Question 1. Of the following colors, which is bent least in passing through a prism?
(A) Red
(B) Green
(C) Violet
(D) Orange
Question 2. The light-gathering power of a reflecting telescope depends on which of the following?
(A) The ratio of the focal lengths of objective and eyepiece
(B) Focal length of its objective mirror
(C) Focal length of its eyepiece
(D) The area of its objective mirror
Question 3. Geocentric means around _____________.
(A) Sun
(B) Moon
(C) Earth
(D) Jupiter
Question 4. In what year did Galileo first use an optical telescope to study the moon?
(A) 1743
(B) 1212
(C) 1611
(D) 1492
Question 5. The rocks that enter the earth’s atmosphere and blaze a trail all the way to the ground and do not burn up completely are known as _____________.
(A) Asteroids
(B) Meteors
(C) Meteorites
(D) None of these
Question 6. The average density of the earth is approximately _____________.
(A) Ten times the density of water
(B) Five and a half times the density of water
(C) Twice the density of water
(D) Half the density of water
Question 7. The Phythagoreans appear to have been the first to have taught that the Earth is _____________.
(A) Flat with sharp edges
(B) Orbits around the sun
(C) Spherical in shape
(D) At the center of the Universe
Question 8. : The size of the average meteor is about the size of which of the following objects?
(A) A grain of sand
(B) A baseball
(C) A basket ball
(D) A car
Question 9. The gravity on the moon is what fraction of the gravity on the earth?
(A) 1/10
(B) 1/6
(C) 2/3
(D) 1/3
Question 10. With which one of the following astronomical objects are meteor showers associated?
(A) Planets
(B) Comets
(C) Asteroids
(D) None of the above
Question 11. The diameter of the earth is approximately _____________.
(A) 25,000 kilometers
(B) 18,000 kilometers
(C) 13,000 kilometers
(D) 5,000 kilometers
Question 12. A comet’s apparent size does which of the following as the comet gets closer to the Sun?
(A) Decrease
(B) Increase
(C) Remain the same
(D) None of above
Question 13. What celestial body is known for its 11 year cycle?
(A) Sun
(B) Neptune
(C) Venus
(D) Jupiter
Question 14. What is the motion called when a planet seems to be moving westward in the sky?
(A) Reverse parallax
(B) Opcentric
(C) Parallax
(D) Retrograde
Question 15. In kilometers, the earth’s average distance from the sun is roughly which of the following distances?
(A) 350 million
(B) 150 million
(C) 91 million
(D) 250 million
Question 16. Approximately how many times could a beam of light travel around the earth in one second?
(A) 25 times
(B) 15 times
(C) 7.5 times
(D) 3 times
Question 17. Which planet is the Earth’s twin size-wise?
(A) Mars
(B) Neptune
(C) Venus
(D) Jupiter
Question 18. Where is the Great Red Spot?
(A) Mars
(B) Neptune
(C) Venus
(D) Jupiter
Question 19. How many of Jupiter’s moons did Galileo see with his first telescope?
(A) 4
(B) 3
(C) 6
(D) 5
Question 20. Which one of the following planets has no moons?
(A) Jupiter
(B) Venus
(C) Neptune
(D) Mars
Question 21. Who first used Tycho Brahe’s observational data on the planet Mars to determine that Mars actually traversed an elliptical orbit, the sun being located at one of the foci?
(A) Aristarchus
(B) Hipparchus
(C) Galileo
(D) Kepler
Question 22. How many moons does Mars have?
(A) 4
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 3
Question 23. A device which would not work on the Moon is _____________.
(A) Spring balance
(B) Spectrometer
(C) Siphon
(D) Thermometer
Question 24. 95% of the Martian atmosphere is composed of what substance?
(A) Carbon monoxide
(B) Argon
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Carbon dioxide
Question 25. The comet known as Halley’s Comet has an average period of _____________.
(A) 86 years
(B) 76 years
(C) 66 years
(D) 56 years