurious ________ health.
(A) for
(B) to
(C) on
(D) about
Question 36: Fill in the blank with correct preposition.
The cat jumped ________ the chair.
(A) of
(B) from
(C) off
(D) by
Question 37: Fill in the blank with correct preposition.
Child marriage is a great hindrance ________ progress.
(A) to
(B) in
(C) of
(D) for
Question 38: Fill in the blank with correct preposition.
Rajmohan Gandhi is a descendent ________ Mahatma Gandhi.
(A) to
(B) off
(C) of
(D) from
Question 39: Fill in the blank with correct preposition.
________ being fined, he was sentenced to a term of imprisonment.
(A) Beside
(B) Besides
(C) Apart
(D) Having
Question 40: Our plane stopped ________ Mumbai airport on the way to Italy.
(A) in
(B) over
(C) on
(D) at
Question 41: Choose the most suitable preposition :
I beg your pardon ________ being late.
(A) with
(B) of
(C) for
(D) off
Question 42: Our car was running ________ the road to Udaipur.
(A) on
(B) along
(C) upon
(D) in
Question 43: In the following questions, fill in the gap with correct preposition.
The property was divided ________ the twins.
(A) among
(B) between
(C) in
(D) into
Question 44: The plan will be sanctioned ________ a fortnight.
(A) in
(B) within
(C) by
(D) since
Question 45: Choose the most suitable preposition:
He took the man ________ hospital.
(A) for
(B) towards
(C) to
(D) at
Question 46: Choose the most suitable preposition:
She carried ________ my instructions to the last detail.
(A) away
(B) off
(C) out
(D) on
Question 47: The assistant manager acts ________ head of department when the manager is away.
(A) for
(B) as
(C) to
(D) with
Question 48: My mother is making coffee ________ breakfast.
(A) from
(B) through
(C) with
(D) for
Question 49: “This is the sixth Punjab regiment reporting ________ ,” said he and put down the receiver.
(A) over
(B) about
(C) in
(D) on
Question 50: Hitansh has won the race. Let us congratulate him _______ his success.
(A) at
(B) of
(C) on
(D) for