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Question 1. Who of the following founded a new city on the South bank of a tributary to river Krishna and undertook to rule his new kingdom as the agent of a deity to whom all the land South of the river Krishna was supposed to belong?
(A) Prataparudra II
(B) Harihara I
(C) Ballala II
(D) Amoghavarsha I
Question 2. The lady poet who described the victorious expeditions of her husband in her work ‘MadhuraVijayam’ was________.
(A) Vijjika
(B) Varadambika
(C) Ganga Devi
(D) Bharati
Question 3. The kingdom of Vijayanagara was founded by________.
(A) Bukka II
(B) Harihara and Bukka
(C) Harihara II
(D) Vijay Raya
Question 4. The ‘Vijayanagara’ Kingdom was founded by_______.
(A) Bhadrabahu
(B) Pushyamitra
(C) Krishnadeva Raya
(D) Harihara and Bukka
Question 5. Identify the first ruler of Vijaynagara who captured Goa from Bahamani’s?
(A) Devaraya II
(B) Bukka II
(C) Harihara II
(D) Harihara I
Question 6. With whom the king of Vijayanagara, Krishnadeva Raya fought the battle of Golconda?
(A) Gajapati
(B) Ismail-Adil Khan
(C) Qutbuddin Aybak
(D) Quli Qutb Shah
Question 7. Who were the ‘Ashtadiggajas’ in the court of Krishnadev Raya?
(A) Eight advisors
(B) Eight great warriors
(C) Eight Telugu poets
(D) Eight ministers
Question 8. Who among these known as ‘Andhra Bhoj’?
(A) Bukka
(B) Harihara
(C) Rajendra Chola
(D) Krishnadeva Raya
Question 9. The ‘Ashta Diggajas’ were associated with which of the following rulers?
(A) Yashovarman
(B) Rajendra-I
(C) Krishnadeva Raya
(D) Shivaji
Question 10. The ruling period of Krishnadeva Raya was the golden age of which literature?
(A) Telugu
(B) Tamil
(C) Malayalam
(D) Konkani
Question 11. Which city was founded by Krishnadeva Raya?
(A) Chandragiri
(B) Udayagiri
(C) Nagalapura
(D) Warangal
Question 12. The famous Hazara temple of Vijayanagara was built during the reign of_______.
(A) Harihara I
(B) Deva Raya II
(C) Deva Raya I
(D) Krishnadeva Raya
Question 13. Abdur Razzaq visited Vijayanagara during the reign of_________.
(A) Vira Vijaya
(B) Krishnadeva Raya
(C) Deva Raya II
(D) Deva Raya I
Question 14. Which among the following King’s region persian traveller ‘Abdur Razzaq’ came to India?
(A) Krishna Raya II
(B) Dev Raya II
(C) Krishnadev Raya I
(D) Dev Raya I
Question 15. Who was Nicolo Conti?
(A) A Persian traveller
(B) A Portuguese traveller
(C) An Italian traveller who visited Vijayanagara empire
(D) A famous painter
Question 16.Sayana, the famous commentator of the Vedic texts, was patronized by_________.
(A) Vakataka rulers
(B) Vijayanagara rulers
(C) Satavahana rulers
(D) Paramara rulers
Question 17. Sayana, the famous commentator of the Vedic texts, flourished during the reign of________.
(A) The Vijayanagara kings
(B) The Satavahana kings
(C) The Gupta kings
(D) The Chola kings
Question 18. Who was enthroned 500 years ago?
(A) Raja Raya I
(B) Kulottunga I
(C) Krishnadeva Raya
(D) Harihara I
Question 19. The famous battle held in 1565 is
(A) Battle of Talikota
(B) IInd Battle of Panipat
(C) Battle of Khanwa
(D) Ist Battle of Panipat
Question 20. The Battle of Talikota was fought between_______.
(A) Sher Shah and Humayun
(B) Vijayanagara and combined forces of Bijapur, Ahmadnagar and Golconda
(C) Vijayanagara and the Bahmani Kingdom
(D) Akbar and Sultan of Malwa
Question 21. The Battle of Talikota was fought in_______.
(A) 1586 A.D.
(B) 1576 A.D.
(C) 1565 A.D.
(D) 1526 A.D.
Question 22. When Raja Wodeyar founded the Kingdom of Mysore, who was the ruler of the Vijayanagara Empire?
(A) Venkata II
(B) Ranga II
(C) Tirumala
(D) Sadasiva
Question 23. What was the chief characteristic of the financial system of Vijayanagara Empire?
(A) Monetary system
(B) Income from seaports
(C) Land Revenue
(D) Surplus rent
Question 24. Ruins of which of the following represent the old capital of Vijayanagara?
(A) Hampi
(B) Golconda
(C) Bijapur
(D) Ahmednagar
Question 25. Which ruler of Vijayanagara had sent his ambassador to the emperor of China?
(A) Saluva Narasimha
(B) Krishnadeva Raya
(C) Bukka I
(D) Harihara I
Question 26. Where is the famous Vijaya Vitthal Temple, having its 56 carved pillars emitting musical notes located?
(A) Srirangam
(B) Hampi
(C) Bhadrachalam
(D) Belur
Question 27. Consider the following statements.
- Narasimha Saluva ended the Sangama dynasty and seized the throne for himself and started the Saluva dynasty.
- Vira Narasimha deposed the last Saluva ruler and seized the throne for himself.
- Vira Narasimha was succeeded by his younger brother, Krishnadeva Raya.
- Krishnadeva Raya was succeeded by his half-brother, Achyuta Raya.
Which of the statements given above are correct?
(A) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(B) 1 and 4
(C) 2, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2 and 3
Question 28. Who among these was famous for Telugu translation?
- Kamban
- Kuttan
- Nannaya
- Tikkan
Choose the answer from the code.
(A) 4 and 1
(B) 3 and 4
(C) 2 and 3
(D) 1 and 2
Question 29. Regarding the taxation system of Krishnadeva, the ruler of Vijayanagara, consider the following statements.
- The tax rate on land was fixed depending on the quality of the land.
- Private owners of workshops paid an industries tax.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
(A) Neither 1 nor 2
(B) Both 1 and 2
(C) Only 2
(D) Only 1
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